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Everything posted by alfaguzzi

  1. 1100 km in 20h, nonstop (just a ferry) from north Italy to south Sweden.
  2. I think you are talking about the old Z6? Metzeler have a new one called Z6 Interactiv ... http://www.metzelermoto.com/web/products/default.page , dont compere the 5 year old Z6 with the brand new Roadsmarts, its not fare to Metzeler. The new tire have the same tread as the old Z6 so Metzeler most belive in the blank tread design. I have now driven 8500 km on the Roadsmart, nice tyre, but the rear are worn down to the marks, time to change it, not so longlasting as they say!
  3. here is the official photos of me riding the 1200 Sport on brand new Metzeler Roadtec Z6 INTERACTIV ... http://adobe.kodakgallery.eu.com/I.jsp?c=2...0&y=-ahruox
  4. Turbolence? I did not notice any, I just concentrade on holding the rearwheel of the guy in front of me:o I think that small flyscren is doing better when I´t looks to do. The handling was very stabel, the other guys, not riding Guzzi, complaint about rough roads and shaky rides, but the 1200 S just soak up every bumps. The corners and curves on the TT-course are open and just a few are thight, only one hairpin, so the 1200 S handling was perfekt. On the straights the Sport was on rails, just what you want in high speeds. The torgue, or overall engine performans was just on the edge, I mean there could be some more power, I was most of the time on the 4 och 5 gear and rev 5 - 8 (revlimiter), gear 6 only on a few straigts. More pics on me riding the Sport will come, soon I hope from the team on place on IOM.
  5. Hej- I have gone this way, California SS -02 too V11 LeMans -02 and now for a year 1200 Norge -07. The best one is the last one, in every aspect, and I did last weekend a realy racy test on a 1200 Sport wich is just funnier then my own Norge, probably because of better tyres and the lower weight. I sad realy rasy testing, because I rode it at the Metzelers event on Isle of Man, 3 laps around the famous TT-corse. No speed limits in the mountainroads and guided by the IOM legend Helmuth Dänhe and a bunch of journalist from bikemags in euorpe, I can tell the speed on my 1200 S was max out at 135 miles/h about 220 km/h along the downhill strait. In this type of riding the pos of handelbars are absolut right but now then I´m back home on restricted roads again the higher handelbars on my Norge are more comfy but not as sporty and fun. I´m not an ex bike racer as most of the journalist were but I did, if a can tell my self, a good job on the 1200 S and hold the pace right close to them on the groupride but I had to maxout the 1200 S engine. You can see one of my own pics here and I will post the official pics the phototeam tooked at me while riding then I get them.
  6. I bought a new Norge 1200
  7. Wait for the new Le Mans with the 8 v, 125 hp motor.
  8. Yes I mean your avatar. I don´t think I´m sissy but I will anyway have heated grips, seat and footpegs on my new touringbike, Norge GLTxr, when I buy one.
  9. Why do you wear armwarmers?
  10. Very sporty. Can somebody pleas buy my California so I’m ready with cash to buy when this is out from the factory.
  11. Fore sale in Sweden. Mistral, KN-filter open airbox and PCIII.
  12. No Le Mans any more, jast a MG Special Sport some windsurfboards and a Mitsu.
  13. alfaguzzi= Alfa Romeo + Moto Guzzi
  14. I do cycling. It´s almost the same feeling, my legs is like a V-twin and the knees are the cylinderheads, but its quiet. And windsurfing. To day it´s to cold for any of them so I´m going to the bike show and take a look at some new Moto Guzzi insted. Griso and Norge I hope.
  15. I like it alot and Take a touringtrip in the mountains and fjords in Norge, and you will change your mind about the name, americans. Norge is a cool country most of the time so a refridgeratormarcue is perfect.
  16. Why not some fure ...
  17. Passo dello Stelvio -2758, 2003
  18. Good for MG, the new Alfa Romeo 159 looks very nice http://www.alfaromeo.com
  19. Is this good news ? http://www.powercommander.com/accelpump.shtml
  20. Hej Bill Hagan Tanks for your question I drove from Halmstad in Sweden the 25/6 and came back 12/7. Sunshine all the way, only thunderstorms in 3 nights. This was my tour in short: 26/6 Tegernsee, Germany, beautiful 27-30/6 Canazei, Dolomite, Italy, Great, super mountain roads 1-2/7 Torbole, Gardasee, Italy, ok 2/7 Mandello and a walk in THE Moto Guzzi factory, religious 3-8/7 Domasu, Comolake, Super nice place, high roads riding in the mornings and bath afternoons 8-11/7 Stelvio, Italy, Fransenhöe hotel, cant get any better, American girl owner, make a stay. Super great high mountain roads for the Le Mans and hiking for my shoes. 12/7 1100 km back to Sweden, with a slippery clutch 15/7 Change the Le Mans to a California Special Sport for a more relaxed ridingposistion on next year tour in the Norwegian fjord and fjäll (coast and mountain) I will stay in the forum, maybe I buy a Le Mans again. Tommy, Halmstad/Sweden
  21. Hej Göran Hope you get a nice ride whit your new bike back to the bright north. Maybe I can raise my hand on Friday, if I meet you in the south of Sweden. alfaguzzi
  22. Hej I am 39 years and drive my red and grey Le Mans in Halmstad, Sweden. My login name is not because I think I am the leader of this gang. I just like Italian things so I also drive an Italian car, Alfa Romeo. To my friends I say that I always put a hand up to hello when I meet an other Guzzi driver but in 2 years I haven’t done that yet. Not so many Guzzis in Sweden! I also drive an Italian bicycle and an Italian windsurfingboard. This summer I am planning to drive the 1.400 km to Mandello del Lario and bring My bike to its hometown, hopes she likes that. Tommy Nilsson / alfaguzzi
  23. Very nice looking Much better then ugly plastic The leather match the: 1. Seat 2. Tank pad thing 3. Riders clothing and boots 4. Wallet
  24. What are they talking about on www.guzzisti.it/guzzisti_home.htm ? Is this something for our bikes?
  25. Yes, leather bags looks nice on our bikes. What do you Le Mans riders like this set-up? Hepco Becker 2x28 liters
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