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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Thanks for checking that web site Soren. I'll try wiping it on with a rag. I'm going to pass on drinking the stuff three times a day - my breath is already bad enough!
  2. When getting off the interstate enroute to the Blue Ridge Parkway, I was having great trouble shifting. My first thought was the dreaded shifter spring and how I was going to get the bike to a dealer (plus miss riding the Blue Ridge). As I was looking the shift linkage over, to my delight I saw that the nut on the front linkage pivot was missing and the bolt was barely hanging in there. A trip to the local auto parts store produced the right size metric bolt and locknut (on a Sunday afternoon no less). It's a real bear to replace because there is no room to work but 30 minutes later the problem was solved. It's worth checking those bolts and nuts now rather than on the road.
  3. When I was in Norway on a motorcycle tour I picked up a bottle of Herdin's Imprenex made specifically for treating Gore Tex. It is apparently used on the Rukka gear linings to help with waterproofing. There are no instructions on the bottle and their web site has no english option. Can any of you be of help about how to use this stuff (or even if it should be used)?
  4. Al, I have the 47 liter standard bags and I really like them. Today was unusual - up to 3" of rain and big winds for hours on end. The waterproof covers didn't seem to be able to keep out the moisture. Stuff at the bottom of the bags was wringing wet. Next time I will pack everything inside of a plastic bag. Right now I'm warm and cozy and ready for my own bed after six (well, five) days of riding bliss.
  5. Here's a photo of me before I "slayed the dragon". Well, I didn't really slay the thing but I actully got through all of those corners without scraping anything or falling off. My companions were a Road King and a BMW R1200RT. The only down side of the entire trip was about 200 miles in a Nor'easter today. Temp 48-50, winds 15-45, and downpour rain all day. There is nothing that is wateroroof in seven hours of that stuff (including my Black Sheep boots, RKA rain covers for the saddlebags, and GoreTex liners)! I'm having a brandy and hot tub! Yahoo!
  6. That is TX! You just didn't recognize him with his clothes on.
  7. Full face helmets, protective clothing, and skillful riding techniques save lives! Loud pipes piss people off. When is the last time that you heard loud pipes and saw the owner wearing a fiberglass beanie, fingerless gloves, and a T shirt? Maybe the reason that loud pipes save lives is that they are so annoying that their owners can only ride about 500 miles a year. That sure cuts down on the odds!
  8. Here's a photo of the RKA bags. They are 47 liter and have waterproof covers. There is sheepskin where the bag contacts the tail section.
  9. John, I have RKA soft bags (red) that I used on my 1100 Sport and now on my Rosso. The straps fit ovet the passenger seat so you can't use the cowl. Let me know if you would like some photos. Ralph
  10. Pineys (New Jersey pine barrens)
  11. I've had my Williamsville risers for about one year and they really do the trick for me (along with a higher windscreen, Evoluzione footpeg relocaters, and a Rich Maund seat). I'm 5'11" and weigh 175. They install in about 5-10 minutes.
  12. I feel terribly sorry for someone who gets hit by an inattentive driver, has cancer, or is otherwise injured through no fault of their own. On the other hand, I have no sympathy whatsoever for a total idiot who burdens our health care system by doing stupid stunts. BTW, my post was laughing at his stupidity, not his injuries.
  13. The pressing question for me is: "Why, in the name of Zeus, would the guy bother wearing a helmet?" I mean what's inside there to protect?
  14. Sorry to hear that Carl - E. coli can be a real mean S.O.B. Make a fast recovery.
  15. Ralph Werner

    Guzzi Future?

    Will the V11 become the modern day Vincent?
  16. Hey Rich - best of luck with your new project! BTW, I did about 350 miles on the Rosso last Thursday and my ass thanks you. Ralph
  17. You aren't talking about Ohlins are you? They seem really tough to do without special tools. I'm planning to take the Rosso to the dealer at about 12,000 miles or so and have him do the first change, as per a service manager's recommendation. I hope I'm not screwing up anything.
  18. Ralph Werner


    OK here's my favorite put-down (and if the shoe fits wear it). "If you don't know what you're talking about then you won't know when you're finished" (Tommy Smothers).
  19. Well I finally found a good spot for the EZ Pass transponder on the LeMans - on the inside of the fairing in the center just behind where the windscreen attaches. I covered it with black tape and it is virtually hidden from view. I have ridden through bridge toll gates, high speed lanes, and NJ GSP toll booths with no malfunctions thus far.
  20. What a bitch! Lets all keep a sharp lookout on ebay for anything Daytona related.
  21. Hunter's book Hells Angels was a good read - it captured the essence of outlaw gangs. I actually read it twice. One of the most interesting writers of our time!
  22. "Old Betsy"
  23. Yahoo! We now own collector bikes.
  24. My bride of 44 years was most comfortable on the back of a Gold Wing. Second choice was my Electra Glide. Dead last was the Rosso!
  25. Lorena Bobbitt
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