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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. My favorite: http://www.thetankslapper.com/online-store/scstore/main.htm al
  2. Well, I am on South Morrison, a block off of Race/Park
  3. Cool..... BTW, you shouldn't have to lift the tank to get to the wires/coils. Where are you located BTW Tom? I litereally live around the corner from the new Moto Italiano San Jose location al
  4. I would guess .... diseconomies of scale, inherent resultant inefficiencies, and the fact that many items are stocked overseas, after having been shipped over there, only to have to be shipped back overseas to the customer If MG were a higher volume manufacturer, they could probably afford to stock higher quantities of parts regionally. Perhaps with the Piaggio purchase, things may get better in this regard. al
  5. No, you don't splice into the old cable... you throw it away =P The new NGK cable is the whole deal, you just need to cut it to length a the coil end, trim it up, crimp on a new coil clip(or reuse the old one) and put the old boot on... and you are done. al
  6. Don't even bother trying to buy the stock wires, unless you are looking to spend about $90 Go here: http://www.heeters.com/sparkplugs.shtml About 1/3 of the way down, you'll see "NGK racing wires", all for about $19 each... and they are even RED You'll have to terminate the coil end yourself, which is common for most good cables, but that's easy enough to do. You can go down to your local auto parts store for the parts, crimper, or just try to reuse the one on your stock cables and be judicious with a pair of pliers You can just reuse you stock boot on the coil end. I ordered: # 100 cm long cable with solid 90° resistor (#ML-CR6)-----$19.99 .... just so I'd have enough to work with, after all they are the same price as the 50cm long ones by just 5 cents! And they work like a charm And yes, you need resistor wires/caps, which these are. al
  7. If you all want to see more of these and other fabulous photos of California(and general surrounding States)... visit http://www.pashnit.com Tim(Pashnit) has done a phenomenal job documenting California's motorcycle roads these last few years al
  8. ... mine was, as well as the ones on the "pork chops", they just peel right off with a plastic putty knife I went down to the local hardware store and bought some sort of "super" double stick foam tape(thin), trimmed it up, and it seems to hold as well as the original tape-stuff. But yeah, they pull right off.... al
  9. ....the new NSX it appears We've also got some Camaro SS's and Corvettes running around as well. But Carl makes the most salient point regarding radio al
  10. Looks good, I like stripes! al
  11. I've just resigned myself that the alternator cover needs repainting once every year or so. It's a quick an easy job, and one can take the time to put fresh double-sided tape on the eagle. I use the "Hammerite" type paint, and it hides dings well, and seems quite durable. al
  12. ....lordee... Qiuz25 So, are we going to need a "Quiz Forum" pretty soon
  13. .... well, I guess that does "put it all in perspective"
  14. Yeah, I saw my first Buell "in the wild"(not at a dealer) in Brussels, parked outside a cafe al
  15. I'll ask about the cylinders...... In the meantime, for Guzziology, contact http://www.motointernational.com/ ....Dave Richardson, the owner of the shop, literally wrote the book. There are also a few used ones on Amazon, which sells them new when in stock: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846 al
  16. True, but they don't put the bit Evo engine in the Buells, they put the XL engine which is a much more compact design, including an integrated transmission. al
  17. OK, well.... this was an exxxxxxxxxxxxxcellent thread.... with great discussions, and I think everyone finally ironed out any misunderstandings, etc So, since at this point it is just lingering on, and the primary point of the thread which was: "Moto International is a great dealer" (... and they are BTW ) ....seems to have gotten lost in the mix, I'm going to close the thread before it continues to wander further off base, or on the odd chance one of the last burning embers reignites If we want to continue discussing pricing strategies, dealer standard operating procedures, etc.... let's just start a new thread with that as the subject. It will prove less confusing. Cheers al
  18. ...wow, sorry to hear about your accident, and I'm really happy to hear that your daughter was uninjured. I know that must have been terrifying. Glad to hear you are healing up relatively well, and are in good spirits also The bike looks like it came back together very well Glad to have you back al
  19. Buell is finally adopting the VRSC engine, to be announced at Daytona this year: http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/interviews/...daInterview.htm No details yet, but it could be interesting. I actually liked the technology and execution of the new XB series. Although, the VRSC engine is something of a "porker" so it'll be interesting to see how they shoe-horn that into their "mass centralization" and "sport fighter" formula. But in case you can't tell, I'm not a big water cooled engine fan, so I'd still be partial to the XB and previous series, unless Buell really surprises me with their styling, etc... We'll see I guess al
  20. ...gosh, how do you really feel about this? I agree about your final two points though, but the first(revolting) is really a matter of personal taste Hey, at least it's not another "Quiz" thread, which BTW, contained some stinkers themselves al
  21. .... I dunno, for fun?? I would guess that it really isn't meant to be a "sportsbike" per se, just based on the niche. I would say it is more of a "power cruiser", like the Griso or V-Max. But it's not for me, just on price alone... any bike over ~$15k is silly if you ask me.... not to mention it is just a bit too "busy" in the styling department. But to each their own, and personal taste I personally like to admire almost all cool machines, even if I personally am disinterested in owning one. I'm sure someone out there would love to own and ride this bike though, for no other reason that the enjoyment of doing so, just like some enjoy a pricey limited edition MV, "chopper", or anachronistic MG race bike like the MGS ...while others can't figure out why you'd want any of the above I think it's an interesting design though, although again.... waaaaaaay overpriced from my point of view, even considering that it is a true custom/low-volume bike. BWT, the specs you ask about are all listed on the spec sheet in the original post al P.S. In case it wasn't clear, the original post/topic was spiced with a bit of sarcasm
  22. OK, at $65,000USD base price..... maybe not In all seriousness, an interesting bike, but the wheelbase looks a bit longish. http://www.ecossemoto.com/newpageframefinal.htm
  23. Yes, as mentioned some pages back in this thread, aftermarket pistons now available... like Mike Rich's new hi-comp pistons are designed and supposed to supercede the benefits(if there ever were any ) of dual-plugging. This of course is debateable... However, keep in mind that this thread was started well before there were any real choices for aftermarket pistons... back in Nov 2002 Regardless of measurable gain though, personally I just had a good time doing the project I would say though that lots of folks, especially in Europe, swear by dual-plugging, and the new Breva 1100 engine is dual-plugged from the factory. So read into that what you may al
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