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    Tenni #105 - 2002

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  1. Hi Van: I have acquired Tenni 140 how do I register under a new owner name. I had #105 that I sold to a friend who has it listed what a mistake that was. Bill Ducman62
  2. I know there are places here that address this problem I just can't find them (dummy me). If someone could send me the right place for this info it would be greatly appreciated. I started to take it off with a wire wheel brush, but this may not be the way to go. Is there a chemical out there that will take it off or just alot of scrubbing required? I plan to re-paint with the Harley wrinkle paint.
  3. If you would talk with some small engine mechanics they will tell you that the ethanol is eating up or swelling the O-rings and gaskets in the weed wackers and carbs on lawn mowers. They say they have to rebuild them every 6 months for the lawn services here in Florida.
  4. I am the owner of a Moto Guzzi Tenni #105. Recently I've noticed the gas tank is starting to Swell and at the petcock area I am starting to see waves in the tank. Has anybody noticed the same on their tanks? The problem as I understand it the ethanol in the gas will cause this to happen. It know that DUCATI is replaceing their gas tanks under a 5 year deal for any of their tanks that have expanded into the steering damper and under some other circumstances. In the future they plan to make their tank out of metal. BMW had the same problem in 2002 and changed to metal. My Question does anybody know what Moto Guzzi is doing about their tanks that Swell or Deform.
  5. It took some time but I used a buffing wheels and a very light compound on #105 to obtain a very nice smooth finish on that flat green paint. The geen is the same color but now can be waxed and looks much better than the original flat green. I would call it a simi gloss green now.
  6. Woo, (spelling probably wrong, sorry) met you at the Guzzi rally at the Blueridge Motorcycle Campground. I have the #105 Tenni. Hope you had a good ride home after the rally. I will probalbly go back again next year so until then have a good year. Bill
  7. Ducman62

    Tenni equipment

    I have #105 and it came with the White Power rear shock to.
  8. Ducman62

    Tenni - #105

    I just acquired Tenni #105 on June 17,2007. The bike only had 1,023 miles on it and is in perfect condition. I've always wanted a Guzzi and almost bought a 1978 850 lemans but got a BMW instead. Bikes in the garage at this time include a 2001 - Ducati 996R, 2006 - Suzuki GSXR 1000 and a 2007 - CBR600RR which I just brought back form a mountain ride in North Carolina. Will its great to be aboard and to learn some things about how to maintain this GORGEOUS machine.
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