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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. It's a toilet for people over 300 pounds.
  2. They were 3/16 Whitworth bolts - not "stay screws". Or maybe not.
  3. Talk about a deteriorating thread!
  4. Whoa! I caught one of those last summer and tried to make a banana flambe". Couldn't get past the smell.
  5. About a month ago a man and woman in my area were killed while they were sleeping when an SUV went "out of control" and through their bedroom wall. So much for that theory of safety.
  6. Full face helmets are for sissies! ...and don't ask why I ride with pantyhose and a pink bandana.
  7. I guess it just proves that almost anything is better than riding in a car with four women (unless they're topless!)
  8. The V11 is a great, great solo bike-maybe the most fun I've had on two wheels. As for passengers, they should be 4' 10"" tall, have a well padded posterior, and be slightly inebriated. After a grueling 300 mile trip with my wife on the back of the Rosso Corsa (she had the addition of a gel pad and sheepskin cover) I solved the passenger comfort problem by getting a BMW R1150RT (and kept the Corsa, of course!). Mom can't believe the difference. Then again, we're in our 60's so comfort on a motorcycle has taken on a different meaning. There have been some other threads on this site regarding two-up on a V11. The general tone of the responses seemed to be that they are not good two-up touring bikes.
  9. No Contest. No List. The BSA Gold Star was by far the best all around bike ever! Scrambles (moto cross), TT races, road racing, flat track, touring, cruising - it had it all (for its time period). Any of you older riders know what BSA stands for if you had a Goldie with the 1 1/2" GP carb - bastard stalled again.
  10. Anyone see the bumper sticker that says "My Lab is smarter than your honor student"?
  11. You haven't lived until you get a Lab! (The choice of 9 out of 10 veterinarians).
  12. Number 1/2: Will getting my teeth bonded make me look more sophisticated?
  13. Jack Kerouac is alive and well!
  14. Here's to a short and uneventful recovery. Maybe you could watch old OCC reruns during recovery - that oughta get you riding sooner!
  15. Staedtler, that was one of the best Christmas cards ever! Your new atavar ain't bad either. Have a great holiday season Ralph
  16. TX - buy two cans of Rustoleum. Spray one on the truck and the other on your wife while she's sleeping. Both problems solved!
  17. Man do I ever love those types! Many years ago I bought Harley stock rather than a Harley. Now I wave extra hard to "hog" riders since they have made me more than a few pennies.
  18. Best of luck with your new ride Joe. I still have my Rosso with your cool gold wheels but I also opted for an R1150RT Beemer. Comfort, great for two up touring, fairly reliable, and a large dealer network. I guess some of us can love Guzzis only so much.
  19. Sorry for the rant orangeoakie - thanks for the larger photos that you posted. It's probably my software that won't enlarge the thumbnails.
  20. One of the things that I really freakin' hate about postings on the internet is a message that says "this is not permitted" or "you must be a member" ad nauseum! If you are going to post something at least put it up where we can all view it!!!
  21. Needing a good two up touring bike, I considered the Road King. My wife and I rented one for a day on vacation -nice ride! One of my riding buddies has an RK and it's not easy staying up with him on the Blue Ridge or Deal's Gap-the rider does make a difference. I actually tried to by a few used ones but the owners owed too much on the loan and thus wanted too much. If you look at sold items on ebay you'll see what I mean. I ended up with an R1150RT and it's a fine tourer. I would prefer the Norge but: 1. It's new and will certainly have some bugs 2. There is no close dealer and overall, when touring, the network is skimpy 3. I already have one Guzzi to worry about regarding the above. The best thing is that my wife is letting me keep both bikes!
  22. Here on the East Coast next to the ocean I can ride all winter, especially now that I have an electric vest and gloves. I can't believe that I rode for 50 years without Widder gear - what a difference! Of course I'm not especially fond of freezing rain and slush so I do pick my winter days carefully. I have yet to strap my skis on the Guzzi and go to Vermont in January.
  23. Any of my long time riding friends are more than welcome to ride the Corso. All others need not apply!
  24. Do you have any police friends with a pot sniffing dog?
  25. Looks like the passenger would really be cramped.
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