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Everything posted by zen_kick

  1. Always wear Red Wing 6-inch work boots. These have soft ankle collar, grippy oil-resistant soles with good tread and 'speed hooks' at the top for lacing so you don't need a side zippoer. These are common enough you can find surplus versions on ebay for much less than the $168 suggested retail. Plus with a gel insert the Red Wings are almost as comfy as sneakers and can be worn at the office or social destination without looking like 'spaceman boots'. They come in black or brown, go with jeans, chinos or shorts and I've found them to be as durable as Chippewas (have chippewa work boots for snowy days). http://www.redwingshoes.com/productdetails.aspx?prodid=1106 I give my riding boots a twice-yearly dousing in Huberd's shoe grease and these are good to go in all kinds of weather. http://www.huberds.com/Home.html To be fair, I've never wrecked in these so I can't vouch for the safety factor compared to armored footwear.
  2. mine was fun for about a day, Should have posted it on ebay for 20k. Could have bought a couple of new guzzis with the proceeds...
  3. Paul - I don't think the custom was designed to be a sport tourer. That's why it's crucial to always own more than one bike! Personally I'm partial to the confederate wraith over the fighter but I don't have the 55k for that one either....
  4. Not sure if the designer is fully Italian or an american "of italian descent". Here's what I believe is a snap of the designer.
  5. Forgot the description. Heck, I'd buy it if I had an extra 20k lying about. Anyone know what the word on the tank is? ------ This bike started out as a one owner, low mileage V11. Then Artist, Custom Fabricator and Builder Extraordinaire Giovanni Niccoli got a hold of it. Take a very close look because you will certainly being seeing more of his works in the very near future. I can't even attempt to describe the bike, but the pictures take care of that for me. It's fantastic. It's outrageous. It's everything Giovanni envisioned it to be and more. Part sport bike, part chopper/bobber it's the first of what he calls "European Bad Ass" bikes. Look at the attention to detail. Giovanni spent more than 1000 hours in hand crafting this bike and everything from the tank, to the fenders, to the grill to the seat is hand fabricated- NOT your 'built in my garage from a parts catalog' for kicks kind of bike. It sounds like it just rolled off the F1 circuit and now it's coming for the women and children of a town near you!! You have to hear this thing. This bike has been featured on national Television and won the Utah 'Best In Class' Motorama show in the Spring of 08. It has been featured in IronHorse Magazine (in fact, if you hurry, you can catch the August feature issue). At the Motorama show none other than George Barris himself, legendary custom builder (he built the car for The Monkees back in the 60's), saw this bike and gave it two thumbs up saying Giovanni has a bright future. Giovanni is the Creator behind Moto Couture, a new breed of custom car and bike builder. His company specializes in coach built, bespoke stuff which means you simply get the baddest stuff on the planet and it's built to your specs, from scratch. Unique, Top Quality and Ubber Exclusive. So you can buy this bike or have him build something just for you, top to bottom. Giovanni Niccoli graduates in Spring 09 from Utah Valley University with a 4yr, Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Tech, Street Rod and Customs Technology. There are only 2 schools in the country that specialize in this craft, one in AZ and one in Utah. Giovanni was voted student of the year for 07-08 and you can see why. His stuff will soon become the next six figure builds so now is your chance to get one of his pieces, in fact the first Sport Chopper, before they become something only the rich and famous can afford. This Bike is at Giovanni's shop in Salt Lake City, UT. If You'd Like To Speak To Someone at Moto Couture regarding this bike or another project you have in mind, please call 480-217-1243. Truly unique, custom, one off, bespoke, coach built- Moto Couture.
  6. I knew it was only a matter of time before we'd see the bobber/chopper craze hit a V11. As weird as it feels to say, not a bad job - I think it retains some of the intrinsic "Italian-ness" instead of forcing the chopper style over the orginal design like you see with old Triumph choppers. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Custom-Buil...emZ200260577861
  7. Right header on my 2004 Ballabio was emitting jaunty little puffs of exhaust yesterday morning. Stock system all around. Closer inspection shows about a 2" crack wrapping around the outside. Am just approaching 11k miles. Good thing warranty covers else I'd have to sell a child to buy some upgrades...
  8. Can you post before and after pix? Or after pix if those are all you have?
  9. At the risk of sounding like a total noob: What's so great about Marvic wheels? Is magnesium a ton lighter than aluminum? Anyone running these who can report some improvment over stock? If it's aesthetics only, I think I am partial to the 3 spoke stock wheels on my 04 ballabio over the 5 spokes in the picture...
  10. Nick Cave is great. His older stuff (pre-murder ballads & let love in) I find inconsistent - some sublime, some merely irritating. Ever notice that his "Red Right Hand" is a blatant rip off of a Tom Waits tune - I think from Frank's Wild Years? The title of the Tom Waits song escapes me and my CDs are all in storage...
  11. Added touring grips = world of difference. + Cheap nylon throttle lock = not much more I want/need to do with the bike.
  12. I'll snap a pic this weekend when I have the camera handy and post next week when I am back from holiday. Thought I had the package to send the URL but can't find it.
  13. Couldn't use throttlemeister myself as I have bar-ends. Greg from MI set me up with a cheapo - ~$20 nylon throttle lock that I love. It's designed for a yamaha fits next to the grip and operates with a flip-lever. Works like a champ, easy to use and install and the only complaint I have is the positioning - the lever is a bit high for easy thumb flipping but then I don't accidentally engage or dis-engage. A winter project will involve crafting a do-hicky to rotate it down a bit. Don't have batteries for the camera but can post a pic this weekend.
  14. Had similar experience with a 2004 Ballabio. At about 1500mi started running rough, wouldn't pull any more etc. Thought it was heat/vaccum related as it initially seemed to improve after letting the bike sit overnight or in shade to cool. Solution didn't last long, resetting chip didn't have an effect either. Turns out fuel pump was bad. Replaced and all is well again.
  15. At the risk of sounding like an indie rock wanker: "Bleach" is the best thing Nirvana ever released. A good friend from Jersey once told me: "Rock bands can be broken down into two groups - those who have heard the Velvet Underground and those who haven't - guess which group is better?"
  16. If you do, let me know. I would be interested - especially if you can send them painted.
  17. Saves the porkchop if you lay your bike down. ;-}
  18. Now I know about "Dashboard Marys" and about carrying St. Christopher's medals (got one on my truck visor) but I have never heard about highway madonnas. Do you know the origin of the label? Given the lack of eyes and clothes on the icon shouldn't it be: "...don't drive a semi that is not under their watchfull a$$?" ;-{} WCB - Have you a picture? Saw a V11 in action on the site but no product listing or photos. I sent mail but thought perhaps you'd have faster info?
  19. I got the MG bag, tried putting the laptop in and didn't quite fit. It's been sitting on my dresser now for awhile as I don't quite have the "Love It" response that would keep me from finding somthing else but I haven't yet found something better to replace it yet. Thus the MG bag sits in limbo while I decide what to do. I picked up a set of the cortech sport saddlebags and am thinking the cortech super 18 litre might be a better fit for me. I like he shape - it seems small enough to not fight with the controls when turning but should hold my computer ok. Anyone have one of those fitted on their V11? Recommendations? Problems? http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/item....&Division=6
  20. The mudflap on my ballabio feels big enough to need a "Mudflap Chick"** and I'd just as soon get rid of the extra plastic. Does anyone have pictures of the Rossopuro rear mudflap replacment installed? On the site, the bracket looks like it's sized for bigger Euro plates rather than US. I have seen a couple of custom fab solutions on the site and various bikes but I am hoping for a bolt-on solution to get rid of the oversized plastic protrubrance while retaining the taillight, turnsignals and plate position. Suggestions? **Not sure if the "Mudflap Chick" is an international icon or not. For the non-new worlders on the forum, these used to show up on US semi trucks and have recently gradually migrated to SUV and other sport trucks as well as a number of clothing options (http://yque.com/mudgirtshirb.html) by hipsters working the irony factor.
  21. Just tipped over 3300m and this week's fillup shows a 5mpg jump from the 32mpg range to a whopping 37! I usually watch the trip meter and was pleased to make it to 130 before the fuel light lit. 2004 Ballabio with stock exhaust and no PCIII so I expect this will continue to improve over the next 1000 miles or so. I have a daily 60mi commute and better gas mileage is going to throw off my refuel schedule. ;-) Being used to dual carbs and petcocks I have to say I kind of like the "reserve" effect of the V11 tank. When the fuel warning lights up, I play a game out of trying to dim it by looking for turns to lay the bike over and slosh gas out of the other side of the tank.
  22. Missed your source for these sets - can you repost? I have a set of MotoBits for the driver controls but want to upgrade the passenger pegs too for better traction and consistent look. These look like they might be the ticket. OK. Nevermind. If I actually read the article instead of merely ogling the pictures I would have answered my own question. I'll check in with MPH...
  23. Happy to help Alex. Aside from the usual chemical suspects you could: - Buy a house ('nuff said) - Take up a sport (scuba, kiteboarding & golf all require expensive equipment and you can keep upgrading every year) - Buy a boat. (really 'nuff said) - Keep a BMW on the road (parts ouch$$$). OR Have some kids.
  24. This is a funny observation. I have always been used to my skinny-tire bikes and scooters doing a shuffle dance crossing bridgegrates or grooved pavement. With the michelin pilots on my v11, it behaves exactly how I *expect* a motorcycle to behave on uneven pavement. That a tire might minimize the shimmy didn't even occur to me as a possiblity. Glad you like the Metzler Greg.
  25. A mere 2500 mi gap between the two leaders so far with two bikes right around halfway to a century. Don't let the long-record holders dissuade you - even if you can't match those numbers - how many miles are on your V11?
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