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Everything posted by gthyni

  1. .. and Ninja
  2. I have a Carbtune II works OK and has a resonable price tag. Made in Belfast
  3. This is not correct at least not on old Marzocchi forks. Left leg screw is for Compression right leg screw is for Rebound preload is adjusted by taking the fork apart and inserting/removing spacers
  4. Just like in the old torniolaakson ode (in finnish) Jos sepän selli mie olisin niin raudasta heilani takaisin rough translation: If a was a blacksmith apprentice I would make my dearest out of iron
  5. Uh, a children's show and a bingo host. You have done it now, I would send the swedish girls below over to kick your arse if I didn't suspect you would enjoy it
  6. Seems to be fine down there too: you can check the weather in Lund/Malmö-area here Edit: the picture seems to be a dynamic, should be fun since my comment will eventually be totally off
  7. Thanks for the suggestion, G, but I'm a Mac driver so I'll not be having any of that Windows stuff Mac Divx driver I'm unstoppable today. Linux-drive myself greeting from -ny Luleå
  8. Maybe they could be cheer up by this irish clip totally OT but I saw it yesterday and almost off my chair. I can't get the video, just the audio, but I can hear that it is Father Ted – so it must be You need a DivX-driver windows-version here
  9. Maybe they could be cheer up by this irish clip totally OT but I saw it yesterday and almost off my chair.
  10. See who? The Doctor and the Emperor had a great fight indeed. Must have been a great day for all racing fans (especially italians)
  11. 125 and 250 GP, those guys scratch fairings going side-by-side through the last bend.
  12. World Superbike... eurosport doesn't show that until Monday night, too busy with curling and snooker
  13. Yeah! 3 good races.. great sunday, so far. I thought Max was going to take it, the last pass by Rossi was horrifying... could have easily resulted in a win for Sete Gibernau if Biaggi hadn't backed off and out. Anyway Vale is the greatest Jerez May 2nd will be exciting. Yamaha and Rossi might have some trouble repeating the triumph there with the higher speed on that track.
  14. Just be careful Al, petrol and hot engines are not too play with: more pix: at Colin Edwards site
  15. It has been proved that the stock airbox restricts airflow. Pods or removed lid helps, but I don't think anyone has done a before/after dyno comparation with just different air filters. .. and it looks AND sounds cool too...
  16. My 2c on porting: Yes, radical porting moves the power upwards and enables you to rev more to get even more power. There are other ideas about porting which some people swear by, which might give more useable power. You're milage may vary-
  17. I picked mine up in southern Sweden and rode it home first thing about 1200 kms, no problems. Just avoid high rpms (see the handbook), more important: avoid using high gears at low rpms (shift down earlier than you normally would such a strong engine). My old legs suffered more than the engine from the ride as it was the first longer ride of the season and a new higher seating position than on th BSA.
  18. Hey goran what about your bike , is it ready to ride ? no, luckily it still cold up here below zero at night and just a couple of degrees C at daytime. But I'm starting to feel the pressure..... I need to get hold of a pair of Brembo calipers during this week or I have to remove the Paioli fork. For the time being the Marz probably gets back on again. Everything except the calipers is ready for a fairly quick switch some rainy weekend during the riding season. My modified exhaust, new LED backlight and some kind of fender eliminator + Pirelli Dragon Corsas is going to be mounted during this week.
  19. Hmm.. and every serious jap sportbike owner replace the whole thing with an Akrapovic/Yoshimura/Hindle full system which removes the Exup (or similar) exhaust throttle. Gives about 10 bhp on top and loose a little in the low/midranges. I don't need more midrange power in my V11 but +10bhp on top would be welcome. Opening up the intake and exhaust is the way to go for more peak power even if it does not please the authoritize.
  20. gthyni

    What to wear

    I don't know how it comes to be, people with leather suits tend to slide tarmac more... I would like to try that in anything textil looked bad enough as it was. now we had naked hairy ass in "Technical ...", which answer a question in "24/7"
  21. gthyni

    K&N Pods

    I have run my V11 with RC-1200s to the rev limiter (9k rpm) on 4th gear and it pulled strong all the way so the surface area issues can't be too bad The point of getting pods is that the standard airbox restricts air flow quiet badly so any pods will help. The lenght of the intake should be matched to the rpm range you want to boost and all other characteristics of the the intake (camshafts,valve size, porting). This is science and there are no easy answers. 2 other reasons to get pods: - the sound - the look (and at least I like the tapered better)
  22. gthyni

    K&N Pods

    Filters are K&N RC-1200 intake outer / filter inner diameter is 52 mm
  23. gthyni

    What to wear

    Cotton underwear, but during summer it get a little warn with longlegged underwear. Anyway I wash my leather garment in water and soap, let them drip dry and oil them up with mink oil when dry. I have even put a heavy duty leather jacket in the washing machine with good result.
  24. gthyni

    What to wear

    You don't want syntetic material closest to the body is you crash since some melts and burns into your skin if you slide on tarmac. Keep the leather asis for protection and add a layer of windbreaking and waterproof jacket and pant OVER that.
  25. A few comments: HID/Xenon is not suitable for the high beam unless you have a bi-xenon solution, the Xenon light need several seconds to stabilize so it is much better to change the reflector of the "running" bulb than to light a second one. In Sweden and in many other european countries xenon-lights must be combined with automatic level adjustment which rules it out for moto use. Cheaper and just as good, get a 55/100 W bulb instead of the 55/60 W standard H4 bulb. Just remember not to run the high beam when cooling is not good (standing still).
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