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TX REDNECK (R.I.P.) last won the day on July 10 2013

TX REDNECK (R.I.P.) had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 07/10/1956

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  • My bike(s)
    Solex S 3800 Bercy

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  1. I'd post something but I can't remember anything. I don't even know how I found this site
  2. WTF are you talking about ? I never heard of this wetback, I even googled it Are you talking about that messkin that was jumping turnstiles in the subway ? If so shit happens. If someone has a gun and is telling me to stop , I'm either gonna shoot back or listen to what they're saying. Either way I guess he had it coming
  3. Just when I thought I would tell youze guys how great the Stelvio is , I see this ^
  4. So anyone running top fuel should get ahold of motoman & this johnson guy to epoxy up the ports. And get rid of those superchargers. And add some slick 50 and some of those 4 prong sparkplugs too. Maybe NASCAR should mandate all races be run with restrictor plates
  5. ^ everything old is new again I fixed the rust myself I'm working on installing a flathead ford motor in it now With those small ports & retarded timing I'll be sure to set a new speed record at bonneville next year
  6. let's see... squeeze off the intake ports & retard the timing & hang on NASCAR should assinate this guy before he gives all their secrets away.
  7. Hhmmmm , it's been awhile since I dropped by. Lemme see if I can help
  8. yep, he deserves sumpn' for paying $26 for a UFI filter next time try these guys http://www.mgcycle.com/oil.html
  9. I can't tell you what pants are compatible. I can tell you that if you're going to run the Maxton mile , you'll have to have a metal zipper & no perforated leather is allowed.
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