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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Once again I refer to Ralph's Veterinary Dictionary. Baby bulls have two things between the hind legs and baby cows have four baby hooters. Besides, baby bull calves also drink milk. As far as a source for toast I must refer you to the top expert on this subject - Martha Stewart. She says "anytime a piece of bread come out of the toaster and only scores 1 or 2 on the brown scale it must be returned to the toaster for more browning even though it is technically toast". I certainly hope that clears up everything. BTW - burying politicians who are theoretically survivers needs no reference in my opinion.
  2. Dang! I just knew you would say that. In Ralph's Veterinary Dictionary it says that a calf is actually a baby cow. So there! ....and, you can put toast in the toaster if it wasn't done well enough. ....and if the survivers were all politicians I'd still bury 'em! So now, if I could have remembered my age, I would have scored 100.
  3. Well I'm only half demented according to your test - and according to almost all of my friends and family! BTW cows do drink milk until they're weaned.
  4. Boy did that ever capture my feelings when I'm out on my Road King sidecar outfit with my wife (DON'T call her the monkey!!). Actually, the only thing I want to stick it to is the pavement - when that goes so do I.
  5. That was neat Jim - thanks.
  6. Let's see...... Al Gore is giving his spiel on global warming and is shot at with a Glock 9mm that jams. If you count Gore as a politician and global warming as politics I think that covers everything in the title of this thread.
  7. Nothing wrong with seeing them 3-4 times! Man, do I love hooters!!
  8. Safety glasses required!
  9. That should read: "I can stand to look at her barely clothed".
  10. Time for some Xtrra large.
  11. Rene Russo - one of my favorites! Just the right size! Thanks twhitaker.
  12. Passing gas on a toilet? Doing a headstand and ripping one? Farting on the club officers? Sticking your head near your butt and cutting the cheese? This one really has me puzzled.
  13. OK you guys and gals - want some controversy? New Jersey (that's in the US of A) is spending its valuable legislative time not solving the state's financial crisis and highest taxes in the US of A but is spending it on legalizing gay marriage! In the meantime it looks like Tiger is banging anything that poses as a COCKtail waitress. Yahoo!!
  14. Methinks that somewhere out in cyberspace there is an entire forum devoted to this kind of stuff.
  15. Why oh why don't wives and significants have a sense of humor????
  16. How about a short stroll down mammary lane?
  17. I'm so freakin' good they pay me!!
  18. Funny that you should post that photo - I work part time as a body painter. Here I am applying my magic touch to the front. And to the rear
  19. Now if you passed a Gold Wing towing a trailer and no straight sections of road - that would be something!!
  20. This thread is so old and long that we're doing repeats. Not that that's bad mind you!! Who hasn't watched a porn flick twice?
  21. And now for the good news - today is my turn in the barrel!!
  22. Ya just gotta love them Guzzi jugs stickin' out there!!! Oops! Sorry! I forgot to post a photo.
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