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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. Anyone for watching football?
  2. I like 'em tan all over.
  3. Hey Dave - is that real cleavage or just a push-up bra?
  4. This woman gives new meaning to the phrase "who cut the cheese?" Watch for her in the "hooters" thread.
  5. Hey Sean, I think that you just spamed me with hooters! Keep it up.
  6. Perhaps these could be inserted between the cheeks to prevent monkey butt.
  7. I thought that some of you might get a kick out of Salma and me. In case you're wondering, I dyed my grey hair brown for this date.
  8. That's why I got rid of mine for a V11. I never looked back.
  9. You can buy a universal speedo cable at an auto parts store for about $ 5.00. Mine has worked for about 12,000 miles after the original took a dump at 3,000. The Guzzi replacement is quite a bit more. Just straighten out the bend where it goes into the transmission.
  10. I have a set of RKA soft 47 liter saddlebags for sale. The color is red and they also have rain covers. Condition is excellent - only used a few times on my Rosso Corsa. The red color looks great on the bike. I am not using the Rosso for anymore touring since I bought an RT. New price is $245 with rain covers - yours for $125 and shipping.
  11. For some yet to be explained reason I wound up with six motorcycles in my garage so no, you are not crazy. What you are thinking about doing is perfectly normal. The folks who don't understand this are the ones who are crazy!
  12. A woman drops off a bundle at the local Chinese laundry. Inside is a note - "use more soap on panties". The next week she drops off another bundle with the same note - "please use more soap on panties". The next day she picked up her laundry. Inside was a note - "I use plenty of soap on panties. Please use more paper on ass".
  13. I bet she's not a real brunette!
  14. Why oh why at 67 years of age do I still feel like I'm not totally weaned??
  15. OK It's time for new photos. (By the way - she can't swim!) Why do you guys always carry on about proper riding gear? This lady's been biking for years in this outfit with nary a scratch. Winter is another story.
  16. That's exactly the part that stumps me! I always thought that illegal meant not legal or against the law. Maybe we need a Supreme Court opinion on the definition of "illegal".
  17. Ratchethack that was a great synopsis of the two "reverends"! How in the world did Jessie get a free pass when he called NY "Hymie town"? That made Imus look like a light weight. Of course we also have Al and the "famous" rape case that turned out to be a hoax. Those two clowns have earned the right to be the butt of bezillions of jokes.
  18. From my perspective, the major "good" that the reverends (??) have done is for themselves and their inflated egos.
  19. Use your computer mouse to clean the inside of your computer screen. Just click on this screen cleaner link: http://www.25-88.com/clean_your_monitor/brush.swf
  20. Saw an apropos helmet sticker the other day: "Tell your hooters to stop staring at my eyes"
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