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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. Carl Allison, here in Modesto, has one and has been working to get it functional on his Sport1100 and/or rebuilt V11. He did have it running, albeit with some issues, but I haven't heard an update from him on it in quite a while al
  2. ... I have HUGE chicken strips, always have, and probably always will... as I'm not a very aggressive rider What's funny is that on other local, more "sport" oriented boards that I visit, the guys there will get all upset and defensive when this topic comes up, and get into "photo posting" wars showing whose 'strips are better/worse, and will even troll parking lots at bike hangouts to "out" folks that are "poseurs" ...oh my lord Anyway, it totally confuses them and derails the thread when someone like me pops in the middle of one of these pointless sizing-up contests... and says, "oh yeah, well I have huge chicken strips and am proud of it" Who cares al
  3. Hrmm, well they ought to at least update the page(or community) with some sort of status.... That's my opinion anyway Sorry to hear that they are on indeterminate hiatus al
  4. .... fair enough However I was simply trying to report how the "tone" of the discussion on the single-plate issue has certainly seemed to tip toward the side of caution over the last few months as we saw a couple more failures, and several more complaints of increasingly odd noises, where before there was a lot more optimism about this being isolated cases For those interested, see this thread: Another Scura Clutch Broken IMHO, all other things being equal between one's desire for two similar V11 bikes, the uncertainty around the single plate clutch would be a significant factor in deciding on a used RM/Scura/Tenni if I had a choice of another model/year .... at least until something is finally known about the clutch concerns for certain. But that's just my opinion of course Again, for those that have a single plate clutch equipped bike and love it, no offense. I don't mean to malign your bike. Believe me, I've had enough '02 specific gremlins to malign my bike several times over, and have quite publically on this forum So it's nothing personal al
  5. The Cooked Goose Team "fell apart"?? I noticed that they hadn't updated the page in a long time, but didn't realize the team has dissolved al
  6. .... sorry to hear about your accident John, but glad to hear you are OK al
  7. ..... I'm no pizza elitist, and as such am a huge fan of Pepperoni
  8. Sure, that would be great! ....if it's not too much trouble Al Roethlisberger 176 South Morrison Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 Thanks so much for the offer al
  9. ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway Yeah, I wouldn't turn your friend off from a RM, as fundamentally it is a good bike, and other than "accessories", all the V11 Sport variants are primarily made of the same "bones" Now, as Tex points out, there however are some differences. Of course, the most obvious are cosmetic, which I'm sure your friend has noticed already with the special "fire orange" paint on the tank, red painted valve covers, and some Carbon Fiber bits. The RM was also a "limited edition" of 300(if I recall), but the factory went ahead and made another couple hundred after the numbered editions were sold out since they were so popular a model, so there are actually more out there without number plates. But other than cosmetics, and the single-plate clutch, there is no performance difference between a RM and other V11 Sport models. Now, the "issues".... as mentioned, there are some potential issues with the RM one should be aware of: 1) The RM was the first MG model with the "fuzzy" textured black engine paint. Although not all owners have had this paint fail, most 01RM through 02 model(and some early 03 V11 Naked) bikes with this paint have had it blister severely. It is quite unsightly, but does not affect performance, so for some, it's inconsequential... for others, it's quite disappointing. So one just has to make a personal choice here based on one's sensitivity to this issue. I would guess that since this is an '01, and used, that it is unlikely that the new owner could take advantage of the warantee case replacement offered by MGNA to address this issue, although one could ask your local dealer what their policy might be on this bike 2) The RM has the now "infamous" single-plate clutch, that ironically for most people seems to have given little trouble, but for a few.... well, it's catestophically failed... although the causes are still unclear. But even after several debates, I think the general consensus in the community is finally that something is amiss with these clutches, and eventual failure is probably more likely than not And of course, as Tex mentions, being an '01, the bike may be subject to the transmission and rod recalls, but if so, it's not a big deal, as this would still be covered by MG if the previous owner did not take care of it already. Bikes under this recall are identified by VIN, and your local dealer can look up the range and let the prospective owner know this status. So, with all that in mind.... if you are interested, here's my opinion.... Like most things in life, it all "depends" and is probably driven by $$ If the bike is reaaaallllly a good deal, your friend has a limited budget, and doesn't mind the issues noted above.... then the RM is a great bike, and all the issues noted can be eventually addressed with time and $$. However, if your friend can afford to spend a bit more, and doesn't have his heart set on a RM.... I would personally suggest looking for a good used, or NOS, '03 model. Now that the '05 models are coming in a few months, '03 bikes should be getting quite reasonable, and Winter is a great time to cut a deal. Heck, he may even find a few used Rosso Corsas out there for a good deal, and get all the Ohlins goodies as a bonus Bottom line, as you seem to already suspect, 03+ bikes seem to have sorted out a lot of issues the ~02 bikes exhibited(one of which I own), so I'm not being prejudiced.... just pointing out that if possible, the best option for a more reliable bike probably is an 00-01 Sport(not RM), or 03+ bike, as MG seems to have sorted out their QA issues after 02. Oh, and although I am not certain about the RM, as of '02+, the frame was lengthened a bit, and as such the earlier bikes have a quicker turn-in that some prefer, while others find to be "squirrely"... just a matter of preference. Also, with regard to performance differences due to compression, etc. between an '01 and '03+ bike ..... I wouldn't worry about that too much. I personally believe that most of the "increased compression", etc... claims by MG are mostly marketing hooey.... because if they CR was indeed raised in '03, it wasn't by much as far as anyone can tell. More than anything else, I think that by '03, the combination of a better tuned EFI system and the front crossover have helped smooth the bike out and give a little more midrange grunt. But both of these can be achieved on the earlier bikes as well with just a little tweaking, and some accessories. So, performance differences should be a non-issue. Good luck! al
  10. Good photo, and thanks ..... but is there any chance you can somehow transfer your design to an engineering drawing with measurements? At the very least, if you could photograph the new cam sitting on top of some grid/graph paper with known spacing of the lines, we could interpolate the approximate contour/size. One question though, it seems that with the increased radial distance from the pivot at idle, the transition would be even sharper/"snatchier" at low RPM throttle settings... although this is exactly the opposite of what you describe But I believe you, just working it out mentally I think this would be a great option for many folks that have complained of this issue as well, and would be great if we could get it drawn up so someone could take it down to their local machine shop and have it made from aluminum/steel. Thanks again al
  11. I am very interested in this modified cam as well. I would appreciate a slightly milder throttle transition as well. ...although I also thought that someone had sourced a milder grip cam from the vendor(Domino??). al
  12. .........I hope not, I mean after all, that's the point of being liquid cooled!
  13. Contact someone like: Moto International in Seattle MPH Cycles in Houston Harpers Moto Guzzi Fast by Ferraci ...one of these dealers should be able to track them down. al
  14. ....what's the cost for the 2V and 4V versions? I bet it's pricey, and I wonder how reliable, esp on the street?? Anyone use one of these conversions for more than a season at the track? Neat
  15. I did the same with my shift return spring, "shimming" and supporting it with a washer to keep the spring in place Glad to see you are getting it sorted out al
  16. Another suggestion/thought was to pry off the cap of the breather, and simply attach/clamp a hose running up into a higher location in the frame. I think someone else also replaced the breather with a simple brass barb fitting(by comparing thread/gauge with the rear bevel breather for sizing) and again ran a hose up high, away from any potential water exposure. Anyway, just an alternative I can't confirm that my triangle shield stops water intrusion, although as far as I know, it hasn't been a problem since. al
  17. So, when I was dropping off the bike for the case swap the other day, they noticed I had Redline Shockproof(Heavy) in the transmission, which I put in when I did the shift-return-spring repair. Anyway, the tech at Moto Italiano said they have had a few complaints of the Shockproof leaving a gummy red residue/deposits all over the inside of the case, especially in areas where it can "settle". He even showed me a transmission going through the recall, that had Shockproof in it, and sure enough.... even after quite a bit of cleaning(according to them), I saw gummy, bubbly red goo in the corner of the cases, and in other nooks and crannies Anyway, I've heard nothing but good things about the stuff before this... any thoughts? al
  18. So here's an interesting question/observation ....no offense meant to those that are super excited about the MGS But honestly, after all this time I've come to realize that I am so happy I personally have absolutely zero interest in this bike, both practically(riding it) and aesthetically(it's styling). So I'm not left pining for it, and the subsequent hole in my retirement it would produce Don't get me wrong, it's a great looking and I'm sure fun-to-ride bike, especially as a HALO vehicle for MG, but it really does nothing for me I guess I am just more attracted to more classic lines, instead of every other Ducati or YamaZuki race-replica.... which to me this bike resembles too much Other than the obvious difference the engine presents, which is of course a pretty major difference , it's basic look is that of just "another race bike" of the likes of esp Ducati. Am I the only one with little personal interest? Again, no offense.... as it's certainly a great looking bike, and I can understand why many ARE excited about its arrival. ...just curious I hope it shows up soon for all those drooling though It'll be exciting to see some make it to the street if possible. al
  19. ...well, interesting to note that a thread on Sport-Touring.Net about the show rapidly got derailed into a Guzzi thread.... that's a "good sign" of the public's interest http://www.sport-touring.net/cgi-bin/msgbo...=ST;f=5;t=24113
  20. Interesting solution.... ....seems like a lot of weight to put on the V11 style pegs and their relatively narrow diameter pins though It doesn't bugger up the finish on the pegs? al
  21. ....but don't get the OZ, as they don't have a cush drive.... get the PVMs Welcome al
  22. ...... that's true, there apparently were a few 03 V11 Sport Nakeds, that were essentially 02 models as far as features(such as having white gauges, and no front crossover)... and these also had the "fuzzy" black paint. al
  23. Yes, only affected V11 Sport Varieties: 2001 Rosso Mandello 2002 V11 Sport Naked 2002 V11 LeMans 2002 Tenni 2002 V11 Scura ...so basically only 2002 models, except the RM, have the "fuzzy" black paint on the drivetrain that is susceptible to bubbling. Based upon my observations, in most cases it seems most severely associated with exposure to heat. Afterwards MG used a "satin"/semi-gloss black paint that seems to be holding up well for owners so far. al
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