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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. Well Brian, we're sorry to see you "leave the fold" but one can't be faulted for your perspective on the issue based upon your experience.... and there's nothing wrong with changing bikes every few years for something different. Hopefully we'll see you back on another Guzzi in the future! Have fun on that old slow R1
  2. I ended up getting "dry sockets" and an infection in mine.... nice. I was on some of the best pain killers short of Morphine that money can buy, and physicians can prescribe... OH MY GOD, was I in pain Follow the Dentist's proscriptions closely, and keep those sockets clean... really al P.S. Ben, did you drop Todd Eagan at www.guzzitech.com an email, or post a question to the Guzzitech forum about the right map for your bike? Unless you've got a really odd combination of modifications, and it doesn't sound like you do, Todd ought to have at least a couple good maps already in his collection by now that should be a perfect fit.
  3. Oh, I'm sure they would. If that were his last resort, then I'd concur... just ship the parts. But I know I like to actually talk with the folks working on stuff like this, so I'd feel a little iffy just dropping it in the mail. Plus, I'm sure that somewhere in his neck-o-the-woods there has got to be an A+ MC painting shop. Now, what is going to be hard is duplicating the Copa paint scheme without an example on-hand for them to examine, scan for a paint match, etc. Photos will be difficult to reproduce accurately in real-life, and the colors used will have to be a guess. al
  4. Also though, on a positive note, if the front fairing isn't too rashed(at all?), the complete bodywork is worth quite a bit as well. According to the description, the bike basically just fell over after running into whatever it did to crush the front end... so who knows, the bodywork may be in good shape. The seller says he has quite a few more photos available upon request. al
  5. bwuuuuuhhhh ... that was a bit of sarcasm, right? Tell me it was I think the bike looks a bit "short" al
  6. Well, after following Carl's fun filled adventure repairing his V11 Sport that looked to be similarly "lightly" damaged, I don't know about trying to repair the following bike without a whole lot of very close inspection. If you do consider this bike as a rebuild project, drop a note to Carl with regard to what to look for. His V11 Sport also seemed to be a simple repair, but as the bike came apart... and went through its first resurrection, it soon became clear that much more was amiss, such as a bent frame and cracked/cracking engine mounts. I would worry about this bike because, like Carls, the thing that stopped the rearward travel of the front wheel is the engine itself most likely, and if so, all that force was transferred directly to the engine, its mounts, and the frame. But, it does seem to be "going for cheap", and is listed without a reserve. If you are near Portland, Oregon, or wouldn't mind having it shipped, it might be a good source of parts for everything from an Ohlins rear shock, to the 2003+ in tank fuel system... not to mention the potential for a mostly pristine engine/transmission with the 2003 improvements If I didn't have waaaay too much going on with the upcoming move this Summer, and my bike mostly "done" as far as major modifications, I'd definitely pick this bike up just for the spare parts... if it stayed under a couple thousand or so. Anyway, it's early in the auction, but it's only up to about $1100 so far for the whole bike. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW I guess the ranks of Rosso Corsas in North America just got reduced by about 5%. .... I wonder if the owner was ever on the forum? al
  7. We have an excellent shop out here, Cycle Finish, but that unfortunately doesn't help you any I'd find a local MC club/forum, and post the same question. I'm sure there is a good shop within driving distance. al
  8. Hair dryer... will peel right off in one piece. I wouldn't worry too much about registration, unless you are coming TO California al
  9. wow... eeeeeeeenteresting. I wonder why they went to all that trouble, no other aftermarket kit does Maybe they are trying to be(get) EPA/DOT/CARB certified?? hrmm, surprising. thx
  10. Interesting idea WRT to the electric supercharger, but I suspect this is not a new idea, and the energy lost through all that conversion is no trivial thing.
  11. ...yeah, but they aren't unfortunately. They rotate freely, so it is some sort of collar that holds them in. I haven't looked closely at how they are constructed, but it would seem to me that one could get them out and replaced, but not sure how.... or where to source them. al
  12. ....unless *really* well engineered, I honestly don't like driving turbo-charged vehicles too much. I like a nice strong pull from the bottom, linear accelleration... not a spool, lag, *WHAM* sort of affair(dayum, that sounds pretty racey ) Anyway, I know some turbo applications do not perform this way, but most that I have driven tend to still exhibit this tendency. The best driving turbos I've encountered are either multi-turbo solutions(different pressure per RPM), or low pressure solutions. But the former is rare and expensive, and the latter generally isn't a "performance" solution. I like superchargers better, which as pointed out earlier in the thread, is what is really fitted to the bike anyway al
  13. Schlitz... no, wait... Pabst Oh ok, howabout Busch heh, I hate beer
  14. ...an aftermarket system has a *catalyitic converter*? Are you sure you aren't confusing at "catalyzer"(emissions reduction) with a "baffle"(sound absorbtion)? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but it just sounds odd, as the stock system doesn't even have a catalyst, much less any aftermarket "performance" system I've seen So I wanted to clarify al
  15. Although I like bit twin dual exhausts.... I too might consider this whole kit if: - it had dual exhausts, one on each side - it was just a tad less bulky looking - performance was up across the board, but I'd sacrifice some top end as compared to conventional systems if midrange with the QD stomped the conventional setup Glad to hear they have apparently fixed their durability issues, and that their customer service is top notch. Maybe if a number of interested customer like yourself wrote email to the "Manuel"(who seems very responsive) detailing what it would take for more MG V11 owners to be interested they may make some of the changes suggested al al
  16. As mentioned in the thread earlier, pretty much any MG motorcycle is pretty rare. I think the last figure I heard was something like 300-ish MG motorcycles were sold nationwide(North America) last year(unconfirmed). And with regard to any V11 Sport model, Le Mans, Ballabio, etc... they are even more scarce simply because MG sells more of the cruisers, as is evident on sites like the Wildguzzi.com discussion list. So I wouldn't worry about exclusivity, or scarcity too much, as any model of V11 Sport is going to be pretty unique. Unless you are just lucky, or go to some MG event, you're not likely to run into another bike like yours for quite some time, if ever. For example, other than the other "champagne" 2002 demo Le Mans at Moto Italiano that they had for a year or two, I've never seen another one on the road(although I know a few are running around these parts).... and that is in California, where I bet MG has sold the most of any V11 Sport models in NA But with the "limited edition" models like the Rosso Corsa, Nero Corsa, Copa, etc... they are indeed "even rarer", but it's all relative. I don't think anyone knows for certain, other than MGNA, how many of any of these models came to North America, but I've heard in the 20-30 unit range at most, maybe less. It just depends on how they've sold. In fact, Moto Italiano here in San Jose has had a Copa on the floor for quite some time now. I personally dislike the "candy wrapper" paint scheme(and later model "forward" bikini fairings), so I can see why But in the end, these bikes are easily "made your own", and even if you get a bone stock Le Mans, Sport, etc... you can easily add any features any of the special models have, and then some. Based on your current stable of vehicles, I wouldn't think it would be much of a problem for you to create a "Whart Corsa" model ....that's pretty much what I did with my 2002 al
  17. .... dang Ben, your not the empathetic type are ya? That's twice now You better have a bunch of wood to knock upon
  18. The pump doesn't have a check-valve of any kind *that I know of*, as fuel will happily pour out either end if disconnected. The pump is ~3Bar and 12V. I forget the volume/sec but that is critical too. Here is a thread about the closest replacement I found: Replacement Fuel Pump Someone told me the other day that the MG sourced pump was over $250, so if still available, the Redline sourced unit is at least $100 less. Some related threads: Relocating Fuel Pump 2003 Tank Retrofit Vapor Lock and Tank Suck FAQ ... hope that helps. al
  19. Unfortunately this was just asked a week or three ago, and no good response was found. I suspect that over time we will see more of this, so hopefully someone will find a source for these elbow shaped connectors. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I agree that this is important. al
  20. .... sorry to hear about your results, but maybe a bit more "tuning" is in order BTW, with regard to your pics, I get the following error:
  21. I think a large portion of the problem lies with MGNA as well ...but who knows. Sorry to hear about your delay. I can sympathize. al
  22. ...my "yellow" bike is still coming along, I guess I called them today, and am still waiting to hear something positive al
  23. As Paul points out, no, this is simply a black Le Mans. The Nero Corsa has Ohlins suspension, and a more subtle gray checkerboard and black paint scheme. al
  24. We've seen this at least once before. I couldn't find the old thread off-hand, but a more diligent search would probably turn it up. I think the other owner was in Europe, and he thought the stem was magnesium that failed. I suspect it was the stock aluminum unit. Anyway, his cracked as well. But this is the only other example I know of. So I don't think it is a common failure. al
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