Hello All.
Having suffered the outrage of having my 2002 LeMans cutting out, having a missing starting circuit etc. I of course came to the forum for answers.
This all pointed to relay touble - especially with the Fuel pump/ECU!
Most of the remedies involved replacement relays of a fairly expensive and special nature.
Deciding that the chances were if there was relay trouble and the relays in use were common widely used relays from reputable companies - Bosch, Seimens etc. that something else was damaging the relays - short, power surge etc. I decided to try a set of Bosch from a local truck parts distributer for £2.41 each I stuck them in and enjoyed trouble free riding for about 40 miles!!!
So surmising that even the worst crap relay would last longer than that unless something more basic was wrong I called in my local spark wizard "The Bop Dunlop" - master of the wires.
After a few basic checks including de-casing a relay to check for shorts, burnt wires etc. There was no sign of anything - in fact we put the naked relay back into its socket and with a little wobble it activated the fuel pump.
So we went back to basics and simply took out all the relays, cleaned the sockets with solvent degreaser and tweaked the contacts with a small screwdriver to ensure a tight fit!
Hey presto no more trouble apart from the need to wiggle the bars to sort the "under the tank wire" I have had no more unexpected stops!
This lost me a whole riding season but this year I have been out every day since the clocks changed from GMT to BST rain or shine!!
To put this simply - try cleaning and tweaking the sockets before buying relays!!
I hope this helps some of you out.
All the very best.