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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Please stay bored gavo!! :bier:
  2. For once I finally paid attention to the flight attendant's safety instructions!! :)
  3. Are you insinuating that the U.S. taxpayer should pay the price for his/her purchasing errors? That's downright heresy!!
  4. I never seem to tire of looking at them!!
  5. I'm with you here but trying to control man's greed is quite a daunting (if not impossible) task. :(
  6. A few years back I was a guest on a large boat at a gathering in Newport. There were several yachts in the 100' category present and almost every one was owned by a car dealer. Sure made me wonder how many cars they had to sell at "$200 over cost" to afford such luxury. Maybe they are the ones who should bail out the auto industry rather than the taxpayers. Get 100 of them to each kick in $1,000,000 and let us alone!
  7. Was I ever disappointed - I thought the thread was about erections. :doh:
  8. The only thing that I personally would like to see on this forum that is not "Guzzi related" is HOOTERS!!! :lol:
  9. The "sniff test" should sort that out. :o
  10. Looks like the Village People are only one vote behind the Norge and Cali people.
  11. Ever since I sold my Rosso Corsa last year the only Guzzi that I owned was a cotton racing jersey - but what a sweet one!! This weekend I put a deposit on a used red Norge so I'll keep lurking here even though it's not a V11. Can't give up the "Hooters" thread!
  12. As we were walking through Hedonism II in Jamaica years ago, my friend commented that most of the people really ought to be wearing clothing. Looking around at the spare tires and cottage cheese thighs, I had to agree!
  13. ....said the window washer.
  14. This is no bull! A pair of hooters was spotted with a camel toe somewhere in Texas!
  15. Does anybody make wigs for that thing??
  16. Disturbing?? It's downright terrifying!!!
  17. Looks like the poor little critter is afraid he's gonna suffocate or drown!!!
  18. OK - we would all like to see Mrs. O'Conners breast on the hooters thread!! Then we can decide what kind of a weapon it really is.
  19. Here's my favorite.
  20. Tha antique bike auction in Deland is pretty neat. Cole slaw wrestling at Slobotnik's cabbage patch is something that you won't see anywhere else in the world. Try not to miss the Rat's Hole bike show on the boardwalk - there is usually some really neat machinery there. Renting a bike might be tough. Harley has them but I would suspect a high demand that week. There is a large BMW dealer in Daytona also but I don't think that they rent. It will be hard not to have a good time and you won't believe how many motorcycles are running around everywhere and at any hour. Have a great time!
  21. Ever feel left out at a party??
  22. I got pretty annoyed the other day when my beautiful view of the beach was blocked by some inconsiderate nature freak!!
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