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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. A good "grip" thread: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...c=1972&hl=grips al
  2. SEE.... I knew some guy named Luigi made this stuff
  3. There is a thread somewhere(search for crossover??) where someone cut one open, and as Jaap point out... there really isn't anything in there to remove. There is some SS mesh welded to the top and bottom surfaces of the crossover, but nothing impeding the flow of gases directly. al
  4. You should sell that as a reliable all-in-ine "kit"
  5. ..hah, I thought true race bikes/cars, used to just run a magneto.. no battery, nuthin' al
  6. .... yeah, me too... my ECU has the connector facing downward on my 2002 al
  7. ...ahh well, they went too rich for me Maybe another time. Didn't really "need" them right now anyway. al
  8. ...good going Glad to hear you finally have something bigger than a "girlie bike" to ride to work and back
  9. Oh yeah, well hey.... I wonder when we can get a tank-bag, panniers, and bar risers for it? ...and I wonder if the alternator has enough juice for heated grips, a vest, and aux lighting(or heck, ANY lighting) heh Lookin' good Jim al
  10. There's an in depth discussion here: PCIII Accelerator Pump Thread ... "search" is your friend I've got the feature enabled, and set for 85/20/20... I think, can't really recall off hand. I can't report any major difference as it's literally been months(3 and a half) since I've even seen my bike in one piece ... so just can't remember. al
  11. hah.... that dealer needs to be slapped It's not due to "abuse"... it's due to a poor design of the location/routing of the 99-2002 EFI circuit and its associated parts, especially the fuel-pump(suspected). All we know is that as of 2003, the pump and filter went into the tank, and viola... no more VL issues Those of us that have suffered from VL have had it happen after long high-speed runs just as often as not. al
  12. Yeah, Todd recommends the radial MC, and perhaps I'll look into that one day if I get them. So, did you find any challenges or drawbacks to the new calipers after installing them?? Specifically to the V11, do they work noticeably better on the street, or is it really not worth the upgrade? al
  13. What's interesing is that the UK-spec lamp I have in mine now, never had one al
  14. ...well then, I guess I am a wimp. I like heated grips
  15. Indeed, if you check out my fuel pump relocation thread, I used it extensively. It is made by a number of different folks, and is aluminized mylar over a fiberglass weave.... generally. Good insurance, but it didn't cure my problem. al
  16. Wow, seems like the opposite time of the year to be asking about heated grips Anyway, check out the following threads: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...c=4460&hl=grips http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...c=3686&hl=grips ..."search" is your friend I had the "Hot Grips" but found them to be too large in diameter, and too hard. I went with the under-grip elements, which seem to be most popular amongst the "Sport-touring.net" crowd. They allow for the use of your favorite grip over them, and are dirt cheap al
  17. In theory it cuts down on glare, and helps with the beam pattern. A lot of owner's have fallen off, replaced them, fallen off again.... toss it al
  18. If you are interested, unfortunately they don't have a rear.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWA:IT al
  19. Yes, these are the new top of the line street calipers(non radial) from Brembo, that they've been fitting to the newest Ducs, etc. It is a forged 4 pad design, versus the Oro series our bikes come with, which are a bolted together 2 pad design. http://www.guzzitech.com/Brembo-4padcal-Todd_E.html Honestly, the brakes that come stock on the Guzzi are exceptional, and there probably is no good reason to change them for normal street use... except for tinkering But I thought it might "round out" my Winter modifications With the new engine case: - High Comp Mike Rich Pistons - Megacycle Cam - Mike Rich "race" valve spring kit(required with the cam) - CRG adj levers, man those things are comfortable! - Brakes? I may get some Diablos while I'm at it as well. al
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...mMakeTrack=true Since you've been playing around with the brakes quite a bit, and seem to be something of an expert in the wheel/brake area... I know the calipers should, and the stock rotors will work with them OK... but will these rotors work with our front wheel/fork spacing, and even if so, will it make any real difference to use these rotors versus the OEM units? It seems like a good price, so I may bite. al
  21. Andy, Can you provide a good photo or two of the install, and model # of the Ohlins used? Mike Stewart and I went through several models of Ohlins, including the Aprilia OEM unit that has the mount integrated to the body, and were unable to get it to clear the "air-dam" under the fairing(that goes around the fork legs) due to the Ohlins twin-tube(wide) design. Thanks al
  22. .... well, I don't know about all the other bits being "crap", and I haven't heard quite that level of "crappiness" suggested, although it is true that many people have enjoyed finding replacements for many of these items just out of personal preference. Although, from my time on Sport-Touring.Net, it is pretty much accepted that the BT020s are indeed kreeeeeeeee-rap But anyway, I too stuck with the Bitubo damper until it failed, and can only add the following: My dealer was totally unsurprised when mine failed, and ordered a new one sight-unseen as they "had seen many of them fail" So take that as you will. Again, I have not meant to impugn the performance of the Bitubo, just question its durability based on my personal experience. And if I thought that whole list of items were "crap", I'd be looking for a different bike methinks Almost all of the parts I've replaced were simply from personal preference, and having fun tinkering.... not because they were necessarily bad. But I think I've pointed that out before I think that seems to be the case for most of us here, replacing/improving parts for the sheer fun of tinkering or improving the bike... not necessarily suggesting that the whole kit, or even a large portion, is "crap". .....honestly al
  23. Hiya, Well, it looks like Steve is selling the "famous" Rich Maund edition 2001 V11 Sport(Steve notes it as a 2000, but I thought it was a 2001 ) Anyway, as everyone knows, Rich makes probably the best seats out there for our bikes, and is a top-notch craftman. He also was a very active member on this forum while he owned this bike, and still drops in every so often since. The bike was extremely well cared for while Rich owned it, and as noted in the description below, has many "Maund Extras" especially including Rich's custom HB rack mount kit... back when we didn't have kits from the manufacturer that fit the V11 I have no personal stake in this bike, but it is a special bike, recently owned by a special person to this forum... so if you are in the area, and in the market, this is a smokin' deal. The rack is probably worth $1k by itself, and you get two seats... You can find some photos of the his old Silver V11 Sport, and it's red custom rack in Rich's Yahoo Photo Directory. http://www.geocities.com/rgmaund/RichsCycl...ryHomePage.html Contact Steve if you are interested, and although I can't speak for Rich, I'm still sure he'd be happy to answer any questions about the bike and its accessories that he is able to answer. al
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