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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. ....he has a 2004 with the in-tank pump/filter module, so doesn't have the external petcock(on the left) and fuel-return/pressure-regulator on the right like your 2000. His has fuel quick-disconnects, and just two vent lines to pop off.... no worry about shutting off the fuel supply, although they will leak a few drops when one pops them off. BTW, for the 2000-2002 external fuel-pump and filter bikes, you simply turn off the petcock(if you have a manual one 2001-2002), or just pop off the fuel supply line(if you have the electric petcock 2000-2001)... pop off the fuel return line, and your two vents... and the tank lifts right off. al
  2. With the 2003+ bikes with the internal(in tank) fuel-pump/filter, you do not have to "turn off the fuel" to disconnect the feed and return lines. Simply pull them off. See this thread: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ic=2777&hl=fuel al
  3. So Andy, not to derail the thread for too long... but just a quick detour Since you still have your two FJ's, and being a former FJ owner myself... I'm curious what's it like to ride/compare the LeMans and FJ back-to-back? What are your impressions. I'm just curious al
  4. You have an email al P.S. Photos and a description of the seat would be very helpful, as Rich makes a couple/three "models"
  5. ...I agree on the comment about the temptation to add "farkles" ad nauseum .... and recognize the argument about what things are "necessary" versus "fun" It's certainly a balancing act, and depends on one's priorities and personal preference of what is "fun" about motorcycling.... and that's OK From my opinion, with regard to these levers though.... if I had issues with the more limited adjustability of the OEM levers, say if one had really small hands, etc.... and/or broke an OEM lever, these might be good alternatives even from a practical standpoint. I personally have a short reach, and if these levers can adjust to just a bit closer than the OEM unit, I might be interested in them. So, that being said, can they adjust closer than the stock units? al
  6. The K&Ns I use, that are documented in the FAQ, have "built in" runners .... sorta. And are angled to tuck the filters in close to the frame, which is a good thing as they are fairly large cylinders. I would guess that they almost double the intake area of the stock filter. There might be a bit of turbulence introduced where the edge of throttle body slides into the filter throat, and introduces a small abrupt step up of 3-4mm(decrease in diameter) when going into the TB.... so maybe reinserting the OEM plastic stack inside even my K&N's throat might smooth things up here .... to what degree of benefit, I have no idea though. BTW, another option to reinstalling the extra OEM rubber clamp and "velocity stack" to reduce turbulence, would be to radius the edge of the TB itself where the aftermarket filter is often clamped, to reduce/smooth this abrupt step. Being aluminum, this could be easily done with a dremel, taking the appropriate care not to send metal shavings into the TB of course Again, I don't know if this would offer much benefit, but al
  7. That's a good question(about the airbox mod -> performance) .... the problem is that most folks don't have the time or $$ to get a dyno run before/after, and often combine multiple modifications at a time such that it is also hard to nail down where gains/losses are made. But that being said, we've said before that if someone does have a stock bike, dyno, and had the time and $$ to do before/after testing to document changes as they occurr, and the results.... that would be incredibly valuable. But given the multiple products in each niche out there, it would again prove costly in time and $$, and probably keep one "test bench" bike down for a long time. However, I think Guzzitech has a few dyno runs that seem to show some improvement with intake/exhaust changes, although they may not be unique to just the airbox modification. al
  8. Another good one, this on one "loud pipes": http://forums.officer.com/forums/showthrea...?threadid=27341 ...if someone is "brave enough" .... one may want to chime in and point out that some assumptions made for both "crotch rockets" and "Harleys" may be a bit more than inaccurate on several accounts, from both perspectives I may do so myself, but am waiting for my account there to be "approved", and if I still have the motivation by then ...probably al
  9. Well, maybe this horse should be beaten just a bit further ? ....that's actually a good point, what is the "baffling" on the inner upper and lower surfaces of the crossover for? Sound deadening?? That seems unlikely. It doesn't seeeeem to be a catalytic converter mechanism either, but then again ... But the OEM crossover certainly is a "Straight Through" affair, with no obstructions. al
  10. ...yep, the rebadged Mistrals(as far as we can tell), sold through MG a couple years back, as their "racing" exhausts, hence the "off road use only" badge. al P.S. Thanks for the kind note regarding my(now very dated) piece on the V11 LeMans over at Pashnit.com I plan to update it extensively once I get the bike back from the engine rebuild, etc. Keep in mind that Pashnit.com is not my website, just a friend's... one who wanted me to write something up about the LeMans
  11. I don't think so.... I could be wrong, but I don't think the OEM crossover in Europe is any different than what we have here in the US, which is definitely not a catalytic converter. Other than lighting, it seems that with MG's small volume, all their bikes are pretty much identically globally. The one in the eBay link is a salvage unit here in the US, and it appears to be just the plain old "normal" crossover. I sent the guy an email noting his mistake in stating it was a catalytic converter. Heck, he wasn't even sure what type of bike it went on al
  12. .... sometimes I really wish we had a "beaten horse" emoticon for this board The OEM crossover is just that, a crossover. It does have some steel baffle material attached to the upper and lower inside surfaces, but does not offer any obstruction to flow through the crossover itself. Also, the OEM crossover is not a catalytic converter, nor is there one anywhere else on the V11. Because MG is such a low volume manufacturer, they have been able to skirt under the volume requirements for having a CC on the bikes. This may not remain true going forward on newer models as regulations evolve, but I have no idea. Hope that helps al
  13. Hrmm, well.... I didn't "let" it go bye-bye... "it" let me go bye-bye, when "it" moved in with a close (ex)friend of the family, and took almost $100k in cash via the divorce And no matter how "good" they look, if they make you miserable, well.... good riddance Good times... Good times.... And yes, the whole TC/NK think makes me wonder.... as Nicole is quite charming, but then again we don't know what it was like to really *live* with either one of them
  14. According to the links to Sport-Touring.net provided in the thread referenced above, you will find that the "sport touring community" prefers the Dual Star type solution, and have seen no issues with their wiring harness. a.
  15. ...hey, that looks like my ex-wife, who was from Honduras Well, she didn't quite like to wear THOSE pants al
  16. .... as mentioned by most, the relative scarcity of Guzzis makes it hard to compare different exhausts side-by-side. But all I can say is that I consistently get positive comments on my Ti Leo Vince exhausts from those following me al
  17. Here is a very good thread on the subject: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...603&hl=hotgrips Go about halfway down and there are several links to instructions and reviews on other forums. I originally had the "soft" HotGrips, but found them to still be too hard for me, and the diameter was quite large. I ended up installing the Dual Star elements under my favorite grips afterwards, and they work well. al
  18. I believe that beyond these other issues such as requiring a new speedo cable itself: New Speedo Cable Thread .... the speedo drive gear in the transmission on the later "black face equipped" bikes is a different ratio, so your speedo wouldn't work properly. al
  19. ....so just curious, what happened to the "old version"? Did it get "out of hand"? al
  20. good lord-a-mighty http://poststuff2.entensity.net/020405/med...fastshooter.wmv I bet he ends up with carpal tunnel issues
  21. Heya Thanks, but I'll be home in San Jose this weekend But I'll be back in town the following week(Feb 6th), for one last week of work... then it's back to CA. al
  22. Nope, just the same ole 2V engines as on the cruisers/V11. In fact, they have the old 5 speed trannies from the cruisers, not the 6 speed we have. The new GBs may have the 6 speed now or in the future, I dunno... but this is part of the reason I found the GB to be less attractive than they might otherwise be. They do have some innovations such as the frame design, but especially more recently they just seem to be dressed up V11s than something really special... more of a styling exercise. One with a very small fuel range Now, Zeb's SuperTwin.... that's a totally different story But his is a one-off. al
  23. Hi Richard, and welcome Feel free to introduce yourself "further" in our "Member Introduction" section: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=14 But yes, we have several RM owners on board, and I'm sure they'll be happy to introduce themselves. In particular, you might find the following some interesting initial reading: http://www.guzzitech.com/JTsRosso-John_T.html http://www.guzzitech.com/JTsRosso-PtII-John_T.html Rosso Forum Search Results More Generic Rosso Forum Search Results Have fun al
  24. I guess it depends on one's goals.... and with that in mind, I don't think the Convert was meant to be a "performance" bike Many people really love the Convert, and say it's a great ride and quite reliable But yeah, it isn't going to win too many races with similarly sized bikes. al
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