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Everything posted by BRENTTODD


    Another hello !

    Moto Guzzi - ride one or wobble Hey i do both of those things. Not sure wheather thats good or bad
  2. I like my bike you will see how much of a head turner they are as you explain to people what the hell it is. I tell em its like a duc only cooler. I had my bike for about a year And still have no complaints. BY the way i just cant figer out why women always give me an added wood ha ha
  3. congrats and good keep the rubber side down The green ones are the niceist
  4. i do belive you are correct and couldnt have said it any better
  5. Jaap....thanks for your hard work and efforts that keep this forum going. Please continue to do so. Speaking for myself, no further explanation is necessary or expected.
  6. sorry you feel that way best wishes good luck.
  7. I have moto bits they were on my bike when i bought it. I belive Ryland makes footpegs give him a pm he will be able to hook you up


    Since the tire subject is out there Iam in the market for a new set of tires any ideas what brands to stay away from. who sells for best price things of that nature. I like the mich but iam leaning towards pirell thanks Brent
  9. Im guessing eveybody got the e-mail
  10. I use 15w 40 all year long no problems
  11. I had the same idea but huge across my back. My old lady told me it was a wast of ink and time since you wont be able to see it though my nasty hairy back. Ha Ha Looks great
  12. I have a lockhart phillips wind screen. It is painted to match 2000 v11 green. If you want to see what it looks like it is on the first bike of the month on this site. I will part with it for $ 150.00 or best offer. You can pm me for any details at any point.
  13. Go buy a bottle of map gas to heat up the stock and bend it around the cans put palstic shims around where you need to hit it if you have to. Keep in mind the heat will discolor the alu a little bit so i hope u plant to paint them. I no pro but thats my idea good luck dude
  14. yea they need some sort of male enhancement to take the curve out
  15. What the hell does perspicacity mean
  16. I try to make it a point not to pay much attention to what women say unless it envolves food my dirty clothes or sex or money. I strongly suggest everyone does the same in this case.
  17. There is some live stuff on you tube I thought it sounded great check it out
  18. That is the best description i have ever seen. My hats off to that guy i hope he has a great F___ing day. Your the best buddy u will be on my fav sellers list
  19. Dude that SH_T is FU-KNG funny thanks for that made my day :lol:
  20. That old boy would catch a beaten in the states for that one
  21. I have a faring to sell i live in the us so shiping might be a lot. If you want to see it check out the first bike of the month MikeC it is that one allready painted green. Pm if me if you want it
  22. Yea your are correct having been around that long just dont get it i guess. I have posted a wix nunber for the a filter i use on my own bike. It is the toyota oil filter that you can go to parts store and pick up right then and there. If its ok for a car running 10w-30 oil all year its good enough for me. I dont see why you would buy something for more money that works the same. I pay $1.85 for a filter guy off the street should be able to buy it for around four bucks. I think that a no brainer spend your money on cool shit like tuning pipes bags ect. Go buy your wife something nice maybe let buy more bikes to drive ourselves nuts with. it just me but i guess i am a just to young to get it (ha ha ha)
  23. I am not a expert but we use napa filters for 23 years granted on passenger vechicles an never had any problems beside the normal things no threads torn rubber gaskets things like that. Im not buy any means protecting any filter i think there all about the same the differences are too small to really get uptight about . They didnt say wix filer is poor wix makes napa filters. Most of the filter above are auto filters they have to deal with exstream heat and a lot of neglect in respect of regular oil filter changes. Were not beating our bikes like the average joe beats there car. A lot of cars are using low pressure oil pumps with out problems. I even own one. I am not a know it all but oil has came a long way in past years. I Just think were beating a dead horse. Buy what is easy to find, spin that baby on an go have a goood time riding
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