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Ralph Werner

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Everything posted by Ralph Werner

  1. The wife might be a possibility - she was none too happy about Michele and me.
  2. Two weeks - that's the odd part. It was ridden a few times a week prior to that with no problems.
  3. Thanks Ratchethack - I did try water on the valve stem but no bubbles appeared. I would expect this since the air pressure has remained the same for almost four days now.
  4. OK I'm stumped. I have a wire wheel with a fairly new Dunlop tire and tube mounted (it's on a sidecar). Three days ago I found the tire totally without air - not even 5 lbs. I checked the valve stem plunger (which seemed fine) and refilled the tire. As of right now it still is holding the pressure from three days ago. I checked the wheel several times for a nail or other object and can't find anything suspicious. Since it's holding pressure, water immersion would seem to be of no help. The only thing I could come up with is that someone let the air out of this one tire and that is extremely unlikely - the bike is garaged. Anyone out there have a similar experience. I'm ready to take the wheel to my local shop and have them check everything, then replace the inner tube.
  5. My first dog: Brownie My first street: Marlborough Rd. My porn screen name: Izzy Hung
  6. Rotten Ralph of the Douche Bag Motorcycle Club (Lysol Division)
  7. Gives new meaning to the word "fugly". Especially like the dual side stands.
  8. Just imagine being reincarnated as her bicycle seat!
  9. I find it hard to believe that she's only 42 years old! I guess I'd better give up vodka and cigars before it's too late.
  10. It must have been a cold winter and too much dark rum. I put a deposit on a Harley sidecar outfit!!! At my age I just had to try a bike that I don't have to worry about falling over (of course it can still tip over!) Stay tuned for my new adventure.
  11. The first thing to do would be a "courtesy" flush! (Or they may all just barge right out).
  12. They should do more of that and less kissing.
  13. Great news! You no longer need to waste a raw steak on a black eye. This method is proven.
  14. As far as I know us airborne guys knew the 11th as the "flying red as**oles". I doubt that the Hell's Angels wanted that moniker.
  15. What? Is there something wrong with humiliating a pedophile????
  16. Hey - we have tons of expensive air time to fill!!!
  17. I heard that Pirelli is coming out with a snow tire - hang in there!
  18. Ralph Werner


    Hi Bruce - your problem sounds like mine (I'm 67). I still have my Rosso Corsa but even with the ergo mods I have trouble with longer outings. My solution was an RT but the Norge sure looks tempting.
  19. Any of you had experience with photochromatic sunglasses. I have seen comments on other forums that said they won't work behind a plastic face shield or auto windshield. Others say that they will work under those conditions. The theory is that the lenses are UV activated and the plastic or glass blocks UV.
  20. Thanks Ouiji! That guy is something else. I was waiting for him to replace piston rings with coat hangers and fashion a spark plug from a car's cigarette lighter. I would have dropped out on each and every one of his misadventures. Guess I'm not made of the right stuff. Ralph
  21. My friends and I would like to wish all of you a very merry Christmas. By the way, I finally got help decorating the tree this year!
  22. Sounds like if this freakin' deer had lived it could have had intercourse with itself.
  23. What the heck! Do you get the "R" version? I watch CSI a lot and never saw any hooters yet!
  24. What, me worry?
  25. Steve, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you........ and to all of my other Guzzi friends!
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