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chris a

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  • My bike(s)
    '79 T3 ; '88 650 NTX

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  1. chris a

    chris a

  2. Spot on Scud...just passed on your links to some french dude who was saying that these calipers are scrap once the seals are gone.What was the quality like???
  3. Well it's a valuable bike but unless you can get hold of the logbook I'd guess that you will never be able to legally register it.The best way forward would be to see who the owner is according to DVLC and work from there...
  4. Phelon and Moore of Panther fame did a guzzi style V twin in the late twenties /early thirties :the Panthette http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:P%26M_Panthette_250_cc_1927.jpg Very advanced but also had some flaws like leaf valve springs...sadly got killed by the depression.
  5. Hi Carl, reading through the lines I guess you may be after smallbloc NTX stuff. If you cant get anything sourced easely from Italy , this link here in france where i am might be worth investigating http://www.leboncoin.fr/equipement_moto/331519922.htm?ca=12_s PM me and i'll have a go if you want Chris
  6. Well done Pete, I found the same thing a few years back...never understood what the members raving on about what a good mag they have was all about...99.9 % of it bored me rigid !
  7. I'd be tempted to take it right down and clean out the sludge trap in the crank...
  8. I gave up on the GB guzzi club a couple of years ago -allthough the magazine is plush I could get through the content in about 20 seconds and I just finally got bored with reading the same old self congratulating rubbish.I pretty much agree with guzzirider about their forum too ...often reminds me of what the Women's Institute meetings must be like !!!!!
  9. theres a thread over at guzzitech ...seems that they have finally finnished trading...they were in windedown mode for a while . Some of their stuff is still apparently available from other suppliers . Damm shame as they were to me the best guzzi bling shop albeit expensive!!!!!
  10. Moto spezial did nice ones in the past but not sure these days. Stagonset have got some really groovy looking ones and their service is excellant too. Another german possibility could be Motoschmitz. let us know what else you find chris
  11. love the idea... I used to live very near triking and got redundent chassis spares from them now and again..nice machines but you have to take the engine out to change the oil filter unless you have a remote one!!!!!!
  12. I would assume that the plate is replaceable .To me that kind of mileage isn't too bad
  13. Well moto unfortunatly that all depends if your taking the meds or not :D
  14. Thank God there are some sane and proficiant people like Greg around here . Thanks for all of your posts and long may you keep them up. chris
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