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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Here we go with lip reading again! Is she saying "munch 'em"?
  2. I heard a rumor that TX was banned from the Wildguzzi board. Could she be part of the reason?
  3. My first thought was: "What a great place to thaw out a cold nose". My second thought was: "I might suffocate". My third thought was: "What the %&*$# - everyone's gotta die sometime".
  4. Losing a member of the V11 family is very sad and depressing. Losing a best friend has to be devastating. Our deepest sympathy goes out to you John.
  5. I happen to be a lip reading expert and she is saying: " I really need you right now Ralphie"
  6. Without question.
  7. Congratulations on the new ride. My (somewhat stupid) motto is: do the routine maintenance and if something breaks - fix it.
  8. The actual bike in the photo burnt to the ground recently when it's owner passed out too close to the campfire. When told that they now make motorcycle frames out of fireproof steel he was totally dumfounded.
  9. Paul Sr. from OCC was quoted as saying "I wooden ride that chopper if you axed me!"
  10. Man, do we ever think alike!
  11. Hey Fish - you can call Agostini or e-mail them in English - they do a lot of business in the US.
  12. The factory bag works great so I would recommend spending even more time searching for one. Did you try e-mailing Fast by Ferracci and Union Cycle?
  13. Hooter overload! (wasn't there a joke involving bicycle seats?)
  14. Darryl, it was mucho work but also mucho fun. Dumas makes the kit (about $250) and you build it just like the original - double planking, individual mahogany strips, etc. I took a year to build it but that was not steady labor. I had a 48 star flag made for it and also gold leaf decals for the transom name (the same name as my old Chris Craft). It's the centerpiece in my livingroom.
  15. Once I was the proud owner of a 1936 Chris Craft runabout. It spent its entire time with me trying to live on the bottom of my boat slip. I finally sold it and spent a year making a radio controlled model. Man, were they ever two good decisions!
  16. Hey Mike - what in the world happened to those areolae that required so many black Band-Aids?
  17. WOW! I've seen bearded ladies, guys with beards harassing hooters, guys with hooters, women with basketball implants, and a cock (bird) on this thread. I was going to bring us back to sanity and post a photo of Rene Russo topless on the beach in the Thomas Crown Affair but this site wouldn't download it. Maybe it was because I was trying to steal a copyright so go check it out on your own.
  18. Ralph Werner

    Corbin Saddle?

    I'm on my third Corbin. First was on a Harley Softtail, the second was on a new Triumph Trophy, and the latest is on my BMW R1150RT - yes I do own a Guzzi with a Rich Maund (top quality) and I do like hooters. Corbins have been great for me and in my opinion look super. They are firm but very comfortable - my longest mileage riding days have been on Corbins with no complaints. They do soak up the rain so get a cover. The complaints that I have heard are: Heavy. That's true but so what? Poor fit. Mine have all fit nicely Wrong posterior. True. It seems that some people have a Corbin a$$ and some don't. Too firm: Soft doesn't cut it in the long run. Let us know how you like it.
  19. For what it's worth I had a Sport 1100 and now have a V11. While the Sport is, in my opinion, a better looking bike the V11 is way more comfortable. There are some really good deals out there on V11s which get them into the price range of a Sport. Best of luck on whatever you decide to buy and happy riding!
  20. You should give his Beemer a new paint job!
  21. Today I drove 300 miles to see my newborn grandson (number six). My five motorcycles are promised to my other five grandchildren so now I'll have to shop for a sixth. Wonder if the litter critter would enjoy a Vincent.
  22. Hey Staedtler - do you know where I can get a copy of Al Bundy's favorite magazine "Big 'Uns"? Thus far I've struck out.
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