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Everything posted by BRENTTODD

  1. You never like to hear this kinda news. It really is a shame RIP
  2. At least someone wants to try my fitness plan poor jaap when he starts to beg
  3. Is that a oe guzzi widscreen Joe i really like the way it looks. I want a screen before i leave on a trip in June
  4. That is one hot fur thong must be desinger, cause you cant find stuff like that in the states
  5. 6 Bellies I said drink the beer not eat the box and beg for sex not eat your wife. 6 bellies thats a mans size stomach
  6. Thats funney its all in good fun. But it does look like he could really have a hairy man ass.
  7. Even at a mile high baby
  8. I'm going to try royal purple 15w-40 the dirt racers down here say the stuff is great.
  9. We can do better than that
  10. Dude if i was able to post a picture i would post the hairest nasty man as you have ever seen but I am not so good with computer sorry Beefcake of the month Brent
  11. THATS IT your sleeping on the COUCH tonight nasty boy@!!!
  12. Shit piss @#!#$# nasty bastards edit I tryed to drop an f bomb in there but somebody took it out somebody watching!
  13. I might run out of hot outfits how bad would that be. You can only be this hot for so long MACHO MACHO Brent
  14. I will give them a call when i am ready to rock. fuelcooler is doing some mods so he could be in market for some powder. You got me a little nervious about doing my wheels now about curing deal. I want my wheels black now. Philla is only 40 min from my shop are they reasonable about price. From the look of your bike the work is very good. By the time I am ready i will have forgot the name so u will see a pm from me at the begining of the winter. Thanks again Brent
  15. Yea I have seen that happen before he wakes up the hole neighborhood screaming put the lotion in the basket at his cat climbing out of his flesh suit. Its very disturbing. The really weid thing is when he stares in the mirror yelling I would fu-k me.
  16. Maybe badass belfast bob the 1%er
  17. Hey Gregg I really cant help ya on the tech side of the pegs they were on my bike when i bought it. I can tell you the bike really shifts smother with the lowered system. Me and Fuelcooler switch bike sometimes and it is a noticable differance. You might want to contact ryland he also makes a lowerd system and i know can give you the tech support. With the paint code i scraped the red wheel idea the best i can tell you is to make up some sample batches of paint and try to match it the best you can. If you do come up with a number please tell. Wish I could be more help Brent
  18. Hey do you think I can win twice if so I put my biker outfit from the village people on and send a new pic MACHO MACHO MAN
  19. If we could I would like to be the beefcake of the month. For all you guys who want be just like me all you need is steady diet of heineken and for your cardo non stop begging for sex. Thats all it takes Good Luck and God Speed Beefcake of the month May 2008

    Wierd tire wear

  21. You know i havent seen that miserable bitch for two days untill today. The funny thing was i was in my full size pick up truck (cause its raining) belive it or not she didnt pull out in front of me this time. If she did i would have no doubt blasted that bitch. (very tight with local 5.0 no tickets for brent) I thought about giving her the finger for no reason but my shop name and number is plastered on the back window so i didnt. The funny part of the whole thing is she has the same car same color as my wife so i belive every women in a black rav 4 needs a beaten Haha
  22. Who are these people and where can they be found.
  23. When you install a new part or make an adjustment try the bike to see if that what you just did corrected the problem. Then you will get the satifaction of knowing what corrected what problem and if it happens again you will know where to go and what to do. Plus when somebody asked what was wrong with the bike you can tell them and not look like a goomer by saying i changed this and that now it works. This process will also let you see what does what and you will know your bike. I think that is important on these bikes because they are corkey and do require some sorting out. Good luck God Speed Brent
  24. Check to make sure the boots for air intake are not cracked and your getting to much air. Then pm ryland and buy new relays then go riding. If that dosnt work look around the site you will fnd the answer to all your problems. Good luck Brent
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