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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Tennis anyone? You thought that Italian motorcycles were neat - how about this hosrtess for an afternoon TV Italian talk show?
  2. Yeah Martin! I tossed my peach flavored oatmeal all over my keyboard.
  3. Wrong lesson! You only need enough cleavage to warm your nose on a very cold day.
  4. Staintunes are great but pricey and hard to find used (I had a used system on a 1100 Sport). I have Mistral oval CFs on my Rosso. They look good and are not real loud. I lucked out and found very reasonable used ones.
  5. Although I voted for Rainex, I have never found anything satisfactory in my 50+ years of riding. Saliva, glycerine, potato, plastic wax, anti-fog, etc. all seem to help some but .... Leaving the full face shield cracked open a bit seems as good as anything except in downpours. The solution then is a warm, waterproof shelter and a glass of red wine.
  6. A different perspective........... Jaap will give a half empty bottle of Christoffel beer to the person who can name the motorcycle (won't you Jaap?)
  7. Thank you Richard! I was getting soooooo tired of looking at Peter Rabbit humping Penny Henny.
  8. For the record raptors are birds of prey and include hawks, buteos, eagles, owls, ospreys, falcons, and kites (and maybe some that I missed). I had the fortunate opportunity to repair many of these magnificant birds during my veterinary career. Now bring on some celeb hooters (they are not raptors!)
  9. . . . Amen to that!
  10. Good photos of a neat bike! The Wheels of Time museum in Maggie Valley, NC has several board trackers in a really nice display area. That was some time period - guys picking splinters out of themselves for weeks (the lucky ones!).
  11. Rich is the one to contact. On the BMW forum, Sargent and Mayer seem to be the most popular with Corbin not as highly regarded. I've had three Corbins (on a HD, BMW, and Triumph) and loved them. I tried Rich for the Rosso and his work is top notch - a very comfortable seat. As has been said, everyone has a different butt (just look at J Lo) and what is great for one person might be almost unbearable for another. I don't think that you'll go wrong with Maund however.
  12. The dealer that I bought my Rosso from said that the bike had to come in for cable replacement - I couldn't just mail in the broken one. I went to an auto parts store, bought an inner cable for $3.00, straightened out the transmission end bend and it's been fine ever since. That saved me the better part of a day riding to the city (160 mile round trip), not to mention tolls and gas.
  13. A fine custom job! Welcome aboard.
  14. Hey Jon - I have the same setup - a two car garage with five bikes and MY car (the wife's wagon sits in the driveway). Awhile back when I was moving stuff around, I forgot that the Rosso was half in and half out of the garage so I hit the door closer! The gods were feeling pretty good that day because the door stopped right in the middle of the seat and no damage was done. Had it hit he gas tank I would probably not still be around to write this.
  15. Best of luck with your new ride Dan.
  16. All I did was spray it with a little Lysol and it seems fine so far.
  17. Scary! I think that I also have TX Redneck's carbon fiber hugger on the Corsa.
  18. You'll never get past my attack Labrador (unless, of course, she gets a cookie) BTW - That Duck looks like it would be a blast to ride.
  19. Welcome back Joe. Remember this swap?
  20. A Staintune exhaust system will give the Beemer a little "soul". Best of luck with your new bike - I have an R1150RT and love it for touring.
  21. Ralph Werner

    What the...

    Mine comes up yellow, pink, and orange. Think I should have spent more for a really good quality brandy?
  22. Here's one link: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8364&hl= I remember some peolple (including me) using an auto parts inner cable when MGNA was out of the updated replacements. Mine is still working after 12,000 miles.
  23. Hey John - you might want to check your spedo cable where it enters the tranny. Many have broken so you should lube it real well and straighten the bend out a little. There is a thread on this. Ralph
  24. They might be the finest hooters that I've seen since Sophia was a youngster. BTW I heard that Sophia was going to pose nude for a calendar that no one can seem to obtain. I'll give $2,000,000* to the person who can post THAT picture. *Actually the money will come from a Nigerian noble that I met on ebay
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