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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Today I was going to check the rear hub splines for grease. I removed the nut, pulled the axle almost all the way out but couldn't seem to get the wheel free and out. Since removal wasn't a must, I figured I would check here and find out what dumb little thing I'm not doing right rather than ruin something.
  2. Thanks for the input Frank. Like Al, I'll stay with the stock bars for awhile this spring but if I decide to go with risers, MPH it is.
  3. Has anyone installed or observed an installation of the MPH v11 handlebar riser kit? The web site photos look good but $400 for risers, a brake line, and a clutch line seems kind of steep to me (www.mphcycles.com).
  4. The Tipo, the Indian, or me?
  5. If you lack the $200,000 or so for a Maserati sports car, this Tipo 50/T2/SS (super sport???) might be the answer. You can all share in the prize:
  6. OK. "Rospo" became the name of this model (that's Italian for toad).
  7. The story is that the owner of the agency that first sold this bike said "what an ugly toad" when she first saw it and the name stuck. I hope she wasn't referring to her husband. Man, these winters are long and cold!
  8. Actually that's a toad. Think automobile.
  9. Motomonster- that is the exact bike! Who made it? Captain Nemo - those sweet tires are 3/200 X 22.7s so that should give you the answer. (Who in this entire world could make a fender to fit a tire like that?)
  10. Belfastguzzi, the photo is yours if you can identify the brand (not "name" the bike! ) I'll even autograph it. Jaap, you named more brands in your reply than I did on the Dutch bike but no cigar. Here's a hint:
  11. That's pretty close. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention that the cash is in a Nigerian bank and you will need to put up $1,000 as a good faith gesture so that we can retrieve it.
  12. Name this bike and win a photo of me on my Indian in a Santa suit (or, if you prefer, $10,000).
  13. Anyone have a secret tip for getting the 10mm Allen covers off of the inside head bolts? I think that the factiory welded mine on or else they are left handed.
  14. Thanks for that info - what a big help.
  15. Has anyone changed oil in their Ohlins? I don't have a shop manual yet and wondered if special tools and techniques are involved (like the 1100 Sport).
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