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Paul Guzzi

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  • My bike(s)
    2002 V11 LeMans

Paul Guzzi's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. Paul Guzzi

    Paul Guzzi

  2. Hello Riek, I have a 2002 LeMans and have installed the Motratech set. Although the installation directions leave a lot of room for improvement, once installed correctly, they have made a huge improvement in long ride comfort. I also put on the MRA.de higher windscreen and bar risers that move the bars up and back approximately 40 mm. This combination leaves the bike "sporty" enough to really lean into corners, but makes it more comfortable for me on longer trips, allowing a more upright riding position. With these mods, this is now my favorite road bike of the 8 that I've owned. Best Regards, Paul
  4. OK, Using Bill's warning system, since my '02 LeMans has about 4,500 miles on it (just bought it this year with 3,800 on it) and I'm starting to have a lot of problems shifting (it's never been smooth like all my Jap bikes, but is getting much worst last few days) I guess I need some info. Where do I get the step by step instuctions? Do I buy an aftermarket spring? and, if so, who makes them and where to I get them? I have no idea if the bike has the 15mm boss or the evil 16.5(ish)mm boss. I'm fairly new to this forum site and don't quite have your system down yet. Thanks for any advice you all may have. Best Regards, Paul
  5. Hello Andy, I'm new to this site and new to my 2002 LeMans. Do you still sell the taller, tinted MRA windshield to fit the LeMans? I was about to order a Laminar Lip for the Guzzi, but thought I should look this up on this site first. I have an LL on my Kawasaki Concours and it was a huge improvement. Some comments I've read here, however, indicate that this MRA unit is even better. Thanks, Paul
  6. Owning a Guzzi is such an interesting learning experience. Eccentric shaft is adjusted and you're right: I absolutely love this bike. Problem is that it has a favorite speed that is a bit over what's posted, but what a BLAST!! Thanks to all of you who triangulated on the target for me.
  7. OK, Now I totally get it. That link really explained it well. Can't wait to get home and fix this so I can ride! If this website had existed back when I had my 1968 V700, I might still own that beast too, but it drove me nuts..... Thanks again for your help.
  8. That mispent youth of mine was, as it turns out now, a very fine expenditure indeed. Anyway. I'll keep messing with the linkage and let you know if I can get it to shift. I read through all the technical topics, but did not see other mentions of this problem. Maybe I don't know how to use the site yet, but when I tried to get at the "Archives" to look for those past threads, I kept getting error messages. How do I find those items? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the help. I'll fiddle away and hopefully get the thing to shift. Good thing I have what my wife calls my "backup bike", the Kaw Concours, which always starts, stops, and goes very fast in between. It's just not exciting the way the Guzzi is.
  10. Yes, 1st and 2nd seem normal, then nothing....... I'll do as you said and mess with that adjustment. I had a Guzzi back in the 70's but have ridden so many Japanese inline fours (almost no trouble of any kind.......) since then that I'd forgotten how interesting it is to own a Guzzi. I live in Chelsea, about half way between Ann Arbor and Jackson. Thanks.
  11. Got this 2002 LeMans in January. So far it's received a new battery. I'm waiting for a new set of relays. Something's up with the neutral switch/light/relay/ sidestand switch..........Does start with sidestand up, but neutral light has a mind of it's own, coming and going as it pleases. Today, in my first attempt to leave my driveway, I discovered that this bike has no interest, what so ever, in going past 2nd gear. What's my first step in figuring this out? Is there a history of this problem with the fix already worked out? Bike only has 3,900 miles on it (at least according to the odometer). By the way, this bike has "Grand Rapids Guzzi" painted on the rear. I've tried to call them, but get a recording from the phone company. Does anyone know if this dealer is still in business in Grand Rapids, MI?
  12. Thanks. I put up the side stand and it started. I put the side stand back down and it instantly stopped. Now that I know what I'm looking for, it should be easy to fix. Best Regards, Paul
  13. John, are these the "G8HN-1C2T-R-DC12 standard SPDT type"? Thanks, Paul
  14. I bought a 2002 LeMans a few months ago. Now we have some OK weather. Put on the helmet, jacket, gloves. Bike stalled. Dead. Battery and oil light on, but not neutral light (yes, it was in neutral). Push the start button and nothing. Turn key off and back on, no FI sound, no clicks, no start. Rolled it back in and hooked up the battery tender again until the light was green. disconnected the BT and turned the key. Oil light and battery light, no neutral light, no FI sound, nothing when I pushed the start button. Put meter on the battery. Reads 13 volts. Lights work, horn works, turn signals work, fuses are good. SO, what's the most likely place to start? I'm no mechanic, but I pretty much get how internal combustion engines work. I own 13 of them. Just new to this fuel injected Guzzi. Any suggestions? Thanks, Paul
  15. I've had the bike a few weeks. Have started it a few times while looking out the garage window at the snow. Uneventful the first three times. The fourth time, when I twisted the throttle, the rpms ramped up very quickly and since the when I returned the throttle to the idle position, it had no affect on the high rpms, I quickly turned off the key. With the engine off, I turned the throttle again, watched the linkage move on the TBs. When I let go of the throttle, nothing happened. The throttle retained its position as did the linkage. When I returned the throttle to idle position, the linkage on the TBs did not move, but stayed in the wide open position. I started the bike again after moving the TB linkage by hand back to idle. It stated right up. I could blip the linkage by hand and they returned via spring pull........ OK, could it just be that the throttle cable needs some lube? Maybe I just answered my own question. I'll try that and let you know. If this is correct, then thanks for asking me to describe this more carefully. Focus, focus, focus. I've been staring at banks of 4 carburetors for too many years........................ -Paul
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