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  • My bike(s)
    2004 V11 Sport, '72 Honda CB 500/4, '77 Ducati 860 GT (sold: thank god), '72 Yamaha YR5, '79 Vespa P200

zagato's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. ^What czakky said.^
  2. Oh, Oregon. Pulled the pan and discovered a 'healthy' amount of café latte syrup surrounding the oil mesh screen/in the sump. It wasn't stored outside for too long but apparently it was long enough for the outside ambient moisture to build up in the engine/sump. [and somewhat explains why it occurred in heavy rain/cold temps [although I rode in the snow a week before and the light didn't come on- time to re-up on "dew point", etc] Cleaned it and no more oil warning light. -A new one to me. Still will check the possibly wet/shorted connector. Now to weld up that darn manhole cover wrench. Thank you all again! Safe travels...
  3. ^Thanks all for the advice^- I figured I'd have to pull the pan and clean the screen, etc. I'll do all of the above (at least till I source a pressure gauge). At least this didn't happen last month when I replaced my broken transmission shift spring for the second time (!). Thank you again, Guzzisti.
  4. I was riding in heavy rain this weekend and my low oil light came on- I just changed my oil and filter a month ago and have only ridden in town since then. Checked the oil level and it reads fine (full). Went out the next day and it went off. Tried again today and it came back on. ??? I've never cleaned the screen so maybe that's it? Clogged filter? Experiences/Suggestions? 2004 V11 Sport with 25K miles.
  5. Probably not what you have in mind but... you can install a flashing LED (gone are the days of discreet circuits!) with a hidden switch; the switch will cost more than the LED. Depending on the LED you may have to install a resistor in series but there are several online calculator apps to determine the resistor's ohm rating. Should blink for months before significantly draining the battery.
  6. Unscheduled parallel pavement parking forces panhandling. Looking for a stock left footpeg for '04 V11 Sport Naked Also... LF Valve cover, gray Pillion seat cover, gray Stock LF front & rear turn signal stalks (JB Weld is my friend for present) MTA Spark plug caps, red (2) Thanks for your consideration.
  7. zagato

    Warm Fuzzies?

    Greetings, I recently bought a '04 V11 Naked with a Power Commander and M4 exhausts and while the bike is certainly fun to ride (80 mph sweepers are great) I find it rather un-nerving to throw hard into tight corners due to its weight (570+ lbs) and its rather high seating position. I went on a ride last week with friends (speedo quit at 3.3K miles) and they left me in every corner (on their modern sport Japanese bikes)- I just never felt confident really laying it over. Is it just me? I even went wide in one forest road right hander and slowing all that weight down was an exercise in faith. I'm no speed freak and thought I was riding within my abilities but I get the feeling that with the V11's nod to touring (as in 'sport/tourer') I should forget any notions of keeping up with Kawasakis that are 130+ lbs lighter than me or do you find that with work you are able to really get a lot out of this machine in the twisties? I'm not complaining but I felt at times more confident on my '72 Honda 500/4. I'm a dedicated fan of all things mechanically Italian so I won't be discouraged very easily. Impressions of the steed? Regards, -zagato
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