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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. ...the Scotts are pretty popular here in the States, but more for "bling" than anything else IMHO. I'm sure they are effective, but I don't know that they are really any better than traditional dampers. Further, around these parts.... if you leave your bike parked outside for any length of time with a Scotts damper, you'll probably have it stolen in no time. Happens all the time, as posted to the local forums The locking bolts are apparently a joke. For that reason alone, I'd avoid one. Plus, even with the short-framed spine models of 00-01, most folks feel a damper is overkill most of the time. Good suspension tuning, and tire choice make a big difference. al
  2. ...glad to hear that even the MG OEM "peformance cans" wiggle a bit. It took a bit of fiddling to get my Leo Vinces even, and non-wigglable
  3. heh heh... yeah, but then we'd end up with overheated, but darned good looking, engines
  4. http://speedzilla.zeroforum.com/zerothread?id=42299
  5. ...BTW, you can fix that: - ECU remap - bypass screw fiddling - PCIII There's no reason you HAVE to keep the airbox if you don't want to. But the ECU that comes with the Ti cans is indeed mapped with the stock airbox in combination with the Ti exhaust in mind, just like your stock ECU is mapped with the airbox and stock exhaust in mind. al
  6. ....he's simply providing the photo we need to give to the hit man Wow, that is fugly al
  7. ....stop the presses If you are going to spend this kind of dough on aftermarket parts, shielding, etc... take my advice and just go find a used/salvage 2003+ tank with the in-tank system. You'll have a much cleaner and reliable system, and probably for less than the total of everything you have listed above. Check out my 2003 Tank Retrofit Thread(search 'retrofit') for more info. If one can stand to wait and just put up with the problem for a few months, I bet you can find a used newer tank assembly, get it painted to match, and be done with it. At this point, unless one just doesn't like the newer tanks(no chin pad, etc) I really recommend against wasting the time/money to try to make the external solution "work better" as opposed to getting the whole 2003+ kit that's a drop-in solution. The only issue with the 2003+ tank is that it **MAY NOT FIT** a 00-01 bike such as yours, as the tank is longer by an inch or so at the nose, and those bikes have shorter frames up front. So one would have to consider that. If that's true, then yes, your only option is to try to improve the existing external solution. Before moving everything around though, you might just first try getting the fuel lines as far away from the heat sources as is reasonably possible, and shielding them, as well as shielding the pump. That should only cost about $50 worth of shielding. Get the "starter motor shielding kit" for the pump, as that is a big sheet of the stuff, with strapping included to hold it around the pump housing. Good luck! I feel your pain(see my fuel pump relocation thread) al
  8. ...nah, they are normal. The relays are just taller on the later bikes, about half again as tall. al
  9. FYI, the later(02+) OEM relays are a bit taller than the trouble-prone 00-01 units. The base should be in the same location. I think the aftermarket gray Bosch units are as short at the ealier units, but can't remember for sure. al
  10. As Wonka would say ..... stop, reverse that. 02 Spec, sold as an 03 BTW, the 02 has the wider tire as well. The narrower 4.5" rims were on the 00 and 01 bikes. 02 spec bikes got the reinforced frame, lengthened frame, wider tire, and fuzzy black engine paint. Yeah, Corbin pretty much lost its luster with me after having owned the seat for a while(and it is still not "broken in"), and hearing about everyone else's experiences with them. They actually treated me quite well, and I think they treat the folks that show up personally in Hollister a bit better, but overall... I'm disappointed in what I've heard. al
  11. ....what? It looks exactly like the inside of my bike's tail al
  12. ...all of your questions will be answered HERE grasshopper
  13. .....yeah, I think there's a short thread on "tuning the ECU, etc" out there somewhere http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...4152&hl=tuneboy
  14. ..... am truly sorry to hear about your Corbin experience, but to "pull a Ben".... told ya so, them FAQs are useful after all No honestly, I am sorry you found out the hard way So, I think most of the replies have covered what happened, etc.... and yes, I think Corbin just doesn't seem to care, as the volume is too low. When they made mine in 2002, they had to customize it quite a bit to get it to work, and both myself and a few others have offered to go back to Hollister so they could make a new seat pan. So here's the good news... potentially. If you aren't in a HUGE hurry, my Corbin *may* come available in a month or two. It depends. Once my bike is back from the shop, I'm going to test my Corbin back-to-back with the Rich Maund I have, and then choose which one to keep. I suspect I already know which one I will prefer So, if you don't find a solution in the next couple months, keep an eye out on the forum and I'll give you first crack if I do sell the Corbin... one that should fit a 2002+ bike just fine. al
  15. They do look nice, but I have to wonder what kind of hell it was to fabricate their fitting. Obviously they had to go with a completely different rear brake setup. I'd still prefer some PVM wheels one day, if I chose to change wheels. Although I wish PVM made some less 'angular' looking wheels that would go with the lines of the V11 Sport a bit better. al
  16. Cross post from the "wrecked Rosso Corsa thread": .... hope that helps a bit more as well. al
  17. A little off-topic, but since you've been asking about paint jobs... and you suggest a limited budget above... I just wanted to point out that a good paint job, especially a multi-color one like the Copa that you want to emulate, is probably going to cost upwards of $400 just for the tank alone. Add in a the tail carapace, fender, and any other bits, and you are approaching $1000 for a quality job. You can undoubtedly find a cheaper job out there, but it seems like good motorcycle painting doesn't come cheap, especially when they have to match unknown paint(no codes for many MG applications) and paint on the wierd plastic our tanks are made from, where special prep is required. Just something to be aware of so you can budget accordingly. My tank, which was a one color job, was about $350 I think. Cycle Finish charged another $50 per color over that. http://www.cyclefinish.net/ al
  18. ....everyone listen to Carl, he knows this sad tale He probably has one of the most expensive, and "frankensteined", V11 Sports ever to be resurrected from what appeared to be a survivable wreck ...and finding many of the parts is no trivial exercise either. The V11 front end/frame just isn't well designed to take that kind of hit But for parts, keep this bike in mind
  19. Todd's been on the road a lot lately with his new job, but I'm sure he'll get back to you when he can. With regard to "dry sockets".... it's something of a misnomer. But basically it is when the nerve that is left in the socket, gets exposed, and gets very very irritated about it. It really hurts... take my word for it. Yeah, no "sucking" on anything, and make damned sure you don't get any food particles jammed down in the sockets. al
  20. It is for sale now: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...sspagename=WDVW ....so far, up to $3500 with about 5 days to go if interested. al
  21. .... ahh, nevermind, they still have the "South Bay" get together at Santana Row as well: http://www.ducatiowners.com/mh900e/events/...edule_2005.html
  22. ... are they no longer doing it at Santana Row down here in San Jose, or is this a specific "North/East Bay" version? I'd love to go to another down here since it's just down the street.... IF I HAD A F@#KING MOTORCYCLE There... I feel a little better heh
  23. Sounds interesting. As an aside, I bought some of his ST gloves a while back... and was really disappointed in their quality once received. I wrote to their customer service asking about a refund based on my comments, and that the gloves were brand-new and never worn. ...but I received no satsifaction, and ended up selling them on eBay. YMMV, but that was my brief experience with Lee Parks Designs al
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