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  • Birthday 12/25/1974

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  2. If you give me a part # I might be able to find one for a automotive app.
  3. Heili coil it is. Got my redline on order got plenty of heili coils here at the shop all i need is to get off my dead ass and work on my own shit
  4. JB weld something in there with a cap on or perhaps just a suitable size nut. Wine bottle cork boiled in water to make soft. Seriously if you can get someone to put in a heli coil, thats a fix better than original. Roy Yea I know I gona have to go that way. I just wanted to see how creative we are
  5. The drain threads in the trans for drain plug striped. Any one have any ideas besides heli coil. Has anyone done any crafty stuff I havent thought of? Thanks Brent
  7. Here in New Jersey the lawmakers have completely changed things up there is no inspection for motor cycles and only emmisions for cars and trucks. It is up to the local law enforcement to make sure all your vechicles are legit. If not they give your hefty fine. I know a guy who got a ticket in NJ for non dot helmet. There are getting tough on the dot certs in NY. Go one state away and there is no helmet laws at all, but if your in a car or truck its the law to wear a seat belt.
  8. Fuelcooler has one that he wants to sell hit him up i dont know what kind of $$$ he looking for. Good luck gods speed Brent
  9. See ya ratch Its been a lot of long reads. I'm sure he has found some new out let to convince everybody he is a god dam genius. Good luck to you old boy
  10. To lazy to look and short on time what is the capisty of fluid for the trans and bevel drive. I should know but I forget thank and god speed Brent
  11. parking the beef bus in tuna town

  12. Paul is right you need to pull the side cover off the trans and see whats going on in there before you hurt yourself. When 2nd gear went bad in my bike it cracked the top shaft on the cover so take a look it it when you are pulling it off. There is some kind of trouble inside the trans that needs attention
  13. Good luck it really does get better
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