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Everything posted by BRENTTODD

  1. Check out the new pipes posted on this site in the classifieds. They sounds like a good deal. u have a reason for a little upgrade
  2. Ill tell you what i have done enough oil changes to even count would be imposible. There is almost no chance of filing any of the talked about filters with dirt unless you use drain oil for your oil changes. If your looking for dirty oil to test the theroy i will gladly give enought for a life time. Any filter you are gona buy the risk of failer is very slim. Ive said it before Ill say it again you would be real surprised on who makes what for who. I also a firm beliver that everything has a risk nobody is perfect. In case you dont know new stands for NEVER EVER WORKED
  3. I was doomed from the start dad with auto repair shop and step dad in snap-on tools. Cursed into spinning wrenches. Always been into bikes four wheelers off road stuff. Didnt have the cash for street bike but wanted one for very long time. So when the time came for me to buck up with some money to spend i really didnt know what i wanted. I knew ther was no chance in a harley i cant ride the same bike as the guy who does my taxes no way to cookie cutter. I took a ride on a freinds new boni black it was cool but not quite what i really wanted not even the thruxton really did it for me. Having been brought up in the car racket I've been able to take some drives behind the wheel of some cool rides old and new but always got my rock off in older hot rods. The nice noise out the tailpipes and the slight out of control feeling as rear end slides around (Ive got heavy right foot.) But i also enjoy a nice 911 smoooth handling great driver feed back. So when i took Steve's sport for a ride by the time i was at the end of the street that it was the bike for me. I was now in the market for a guzzi then I found out that my buddy worked with a guy who had two guzzis (MikeC) and one was green with a red frame just what I wanted. After having my buddy ask him many times to sell it he finnaly gave her up , even though I could tell his daughter was not happy about the sale. But i promised to take good care of her and he can take her for a ride anytime he wants. Now that i rambled on way to long I could not be happier I put about 4500 miles on the bike this year. Not bad for a guy with two kids under six i was told. There is no chance in hell anyone will ever get me to give her up not a chance.
  4. There is a lot of companys who make an oil filter that fit. It is the same as most common Toyota oil filters wix or napa #1348 or 21348 or 61348. Make sure you read the thread about using a hose clamp on the filter thats very important. Good luck
  5. He might want to make arangements to ship his bike over. I would have to belive it would be very hard nearly imposible to rent a Guzzi over here. I only have see less than 5 other guzzis besides mine. He could without a doubt find a harley to rent why he is over here or any other main stream motor cycle brand, but guzzi not so much but i could be wrong! Good luck if he does find one let us know
  6. Has anyone had any tunning done at ferracci. They are located very close to my home. If they arent up to par i dont work with them i will go to someone else I Know they do great work on ducs but are they just as good on Guzzis.

    Lamb Chops

    As for the other post Fuelcooler woud need to swap out engine cases to make the project complete. I know what your talking about that whole thing turned around in many 360's. Everybody has something to say when it comes to handling. I belive in whatever works for you.
  8. There is a link right off the ghezzi site under dealers. There is a number of dealers there with either phone # or e-mail adress. Good luck and open your wallet. I would love to buy one myself but out of my price range
  9. maybe cause he lives in az
  10. i should have read all the posts sorry. As for crude things in an automotive shop that just the begining after we make them to big we clamp them down so hard the clamp almost breaks. That just how its done.
  11. Be careful with a cheap expander they sometimes make the pipe out of round. I would go down to your local garage and see if you can beg to borrow a good one if not. Find out what day snap-on guy shows up and buy one from him there is a differnce. Use it and u can tell if u dont want it when your done sell it on e-bay. If you were closer i give you mine. good luck
  12. Im not sure how ugly a bag of assholes really is. Are we talking nice bleached out porn star assholes or we talking big fat trucker assholes. I am sure i dont like fat trucker assholes but I am also sure i do like porn star assholes. So i think we need to clarify what type of assholes we are looking at before we can go any further at all. Ha ha
  13. Needs to be green with red frame add clip-ons and rearsets and it would be too cool
  14. Does anyone know the paint code for 2000 v11 the red of the frame and the pork chops
  16. Fuelcooler keeps his 500 in his computer room. If he does anything stupid hell be dead for sure he lives alone.
  17. your only13,025.00 away form thrid gear wheelies dont fell bad good things come to those who wait
  18. no doubt buy a battery
  19. I would rather eat the onions than the frizbey thats for sure
  20. Never heard of vapor blast. How dose it work?
  22. If your looking for a good finish product you have to buck up and take a lot of time and hand sand off the paint. Or you can buck up and pay someone else to do it for you. Either way you should end up with a nice product that you will be happy wit. But i would try to stay away from everything but hand power cause machines could give you more work than u bargined for. If the paint is not to bad in some spots u can also use red scotch brite pads. Cause at the end of the day all u need is a clean surface for the new paint to stick to. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY SANDING
  23. Hope you guys all make out ok. Pray for no winds and lots or rain.
  24. to be fair you would first need to be sure eveybody who is polled is and ass----. before you start. That why if you still dont hate them after the conference then you really have grown to like them. As for me i strive to hate everyone equaly HAHA
  25. Somebody needs to bring some women to these rallys. I like a little hotter chat the tires but with women we could get into sag.
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