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Everything posted by OldButNotDead

  1. OldButNotDead


    Oops, sorry! I was thinking that might have been too harsh; chalk it up to a childhood spent on the L.I.E. I'd guess your initial primary benefit would be resale value, and personal setisfaction if you like having high-end things. It's also possible you would grow into a 1st rate suspension. I didn't think of myself as a "sportbike" guy when I bought my V11 Sport, but now I scrape bits and want more. I'm happy without the Ohlins. Regardless of the hardware you buy, I suggest paying for a suspension setup. I first tried to do this on my own, working from a variety of text and web sources, and figured I'd done OK, as the bike was comfy over bumpy roads around home. When it went to the track though, I found it sucked. A proper setup by a pro makes it handle at the track with just a **bit** less cush on the street.
  2. OldButNotDead


    Ahh, Lawn Guyland. My experience suggests that you're best off driving these roads in my mom's blue 1978 Olds Delta 88. Drinking cheap beer, listening to Led Zepplin on bad speakers, and packing in numerous high school buddies should significantly enhance your experience. If you're doing it right, you'll feel like you're floating - much better than Ohlins. For this type of riding, I'd get a radar detector instead.
  3. OldButNotDead


    Saavy and foreign Currently listed on the Rossopuro website at 670 euro (~ca. 795 USD).
  4. OldButNotDead


    I can add my strong endorsement too; it's a standup establishment that exists for love not money. Bought an exhaust system (Quat-D) from them this fall past, and almost bought thier tailpiece as well - very nicely made. Both Paolo and Fillippo converse well in english. The bikes they build are really REALLY cool.
  5. Yer welcome, but thanks really go to all those people who have helped me so much the past few years without even knowing it. I finally decided to get of my fat lurking ass and step up. I actually got the idea for brass ends from Gary C., who I bump into locally from time to time. Given how critical "insider info" is for this brand, this forum completely rocks. While I'm giving credit...praise be to Jeff and the rest of the dudes at Detroit Eurocycles.
  6. Comparison of my stock and brass bar ends assembled: apart: and the "mirror adaptor" ends currently on the bike: I really like this solution as it moves the mirrors out past my shoulders, the combined weight of the brass + mirror damps the vibs substantially, and it's easy to pull the mirrors off. I have this mounted on a handbar, but it should also fit the clipons.
  7. Mirror plugs into the adaptor. An m8 allen head bolt runs through the mirror, adaptor, then into the brass expander (on pg 2). The expander gets inserted into the bar and the adaptor is screwed tight. The mirror is rotated to where I want it, then the allen bolt is tightened; this secures both the brass expander inside the bar and the mirror's rubber expander inside the adaptor. Done. Probably easier to see then read. I'll try and get a photo up in the next couple of days.
  8. LOTS of old threads on this. I use a rubber strap pipe wrench to hold the stock bar end on my 03 Sport while unscrewing the allen bolt. Once the end is off a wrench loosens the expander. Some people just stuff the rubber sleeve of the Napoleons into the threaded bit of the bars; I think it's a tight fit, but works. I wanted to be able to pull the mirrors off easily, so I had the local shop make me up a set of adaptors for the mirrors and a set of bar ends for "no mirror" days. Works well for me, the swap takes ~5 min. I'll try to upload the pdf:BARENDadaptors.pdf
  9. Try "Touching the Void" by Joe Simpson. Really no petrol involved, but it's a gripping tale of what motivates some of us nutters to get out and in harm's way to hang it out in the breeze. A good reminder that it ain't over til its over.
  10. Mine's droopy too, but we're talking bout the muffer here, right? I'm happy with my Quat-D and plan to be happier when I fix it so it stops scraping. Really sorry to hear about your hand; I hope you press for the best doctors you can find. Good wrench + good tools = happy machine. Good luck!
  11. I scratched my head over this, until I realized the main issue: the FRAME brackets prevent raising the muffer to where it should be. The brackets hit the top of the muffer before it's situated "properly". I added spacers to get the muffler bracket to nest into the frame bracket and provide a little clearance between the frame bracket and top of muffler. It looks like a design flaw to me, at least for this muffler/bike combo.
  12. I agree that it would look better with the back raised and the bottom of the muffler parallel to the ground. The front tubes are not the problem. The mounting brackets on the frame are the problem. They do not allow the muffer to be positioned any closer to the frame without cutting or grinding them down. I think this can be seen in the photo...
  13. I just put one on at the end of this season. I'm planning to have a map made in the spring (~ May) and will post the results here if people are still interested. I was running a Ferracci open air box mod + pipes + custom mapped PCIII and was happy except for scraping the mufflers on track days. That just scares the $@#$ out of me, so I bought a Quat-D (with the cat included) from Filippo at Firestarter Garage (great guy btw). It needed a stack of washers to mount on my Sport Nekid - see the pic; I'm guessing the hanger is designed for an earlier model (mine's an 02 sold as 03). The sound is pretty nice; a bit quieter than the Ferraccis, but still louder than stock. Somewhat metallic, but not enough to sound tinny. My only complaint is that I scraped the exhaust pipe (arrow) in a right-hander the first ride out; on the street! I plan to cut it down or deform it to sort this out; I'd be interested in hearing from anyone that's done/contemplated this.
  14. Look pal...I don't have time for this pollyanna crap. Either tell me what you need, or get outta duh way, there's otha people waitin!
  15. I'm typically surprised when I visit NYC, people are always nicer than I'm expecting. At a minimum the extreme levels of competition seem to maintain high levels of competence (and sometimes responsiveness) in businesses that stay afloat long term.
  16. Must....(gasp)...stay........sane. ..til then......
  17. And bubkus = diddly squat for the rest of youse. I don't understand why a faster charge rate tops up these batteries and a slower doesn't. Seems counterintuitive if it's just how hard you push electrons and the size of the bucket, but maybe it's the chemistry and not the physics? This page might be of interest: odyssey charging
  18. >The first time it happened, I put a battery tender on it, and after some period of >time, was able to crank the bike, and rode it for several hours. Thereafter, it >seemed OK. >I have been away on business for better than a week, the Guzzi was sitting- and >this morning, the battery was again dead. (I did not leave the battery tender on >it during my absence, but this just reinforces the question about what load is on >it when the bike it shut off). Battery not only dead, but my tender indicated that >there was a fault with the battery, i.e., the tender wouldn't go into normal charge >mode. Bum battery, bum tender? Depends on your choice of standard, no? Maybe not the issue, but my understanding is that once substantially drained, the "glass matt" ("gel") batteries require a high-amp charge to be restored. Most low amp Tenders are great for regular use, but apparently don't work if the battery's lost much capacity. They *appear* to work, since measured voltage comes up to spec and that's supposted to reflect capacity, but in my hands, my partially drained battery didn't hold a charge until I stopped trying the Tender, drained the battery to ~10.5V, then recharged with a Optimate charger (6A , I think). YMMV.
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