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Everything posted by v11cafe
Third wheel make things safer for moving the bike...only you need a wheel that is not very tall so it doesn't increase the leaning angle to the front..and the floor should be flat Sorry for lever but u were lucky
Yes,..you can do it...but no more than +-15mv...more than that...only problems are. But keep in mind that adjusting tps moving whole potentiometer, lowers or rises idle affects timing map, fuel map, and since you don't want to start frm the beginning.. 1/try two positions ..+5mv.. -5mv to get the feel what bike likes more ...plus or minus 2/confirm by driving it..that works ok...and u feel better.. 3/add or subtract another +5mv or - 5mv to the desired direction 4/Do...it from the beginning See how much fun u can have with a Guzzi??? PS Honda...what is a ...Honda????
Have a look there http://www.touratech.com/shops/008/index.p...ff55b2fa3e7a9d5 http://www.touratech.com/shops/008/index.p...ff55b2fa3e7a9d5 quality stuff.... maybe expensive????....
I live and ..... learn. Sorry for the abuse of english terminology, but in greek it is a polymetro....we like poetry http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A0%CE%BF%...%84%CF%81%CE%BF
Poor man.... tuner tools 1/Don't know why but V11 behaves better tuning it on center stand....doesn't like side stand Third wheel from old office chair...saw it somewhere in the forum ...good idea 2/Polymeter...including Voltmeter 3/Twinmax....or any throttle balancer 4/Simple 2.5mm hex key for LITS 5/Connection of two outer tps wires to voltmeter 6/7/tool...for RITS if following cat method
Number one criterion is the map coverage of the country you live,....Garmin was no good up to now,... lately cooperating with Greek map companies coverage improved.... I admit they are well made.....but very expensive.
I prefer a pda/ windows mobile/integrated sirfstar gps ...very flexible...many programs to choose from... and does more things, than a dedicated navigation unit. I have a mio 550 (no mobile phone),..and it works fine with destinator 7.0. There are available many new models.
Maybe his other ....name is Harry Potter ...waiting for the magic trick
What about connection?...easy??.. any modifications needed??? ...looks good
91 is too low grade.You'll hear many ...things Use an octane booster
Cafe sport does the same,....I adjusted headlight by the two side screws, taking care that it is not in contact with the ....lips of windscreen.Things improved,...but if it starts again your idea ...is good
Sorry , have been on the road last ten days at the 2008 Fiva Slovenian classic rally... V7 special was happy to ...eat 2500 km through Greece...ferry to Ancona...Italy, Slovenia..and back, and although riding a bike 38 y old, I was placed at modern bikes category,...no place for a V11... there. Micha method presumes that since you take your bike to...him, you haven't played with the potentiometer, so a throttle balancing is all that the bike ...needs. I suppose that if end result is not good, he checks everything from the beggining ,,,,,150mv +- ...etc. Even perfectionists...don't go from the beginning every time they want to check throttle body balance, especially if you follow a category method using both LITS and RITS. V11 weber injection system reads zero angle at 150mv+-15 mv....so ecu reads that throttle is fully closed...and fuel map and timing map zero at that point also. Now why some bikes don't like it...I would like to have more info about bikes that don't like 150mv stock ecu???, pipes???, airbox??? power comm??? what makes these bikes run OK , higher value +50mv????...or lower????? My guess... wrong tps value used for the specific bike ecu, wrong throttle balance,... etc Guzzi proposes for 2000-2002 V11 550mv Key on /eng off ,...add 10-15 mv for idle tps 2003+ .....465 mv ...+ 10-15 mv at idle.( I found out that it needed even more 490mv -500mv, if you follow the axiom to open the bypasses until one turn out). Since I am not much a theory man, there is a practical way to check what the problem is with a " don't like 150mv" bike. 1/Have a 10 minute ride to warm up the engine. 2/Decide what method you would follow cat...or 3/Disconnect everything and set zero angle by moving the potentiometer at 150mv key on/ eng off 4/Key on/ eng off , set tps value ...say 550mv for 2000-2002....470mv for 2003++++ 5/Close bypasses(clockwise), start the engine and check idle....if lower than 900-1000rpm. increase tps at idle (different procedure for cat and methods),...if higher than 900-1000rp decrease tps idle 6/Balance throttle bodies at part throttle(2000-3000prm) 7/open bypasses no more than 1 turn out , to get at 1100-1150 rpm, checking balance at idle. 8/If all OK, turn off engine,...key on eng off and read with voltmeter tps value...that is the number that your bike .... "Loves" Nothing wrong if it's a little different than other V11. Now throttle balance...if you use twinmax like I suspect you do(...me also), at full sensitivity ....you said it Same happens to me,...but at three quarter sensitivity you see that balance is 100%, from idle to....>>>>>>> so maybe twinmax is very sensitive to minor imbalances that are not important... a guzzi is not that sensitive I usually balance the bike at full sensitivity with steady throttle( using choke lever), and then at three quarter sensitivity, I check balance slowly revving the engine up to 3000 rpm....
You can trade it,...and make someone happy...you have increased the quantity of air both in (KN filter), ...and out (crossover, slip ons), but since you use the stock Ecu fuel mixture is...lean at low range...that explains the heat. Color of plugs may seem right, because you don't drive all time below 3000rpm,...mostly above that even stock ecu delivers more fuel above that..so it may be OK but to the lean side. If the bike is 2003 fuel pump is inside the tank,.. when a v11 overheats it makes all kind of tricks You can try...put back the stock filter at least and check how it behaves, maybe KN is tooo...open Tune the trim of the ecu if you have software to add fuel, or take it to a service shop and get CO at 4%+- If no result, a power commander with a custom map is a good solution, because you create a fuel map for the specific set up(mistral,KN,Fbf)
After almost 30 times I have done ( last two weeks), the tuning procedure following forum method, Guzzi manuals, "variations", plus anything stupid that came on my head,... I believe that problems like hiccup/baf/bzzz/bom ... for a stock V11 in good condition with factory set trim level, occur at the low range (idle- 3000 rpm) , ...and the reason is (...small) imbalance of throttle bodies. If trim level is altered, and you have many aftermarket parts,... a basic tuning cannot help much, you need more equipment than a voltmeter and a ...throttle balancer. I found another good topic http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...=2410&st=15 which if I have read it earlier,...it would have saved me a lot of ....tuning experiments, because it confirms many of my remarks. Good thing ..(for me) that came out of all that trouble, is that I understood ...how every adjustment affects balance, what is the order and logic of steps, ....and what every screw does...what. (...as raz well put it "....This has been discussed to death but we always end up a tad wiser, and if nothing else we're bonding with our steam engines....") So,...I can say that... 1/ There are two categories of methods, which differ in a basic idea, but ....come close to many others.. Use both RITS and LITS to set tps and balance cylinders initially... In this category belong ... Ti-kit instructions(...rod disconnected), Jeff in Ohio method (...rod disconnected), Ian Johnston's page where Micha's method is described (...rod connected), "variation 2" (...rod disconnected) etc. and Use only LITS, or RITS to set tps ...screw not used is removed,backed off ..etc In this category belong.... Guzzi manual update 2003 (...use RITS) Forum method (....use LITS) "variation 1" (....use LITS) etc. 2/Category methods offer better results for ....perfectionists,...and as Dlaing wrote "To my mind using the RITS complicates things, but I would agree that perfectionists can get better results by both LITS and RITS" On the other hand Ian Johnston says.... "If you're not concerned about small imbalances, it's quite acceptable to simply adjust the idle speed with the left idle stop screw and not worry about throttle body balance at idle. When you improve you get better results following methods of both caregories,... so a lot depends on your...hand. 3/ For category methods, care should be taken that both screws touch both butterflies even with rod connected, otherwise the method becomes category. Open butterfly by hand, put a piece of thin paper between screw and butterfly,and check that it... bites, both sides A tip to make it easier ....always set value using RITS key on /eng.off then balance with LITS at idle, if you want to increase value... first RITS key on/eng off, then LITS at idle,...decreace value ....the same. If you follow that rule, balancing with rod connected at part throttle, does not produce much difference, so RITS and LITS stay in touch with butterflies. 4/All methods and manuals accept 0 angle tps value is 150mv+-15mv(...closer you are the better), everything disconnected 5/Ti-Ecu doesn't need some special method...to work,...just a good "standard" tuning. 465mv+- 5mv that Guzzi suggests as "start" tps is a litlle on the low side,...got best results close to 500mv+- 10mv key on engine off..and tps idle 515mv +-10mv...(at least for my V11). 6/Balancing throttle bodies needs a lot of back checking,...repetition, especially for a beginner like me. Many times I checked the bike starting from the begining,...say after one hour, from last perfect ....balance and I found that it ....was not so perfect. 7/Variation of tps between key on/ engine off, and idle tps shoud be within +20mv or less, (usually 10mv) otherwise something ...goes wrong.I cannot prove it, but I always found mistakes that I have done, when the difference between value key on/eng.off and value at idle was bigger. 8/It's a bad idea to move the potentiometer outside the 150mv+- 15mv limit, as forum method and ...others say.. unless you want to see what happens,...like I did.Idle goes up or down if you are +- 15mv, more than that +- mv,... the Ecu get...wrong info from tps sensor,...and you can imagine how the bike runs. Heard that some pro-tuners play with 0 angle tps, , because when they create a custom fuel map(richer), with a power comm. or similar module, they want timing to be more advanced , so setting a higher zero angle... say 220mv, matches new fuel map with existing timing map. Since voltmeter and throttle balancer are my only ... weapons testing such a theory...is beyond me. 9/bypasses cannot raise idle more than 150rpm, if you keep max 1 turn-out limit. So target is a 900-1000rpm idle, just before you are ready to open them. 10/All components of bike should be in good working order, otherwise you waste your time. (..check condition of battery). 11/Don't overheat the bike, and continue balancing etc, You will end up with a bike that runs good, only when it is....... overheated 12/Basic tuning of a V11 has the aim to make it run like it was supossed to run, when Luigi finished with it... not to make it run like ....a VFR Honda...so no miracles
Well done...!!!! Nice to see an MGS-01...in action
...only Luigi can do that
...you are a Guzzi man, ....we"ll find a way out of this mess... something here...something there...and the V11 on the road again
I love to touch that little white knob
Tried your idea today in two versions Connect voltmeter , and with key on-engine off, read the tps value....then 1/ key off...opened the "choke"...,key on ...value was almost double,...started the engine....it ran normally and then again key off, choke closed 2/open the throttle grip...key on...value triple than before....started the engine....it ran normally So, at starting phase Ecu probably reads only zero angle(150mv+-15) , relates that to zero of fuel and timing map , ...and when engine starts tps value at idle is translated as an advanced point on fuel and timing map, ..tps value at 2000rpm relates to a more advanced point,...and so on....
Right, but not only at idle...tps angle effects timing and fuel injector width (set by trim level), at the whole range. Tps value at idle effects to just a point on the timing map/fuel map. WOT is another point, .... Zero angle is taken from the ecu, when you turn the key on and you hear the fuel pump... I was a believer in Guzzi manuals,...and now I am more skeptical and cautious about what is written,.. but some things cannot be so wrong,...Italian text and English translation are side by side in owner manual... I read it (..not an expert, but I can manage),...and says the same thing. Anyway, theory is not my strong point.... So how can you use tps value at idle??? I believe that if you have tuned your bike 10-20 times, and best result was always a certain tps value at idle, then you can assume that...this is your target, and you can probably repeat it. But,...same value is not for every V11, even if you use same method because,... 1/I have ...modified airbox, slip ons, a module, ....crossover...etc 2/I repeat for 3 times or more the cycle of balancing throttle bodies(idle balance/part throttle balance/bypasses) 3/I overheat the bike during the ....tuning 4/I was not careful setting the 0 angle tps value 5/......etc That is the reason I focus more to the logic relation among steps of a method, instead of numbers. Only value that is 100% true for a "stock" V11, is the 150mv+- (as described in forum method)
How about if the pump says 15lt and you get 14.80lt??? There was some time ago an investigation done about fuel quantity and quality in Greece, and as I see it...you pay like a fool... and you get less...grade/liters. Good thing that a Guzzi is not so sensitive,...as other bikes
M3 is a sport tire, with very good grip but limited life for km/mile.... eaters.Last set I used gave me about 5000 km. Now I am with the Diablo Strada which is a sport touring tire, and as other people say I agree that grip in wet and dry is good, and after 5000km...I still have a tire. Track days is a different thing, ...I didn't have any problem with the strada,...but depends how much you push the bike,... maybe a real sport tire can give you more.
Increase tps idle(....say 550mv) with bike balanced, ( idle / 2000-3000 range) and bypasses not open more than 1 full turn....think that will help.Variation at idle is more pronounced when bypasses are open more than one turn Most of the time hickup from idle to 3000rpm, results from (lean..???) spots where throttle bodies balance is not ok, and it is more intense for bikes with aftermarket filter /slip on ...etc