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Everything posted by BRENTTODD

  1. I dont get it trousers Iam only 34 not 84
  2. Yea I know i should change my avatar it looks bad. I wasnt tearing her up at all when the problem occured. I only do the burn outs very rarely on cold tires. The wheelies are done on other toys everybody knows guzzies pull to the right to hard to be any good for a wheelie contest. Thanks for rembering all the bad things i have done Henry HA HA
  3. Friday on my way home from work took a down shift to slow down and trans seemed like I missed the gear or hit between gears. Got into gear went on to a complete stop had a real hard time getting into 1st. Left stop and seems like i lost second gear hole ride home no second gear and hard to shift. Made it home removed trans side cover to expose gears and found cog (for the lack of knowing real name) that the paw rides on busted on the bottom of the case. The paw is the one towards the rear of the trans closest to the inspection cover. Is this common ? Has anybody else had this problem? Any suggestion or comments are welcome before me and fuelcooler tear the trans down.
  4. I do have the bracket in question and yes you have to keep an eye on the bracket cause they tend to crack. What I did for the poor lighting install the tag cover with the led bar across the bottom wired in with tail and brake lights makes the rear singals alot more visiable. I dont know who makes the bracket it came with my bike when i bought it. If my bracket breaks agin i will have to come up a diffrent plan in the rear. I will not buy on from ferracci again there way to slow it took about 2 months to ship the part due to back order issues they say.
  5. I agree dont wind it up till the pump has a chance to move the oil upstairs. Give it a chance to make pressure


    welcome u live in a great city Ive been there and had a great time plan to visit again some time
  7. I like it that bike looks hot
  8. , rather than writing 10 page long posts about this, that and the other. You know my index finger has been felling less worked i bet thats why. I am not doing all that scrolling. Dam who would have thunk Old ratch made that much of a difference in my life
  9. I agree with Dan It does look like Dreers Nortons. I really like how the tail is all open very cool look. I hope it works out so I can see one in person sometime


    That bike is sharp they did a great job
  12. There is a new stabil made for gas with 10% enthol if that is in your state. I guess the regular stuff will not work with enthnol. It says its marine applications on the bottle. Seafoam is great stuff works great in a bunch of ways.

    My old girl.

    I have met a few guys who had Guzzis and every time they say either "I wish i never sold it" or "I should buy another one"
  14. That was a hard one for me the last five were really hard to pick. I would buy all those but not the BMW but the villiage people make me laugh ha ha
  15. Thats f__k___ funny
  16. I think the fab work on that bike was done very well done. Maybe he used a rare bike to make his point to sell the Idea.
  17. witch one the bike or the girl
  18. No i dont have a aftermarket crossover. Raz how many miles were on the bike when u changed the tensioner?
  19. Mine does the exact same things, I would like to know how to get rid of them myself. Like you I have done all the mantiance as outlined still no difference. Do you have a power commander or any mods. I have power comander and mistral cans. Steve (fuelcooler)doesnt have either and his bike has never done it, that i can recall. I think in my case it might be in the mapping. I hope one of us can figure this out. Good luck Brent ,
  20. wow there is ony about an hour left and reserve isnt met yet. 2500 bucks to much for me to spend on something stupid. Ive seen that bike before dont rember where.
  21. I do think it is all in what you like if you are the kinda person who just wants to hit the starter button and go then your best bet is a jap bike. If you enjoy mantaining on your bike then a guzzi or maybe a duc. I dont know anything about bemers if there anything like the vw cars ill stay away from them. It was kinda funny last sunday me fuelcooler and a few freinds were at a local breakfast joint(a lot of bikes show up there on sunday for a bite to eat) we were the first bikes there,we here a bike pulls up holy shit another guzzi a very nice 1000s. After a long bs session we walk in to sit down, a guy sitting at a table yells to me hey did see all those guzzis outside thats half the years production. Then laughs and says I had a guzzi and never sould have got rid of it. I do think those who know have a lot of respect for the GOOSE
  22. I would be in trouble there is no way I could help myself, I would be on one wheel every chance i got.
  23. "Ducati is a nice, but a Guzzi, ahhh, Guzzi is a special. " Very well put
  24. I see the total 360 from no shirt and flip flops evey day on my ride to work. I cant tell if its a man or woman on a retro looking vespa wearing what looks like replica aria helmet and full leathers moving a long a about fifty or so. I live in a pretty rural area so the scooter thing hasnt really hit here. but it was good to see a rider with the right gear.
  25. You dont tell her nothing. Just do it I had my 2yr old riding a 70 honda 4 wheeler last sunday. He ran the controls I sat behind him in case he lost his mind, it was great. Dont worry about mom and enjoy the time, they get old and u get uncool fast. I hope when my boys are older the still want to ride maybe even with me. I think its cool to share something with my kids besides dinner.
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