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Everything posted by gthyni

  1. I used the old dremel to cut slot for a standard screwdriver (bit). Nema problema.
  2. 1 minute with a hot air gun, and a good quality (= non soft metal) insex bit does the trick. I used a cheap bit at first and had to cut slots with the dremel to get a couple of destroyed bolts loose.
  3. I get tempted too. with the cheap dollar right now it is not too expensive. Can I reach mr Rich by email?
  4. OK, thanks Pete for putting me straight, better safe than sorry so I'll be very careful. I really appreciate your advise. Should I get harder valve springs too? the engine is quiet new, around 7500 kms. Why not? If get valve-to-valve clearance problems it would be the only way to go, wouldn't it? I been told the with a proper head work pocketing the valves should not restrict the flow, but that was a general statement. Is there something related to Guzzi heads that makes a bad move?
  5. Yeah, I know, I was planning to have a local tuning expert do some mild porting of the heads and let him sink the valve seats a bit at the same time. How much I not really sure, any pointers? Might just as well take the other Q now that Antonio had me spill the beans. I the workshop manual they use a MG index plate with some accessories. Do I need these things or can I get it right some cheapskate way anyway.
  6. Nope, I have a new one, a Norris RR3
  7. I start by removeing the battery alltogether since it is just in the way when removing the tank.
  8. Thank you guys for the pointers and advise. With a pushrod engine many thing are more accessible that with overhead camshafts but the camshaft itself is an exception. On the other hand with the V-engine I would have 2 (or even 4) camshafts to worry about. I had another question but I'll start a new thread with a proper subject for that one.
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  10. The dolly idea is something similar to what I was thinking, I looked at this: and wondered if it was worth the money or if I (normally built man) could hurl the engine around without it. The reason is that I will replace the camshaft and according to the workshop manual (haven't check Guzziology yet) the engine should be removed from the frame as step no 1. I would be more then happy if that is not true. check here: http://kirra.net/v11/css/v11_153.htm BUT now I see that the manual wants us the drop the engine to remove the heads!!! PLS tell me that I can get to the camshaft without dropping the engine.
  11. Since several people here regualry drop their engine from the frame and since I'm preparing for my first drop this is the place and time to ask. How heavy is the engine (without transmission)?
  12. What? Isn't the point of a dyno run to get a cool power sheet to post on the net?
  13. yeah yeah we know: http://ht.neverwhere.nl/Posting.swf but I still think 99.9% is underestimated since he is 11th in the world championship of the ultimate moto racing class. Funny tidbit: Gibernau, Checa and Xaus are not just spaniards they are all from Catalonia too.
  14. We are still talking Ruben Xaus I presume? Like this: Ducati's first podium this year at Qutar: Admit it Steve, this is the only side of Xaus you'd even see:
  15. This is how happy Sete was: This is how Ruben Xaus lost concentration and another pudium last weekend:
  16. Before focusing on the season finale next weekend it is time to enjoy: Rookie of the year visible in the background
  17. Trouble is that languages does not always map that well that a word-for-word translation get the message through. I discussed it with Simone and Vilket spektakel is a very good match in swedish, but english is a bit harder since the meaning of the word spektakel (and spettacolo I guess) is a depending on context and to translate it to english you have to do some interpretation of what Vale really means by it. That on the other is not that easy since I think it choosen but be hard to intepret (it's a joke).
  18. Hmm, Antonio, me and my itailian friend Simone agreed on: Vilket spektakel which in english should be something like What a spectacular show spettacolo is a noun, isn't it?
  19. I think it says "che spettacolo" which should mean something like "what a show" or something like it. spettacola is probably the same as "spektakel" in swedish but I can't find a good english translation right now (to tired this late sunday evening). I don't know italian just a some french and a bit of spanish,
  20. Il dottore Valentino did it again:
  21. No, G&B/QuadD box, my 2into1 is a homebrewed mod of a stock crossover and a SuperTrapp 4" megaphone. It has been cold nights but sunny days and no snow yet, but I have been to Kiruna a few days and up there they have a thin layer of snow and blow zero 24/7 so winter is on the way.
  22. Søren, Bröderna Hörberg in Löddeköping (on the other end of the bridge) is G&B resellers. Nice guys too I heard, http://www.br-horberg.com/
  23. You americanos sleep at the wrong time, Valentino won in Malaysia (Sepang) on sunday (morning 8:00 in europe) while Sete was just 7th, so 30 points. Philip Island (aus) next weekend and Valencia in 3 weeks left this season.
  24. Go, Vale! 30 points ahead of the closed runner-up (Sete Gibernau) with just 2 rounds to go. Rossi is going for gold again, with a smile on his face.
  25. It is a 2" intake an 4" disk unit. The megaphone I used came of a Buell kit, but I think the part numbers for just similar megaphones is 425-20000 with a matt finish and 426-20010 chromed but check with your supertrapp dealer since their might be different lenghts available
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