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About Golem

  • Birthday 04/27/1976

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  • My bike(s)
    V11 Le Mans Rosso Corsa

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  1. Hello, I have installed on my v11 a termignoni full exhaust and open K&N filter. After that the bike started to give backfires between 2500-3000 rpm indicating too lean mix on low rev. So I have fully close the air screw, adjust on my dealer the co and enrich the mix on the ECU. I have took the bike for a short ride on a hot day and after the engine was hot enough the backfires started again at 1500-1800 making almost impossible the ride in a city. I modifiyed the tps at 160 mv fully closed but still no improvment so I've decided to buy a power commander. The problem is that I have tried all maps available and under hard acceleration it has shorts and importants losses of power (I was about to fall when accelerating in a curve). I'll reset the ECU on factory settings and start again but I think that the right map is important, so if someone has or knows about a map for termi/open k&n please let me know. Thanks
  2. ECU Magneti Marelli IAW15RC for sale. It is used, in perfect condition. I have removed it because I took off the lambda sensor. 200 euros shipping included.
  3. Yes they told me the same about the air screws and they put them to 0.5 I have done the balancing before but I'll check again. I was thinking that it could be maybe because the air flow is still big and may lead to an excesive heating and not closing well the intake valve. I have checked the sparkles and they look ok. Perhaps a power commander will help?
  4. I went to a MG delear and they adjust the CO and also the fuel to compensate the open filter. The bike runs great but only over 3000 rpm. it still have backfiring under 3000 rpm and also the engine break isn't as strong as before... any ideea?
  5. Hello and thanks for your answer. I will do that in the next few days. However I dont't know if the CO has to be set at 3,5% or higher because in the tuning I have installed open K&N filters, Termignoni exhaust and an IAW15M ECU, and the engine has now a much larger amount of entering air.
  6. No, I didn't but I think it is mandatory for the bike to run well at 150mv unless a very good reason is provided. It is the factory setting after all...
  7. Yes it has backfiring through the carbs The air screws is set at 1.5 and no air leak
  8. hello everyone, After adjusting tps the engine began to give detonation in the airfilter. I don't know what I did wrong as I have set the tps on 150mv (fully closed), then syncronize the cylinders and finally set the tps on 520 mv on idle (1000 rpm). Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks, Paul
  9. Thanks. I've just opened the gearbox because of the failure on getting down from fifth to forth gear. does anybody know the use of the excentric bolt situated close to the shifting rod???
  10. Hello! Is it possible to take off the gearbox individually or I must take off the engine too? Thanks
  11. I belive that the 15M ecu must be an V11 one because of the map difference.
  12. Not doubt about it. I know Europe from up to down and from west to east but if I can do something ( within my budget) to improve the factory performance I go for it.
  13. Hi! Does anybody knows where to buy an second hand 15M ECU? Thanks
  14. Thanks everyone for the support. I've checked the price and it is far to expensive for the improvement that the conversion looks to brings so I've decided not to do it
  15. Hello everyone! I am looking for a good, profesional place within Europe to make a twin spark conversion on my mg. does anyone can help me? Thanks
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