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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. Check page 3 in the following thread: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...iamsville&st=30 They seem like a very simple and clean solution for someone that only needs a little height, and not a lot of fiddling and adjustment. Also, in theory, for most people... they don't seem to need any new brake or clutch lines as the rise is mild enough not to warrant it. al
  2. See: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...6&hl=windshield I can't comment on whether you'll need an even taller screen with bar risers though. I haven't heard of anyone making that complaint The screen in the thread above is great though, and very well made.
  3. Yep, the forks are different as of 2003+ The 2003 forks are 43mm, instead of the 40mm of the 2002. The 2003 43mm Marz forks have a larger, hollow front axle.... instead of the solid screw-in bolt of the 2002 and earlier bikes(and 2003 and earlier Ohlins equipped bikes, like Rosso Corsa). The 2002 forks have compression and rebound(separate in each leg), but no preload adjustment. The 2003 forks have compression and preload, but no rebound adjustment. And compression and reload are in both legs on the 2003+ bikes. Unfortunately I can't answer your question about optimal settings for the Marz, earlier or later models It sounds like you have a 2003 model from your signature, but did you see this recent thread on optimal 2002 Marz settings? http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3437 al
  4. ....good going Fernando WRT mounting the pipes with bags... with the hangars(actually Sport1100 hangars) that come with the Ti kit, any normal bag system is going to have trouble because of the upswept cans. However, a person or three has mounted the Ti cans using the stock V11 hangars instead, which are longer, and keep the Ti cans at the same height, thus allowing the use of bags. This is one good reason to keep the stock hangars in one's spares box, if you take trips every so often, and need to use side bags with the Ti kit. al
  5. Fernando, the risers will work on a LeMans, as MPH designed them to do so. I'd love to be able to give you a quick answer on what risers are out there, along with photos and descriptions.... but unfortunately(fortunately?? ) .... there actually are a lot of options now these days. And there have been the requisite number of discussions associated. So it would impossible for me to cover them all here. WRT to the MPH risers. They are very popular, and seem to be well made. Several folks have them installed here. In my opinion, the only caveat is that they move the bars out a bit, making them wider, but this is true of any riser design of this type. Following are many threads on the subject, although not comprehensive. A quick search for "risers": http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...highlite=risers A quick search for "bars" (dangit, can't search on 3 letter items http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...s&highlite=bars Hope that helps a bit al
  6. I think we talked about a recall FAQ a while back, but since there were only 3 recalls so far over the entire 00-current range that I recall, I seem to remember it not going beyond a brief mention However, it would be easy to make a FAQ for just the 3 so far. The only issue is gleaning the correct VIN range for each recall. I also seem to remember some confusion on at least one recall about VIN ranges, and don't think we ever got one on the con-rod bolt recall??? Maybe, I forget. Maybe this will help a bit though. Here's a search result for everything with "recall" in the title: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...highlite=recall al
  7. ...yep, unfortunately, that's the way it's supposed to work I believe the sender is down under the starter. al
  8. That's how Todd explained it to me. My personal feeling is that you need a PC111 with any exhaust system , even stock. So why cant you use this earlier system on later bikes ? .... not knowing every detail of the differences of the part #s , I would hazard a guess to agree on this point al
  9. I can't imagine that they are physically a different system, as they are a slip-on not full system. I bet the only difference is the air/fuel map in the ECU to take into account the front x-over on the 2003+ models. al
  10. Let's not confuse the issue I know of few Guzzi dealers that are refusing to work on bikes bought eslewhere(although I'm sure it does happen, as with any brand) .... but the issue is that shops tend to lose money on warantee work. Of course, this is not just a "Guzzi thing".... as most manufacterers, and especially importers of foreign bikes, tend to pay the bare minimum for warantee and recall work. In many cases, shops "lose money" on this type of work, as measured against what they would have made for regular service work over the same time period. So if one shop in California is selling into a Texas shops' territory because of an unfair pricing advantage, the local Texas shop takes a double-whammy.... first by not getting "the sale", and second when the new owner brings the bike in for warantee work. And if there is too high an incidence of this scenario, where the shop becomes primarily a warantee service center instead of making actual sales and selling service.... well, they'll go under. And then where will the local customers be? Are they going to ship the bikes back to California for work? Sure, the new owner may still buy some accessories, or have other service done to help offset the loss for the local dealer.... and one can always point out that any sale for MG is a good thing.... to which I would generally agree. But bottom line, just as with any franchised business, there are territorial and overlap restrictions based on the local market for a reason. And any unfair pricing that effectively extends one franchise's market beyond their local market, makes the other dealers less successful. And that isn't just about competition. It's an unfair advantage. In the end, the extreme case would be one very successful dealer in Southern California, with nary any other dealers nationwide surviving. One has to recognize that although this is about local dealers, it's also about local owners... and the potential of losing good local support, which especially for bikes like ours, is a valuable resource. I don't think that loss would be a strategically desireable outcome, nor healthy for the brand. Of course, I don't think that extreme would come to pass nationwide, however the impact to the local dealers is real. As I mentioned in another thread, and in this one... I don't think anyone blames the customer for taking the best deal, and to some degree also doesn't blame OC for getting the best deal they could on the bikes from MGNA. I really hope it doesn't come across that way. In other words, I know that I can speak for myself and say I don't mean to "bash" the new owner, nor OC. But a lot of folks are upset with MGNA for what appears to have been some inequity, that in the end is costing other dealers sales, and service costs on bikes they didn't even sell. Again, I think most dealers are upstanding, and am not suggesting OC isn't either. I also think most MG dealers will do what they can to support a bike that wasn't bought locally, up to the point where it's financially possible. So I wouldn't worry about that too much. But in some cases, like Moto Guzzi Classics, the impact was apparently just too great... along with a string of other MGNA gotchas... that finally broke the camel's back. And that's too bad. My information on the subject is admittedly second-hand, and I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong with regard to any special consideration MGNA gave this dealer, as opposed to all dealers. But I've heard this story in various forms from 4 large and reputable dealers in 3 different states, and have seen the pricing as compared to what they could sell their bikes for. So.... al
  11. Any long-term update on the peg/control ergos after the installation? al
  12. ....yeah, or one could conversely just bend the cylinder down a bit I guess, but that would be a whole lot more work But yeah, the fairing as a whole does come off quite easily if one doesn't feel comfortable bending the fairing a bit.... al
  13. I haven't really heard of any "easy" way that doesn't include removing the sidepanels or airbox unfortunately Maybe there is though?? This is one of the primary reasons I bought the Ohlins with remotely adjustable preload. al
  14. Here's the WG thread BTW: http://www.wildguzzi.com/forum/viewtopic.p...der=asc&start=0 ...and the thread that "started it all": http://www.wildguzzi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7235 ....although it has nothing in it WRT windage trays al
  15. ....and they look particularly good with the Champagne bodywork methinks
  16. Absolutely! I can always cut/paste it from WG, or if you don't mind, you can do it.... and add "V11 LeMans" appropriate additions as you feel necessary Either way, I'm sure we'd all find your description very interesting BTW Pete, noting your question on WG about applicability, Mike Stewart runs one of the deep V sumps on his 00 V11 Sport with no clearance issues. al
  17. ...excellent that your relationship with the local dealer is so good Just a few comments though: Well, I'm sure this varies from dealer to dealer for sure depending on how well they follow up, but the complaints aren't typically that MGNA won't warantee parts.... it's that: 1 - A lot of things were breaking, especially on the 00-02 bikes(and '03 cruisers), due to poor QA from the factory. And just like any manufacturer, MGNA only pays the bare minimum to perform warantee work. If the dealer has to do a large % of warantee work as opposed to regular service work(which they can make a profit on), their resources are strained.... perhaps to the point of breaking, or giving up the brand. The latter is what has been happening in several cases. 2 - Although it's gotten better in the last year, parts were often backordered for months, which made customers/dealers very unhappy as their bikes sat waiting ....this certainly does represent a positive endorsement of your dealer's parts/service department .... but then again doesn't reflect anything upon the larger issue with MGNA as these aren't MG parts. The core of many folks' observations on this topic were "special deals" MGNA is suggested to have given to certain dealers, negatively impacting others.... which in context to this portion, was that an inordinate amount of expensive warantee work was being absorbed by dealers that never got to "make the sale" due to that inequity. I can't endorse who's statement is accurate or not regarding MGNA's shipping requirements, as I don't know the answer personally... But I do recall that the original post on this topic seemed to have read that MGNA requires a certain shipper FROM MGNA TO THE DEALER, not from the dealer to a customer as your post above describes. So perhaps the folks at your dealer misunderstood the question when answering Certainly a dealer can ship a bike to a customer via any carrier either prefers That's good to know However, to be fair, I'd like to hear from several "remote" purchasers of OC bikes to verify that indeed their bikes showed up properly inspected and serviced. They may indeed have been, but that's the really meaningful endorsement of course... by the end user, versus the salesman. And, just to be clear, I'm not saying that OC doesn't do so BTW Again, my central issue with the entire affair, and I'll say it again... is "keeping the $$ in the local ecomony". I think that's important, if possible. In your specific case, since you use OC for all your service work as well, then this issue is moot of course I think that if the "special deal" issue is true, few have a beef specifically with OC per se(although I guess many would have preferred OC not participated)... but instead with MGNA itself. So don't feel that everyone hates this dealer, as I don't think that's the case. Cheers al
  18. I don't know if this is the "norm" or not.... just my experience al
  19. ...actually, it sounds like you've diagnosed your potential problems quite well Sorry to hear about the problems though. I too would recommend replacing the electric petcock straight away, and see if that resolves the issue. If you look around, you may be able to find a local shop that repairs starters and other electric motors that can check your starter and hopefully repair it. I can't recall if our current crop of starters is by Valeo(I'm sure someone here can confirm the make), but if so, let the shop know and they can probably tell you whether they can work on it. After all of that is fixed, if you keep having trouble... yes, check into the vapor lock, but hopefully that is not really your problem. BTW, as an aside, the John guy I met last night who is the Director of Marketing at Ducati North America, but was formerly with MGNA... confirmed that MG was(is) aware of the vapor lock "issue"... but I guess just never officially addressed it WRT to any recall, etc... , as it was sporadic, and was addressed finally with the new tanks and their internal plumbing. al
  20. .... you got it Just remove the fairing bolt above the head, and gently lift the fairing up, and you can get a socket drive hex in there with no problemo al
  21. ..."lugging" the engine is running the engine at too low an RPM whilst trying to actually move, which is REAL OBVIOUS when you are doing it ...there will be no power, lots of vibration, and it may even knock. I don't know if there is an "official lugging RPM threshold" for the MG engine .... but depending on which gear you are in, generally anything below about 2-3k, and actually trying to move... is lugging the engine It is not a "good thing".... al
  22. Thanks John Well, the turn-out was excellent.... at least for the Ducati contingent It's hard to tell with people coming and going, but I'd bet there were 50-60 bikes for the first couple hours.... and although predominantly newish Ducs, a few other marques where there as well. We had three Guzzis "representing" Myself, Mike Stewart, and Mark from Hollister. Our bikes(02LM, 00Sport, 0xCali?) actually got a lot of attention from the wandering crowd, and even got some humorous comments like... "hey, lookee that, a bike that's not RED " And actually a fella that is currently the Director of Marketing for Ducati North America, John -something- (it's early, my brain is still fuzzy ) ...came right over and started up a conversation. He was very enthused that some MGs came out for event, and was happy to see something a little different in the crowd. Plus, as an aside and interestingly.... apparently he was at MGNA when the V11 Sport first rolled out and was involved in the US Marketing for the bike's introduction, and coincidentally did the same at Yamaha years before for the FJ1100.... another past bike of mine. So even though a Ducati event, he stayed around and chatted beside our bikes for quite a long while Anyway, I suspect I'll continue to go off-and-on, and if we can get more people to drop by on their Guzzis semi-regularly, it could prove to be even more interesting.... as the crowd really seemed to find our bikes intriguing. Hope to see more Guzzis next time! Cheers al
  23. ..neat ...neat ....neat So, I'm confused BTW. I thought you were in Saudi, and your bike was back in the States?? Where exactly are YOU and where is the BIKE stationed? al
  24. Funny As an aside, get yourself an LED and it'll last "forever"
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