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About tdisme

  • Birthday 12/28/1946

Profile Information

  • My bike(s)
    2004 V11 Sport

tdisme's Achievements


Guzzisti (2/5)



  1. Found it (frozen solid), rounded it, threw tools, watched tv.
  2. Must be alot of midgets on this forum (Sorry Docc, couldn't pass on that, it was TOO easy!) . I can reach the lever and the bleeder, and I'm far from tall enough to be deemed a "knuckle dragger". And I do it with the wheel in place too. A little awkward, but I use a plastic syringe (from a pharmacy,for giving liquid meds) to drain the piss cup, and refill with the clean stuff, then start the squeeze/loosen/tighten drill. A little trick I use to bleed the clutch, and brakes is this handy idea. Take about two feet or so of clear plastic hose with a 3/16 inch I.D., make a small loop so there is a 1-2 inch piece, to place over the bleeder fitting.After the first pumping, the hose loop will be filled, and now acts like a J trap in your sink drain. Even if your hand slips, or you simply have a brain fart and let the lever go before you've retightened the fitting, you will not draw any air back in to the line. When you see clean fluid in the trap, you're done. It takes me about 30 minutes+/- to do clutch, rear brake and both fronts. Sometimes a little longer, if I rest my hand and "ice" my weary paw by holding a can of something cold and beer like. Good luck, S.H. I listened to you and your song. This bleeder is like the Guzzi G-spot, I know where it is, I can touch it, but I cant get the damn thing to work! Too far inside the motorcycle. FINALLY managed to get a wrench on the accursed little bugger, alas, only to round off the only two flats I could use. It was frozen tighter than a nuns' ....... I can't say that here either. Lots of competition level oathing, a little blood, the need for a wrench that doesn't exist, damage to a part I can barely touch, and loathing for an engineer I will never know and couldn't talk to if I did know him. And tomorrow is Friday the 13th.
  3. Seems to me, after rounding the flats on a frozen bleeder that could not have been any harder to access, that they could have at least pointed the damn thing down! My Breva has this gorgeous hose ending in a bleeder for the clutch and it gracefully sits there attached to the battery, big as life and twice as handsome. But the V11 requires three extra joints in your arm, good knees, good eyes, the patience of a saint, and tiny tiny fingers. It is in a ridiculous location, it is a source of bilious hatred in my soul and I have dumped motorcycles for lesser reasons. Now, unless I can figure out how to g................forget it, life's too short for the damn thing to own me. I'll pay somebody and hope for the best!
  4. Why not use a CanyonDancer and take both ends up?
  5. Thanks, Docc. I needed that.
  6. I am both blind and stupid. I cannot find a bleeder line for the clutch on my 2004 V11 Sport. My Breva has a nifty little line clipped right to the battery under the seat! How nice! But I cant find the bleeder for this beast anywhere and I know it is staring me right in the face. Docc, howaboutchew?
  7. Red or blue?
  8. Thanks. I like you already.
  9. Never mind. I found where I can get Red Line and it only fifty miles from here. Instead of the quarter mile for the Valvoline.
  10. Book calls for 90 for the "transmission" (rear end) and 140 for the "gearbox" (front end?). Both of these can be bought at NAPA in, I believe, either regular formulation or full synthetic Valvoline. I am not sure if either is a moly product. Would I be an absolute fool to use these? Or would you fine and learned gentlemen merely shake your heads and turn away? As an appeasement to the Gods of Gootsie I would add the Moly! What say you?
  11. Plenty of answers. Thanks for your input. Dont need any more answers. I gots de dots now.
  12. I remembered not to mix when you mentioned it. Some say use the Valvoline, some say dont. I think I'll take it back and pick up some dot 4 at the dealership.
  13. Great article. I suppose that silicone is "synthetic"?
  14. I have an '04 V11 Sport and an '07 Breva that both need fluid changes. I bought a jug of Valvoline Synthetic Dot 3&4. Should I instead look around for Dot 4 (I can do that, but it means a bit of driving) or am I wasting my time and should just use what I bought?
  15. I plan to see you guys there. Red V11 Sport, or dresser Black Breva, depending on the weather and the wrists. Tom Dunn Gatlinburg tomdisme@gmail.com By the way, the place is booked full for that weekend.
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