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GED 01

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Everything posted by GED 01

  1. cant you tell its 6am doh http://www.motomeccaspares.co.uk/
  2. HI MATE I WOULD GIVE THESE GUYS A CALL they have always been able to help me in the past,hope you get it sorted
  3. right well im back in good health [almost] so i had a good look at the bike ... checked the battery wires all leads at the battery terminals are ok no corrosion or anything that may cause concern,the leads that conect to the starter are also ok ,as is the earth strap from the frame to the battery, tested the battery as advised b4,battery been on charge 24hr maximiser showing that the battery is in full state of charge and in good condition and able to hold charge multimeter shows 12.92v switched lights on for 3mins then left them off for 5min meter now showing 12.6v "is this ok"?? removed starter completly stripped down it was full of carbon crap and needed a clean bushes and magnets ok,nothing really wrong with anything apart from it needing a good clean,,,NOW when i looked at the brush retaining collar the thing that feels like its made from bakalite there was a crack half way across now how much this would have an effect on holding the brushes against the comutator i dont know ,so i will order a new ring and brushes tomorow until i get the parts theres not much else i can do,,, the only other thing i want to ask is there any sort of test to determin if the solenoid is u/s or the starter ????cheers 4 now i will keep you all posted
  4. to be honest ive just made it out of me bed ,,,ive been struck down with the mother of all colds/flu,,,,,,,,,so ive not been able to do anything with the guzz,,,but ive pretty much resigned myself that it could be the solonoid,,i will have more of an idea next week when im fit and able to have a proper look ,,,,cheers for now
  5. im taking the starter out tomorrow and have a good look ive just been reading the following http://www.largiader.com/tech/valeo/ http://www.airheads.org/content/view/210/98/ http://home.clara.net/hallvw/starter.htm the last link give a trouble shooter table ,ive read through it and it points at both the starter and solenoid ie plunger engaging starter failing to turn sluggish or no action starter and the causes why ,all of which i will look at tomorrow,
  6. first id like to say thanks for the replys to my plea for help,much appreciated,,right ive just been over the guzz the batt as been on charge all day ,,my maximiser says it is fully charged and that the batt is in good condition and able to hold a charge,i then try to start it on the button ,,same as b4,slight movment in the ring gear then click click bloody click,so i connect the starter direct to the batt,no more click click and the engine is cranking over,"BUT" very very slowly for about 3 seconds then it turns no more,its as though the battery is totally dead,now i havnt looked at the earth cable,and im pretty certain the battery is ok,and the relays and switches are fine ,that leaves the solenoid and starter,is it possible that the starter is failing and the soli has failed,both at the same time,and why does the battery sound and act flat ,is it somthing to do with the failing parts require more current from the battery than it can supply.i did phone moto mecca today and was told the valeo starter is very reliable apart from the bushes coming un-glued and the soli hasnt failed due to the fact that it is clicking,my reply was that if the soli had some sort of conectors inside that had worn or become dirty or damaged in any other way would thay not need a hell of a lot more currant than the battery can supply to make it operate and that the power the solinoid can be supplied with is limited then it would fail to work properly and go click click,to that i got the answer i may have a point ,so once again can anyone shed any light to my problem,am i right to assume that the starter solonoid or earth are now favourites to be the cause of my problems ,,,or is there a strange guzzi wiring connector hidden away somwhere that always fails but somone forgot to tell me, ps it as got an alarm datatool thatcham 1 but it as no small wire going to the starter,anyhow tomorrow i will remove the tank and check all the wiring and once again thanks for your help so far cheers
  7. as i said i dont think its the battery ,,ive tried 3 at the worst 1 battery was showing 12.75v my new one was showing 13v ive also tried jump starting all to no avail ,to be honest its got me stumped ,when i get in from work tonight i will check the ground but i feel that it will prove to be ok, the relays i got of dan cant remember the make
  8. hi mate thanks for the reply,first im 99.9% sure it aint the battery its brand new and ive tested it and its holding a strong charge,the connectors at the battery are clean and secure as are the ones connected to the starter and solenoid with no corrosion,you say the ground cable ,i havnt checked it yet ,but it is now on my "new" list of things to do,cheers
  9. first things first, b4 the search police nab me,i have done a search and still need help,,,i will try to be as brief as poss, 2 weeks ago i started up the guzz to go to work and pressing the starter the engine reluctantly turned over ,and the engine fired up,a day later went to start the guzz and all i got was a lethargic half a a turn of the ring gear and tick tick sound coming from the solenoid/starter area sounded like a woodpecker.i think its the starter i cleaned it out with contact cleaner and cleaned off the bush faces,also cleaned of the electrical power conector from the battery ,and charged the battery,the bike started [although it didnt spin round as fast as it used to b4 firing up],only to find the day after back to squre 1 no start tick tick again ,so i bought a new wesco battery ,and replaced the relays ,all of em,,,and still the bike wont turn over apart from the starter seems to turn the ring gear slightly then tick ticking noise, could the solenoid be fooked,the bike only done 8ooomiles ,or is there another area i need to look at,any help would be great as i dont want t waste any more time or money barking up the wrong tree,,, ps this may be relevent but ,mid september these problems slowly surfaced ie,as each day passed i noticed that the sterter would turn the engine slower and slower up until as i said she let me down and wouldnt start ,,,,,,cheers Ged
  10. IM IN TOTAL AGREEMENT,,,,how many guzzis are fitted with the single plate clutch and ali fly wheel,and how many have failed,due to faulty componants,i picked my scura up on saturday and had a long talk with the haed mechanic /manager at moto strada ,part of the conversation turn to me asking about the pawl spring being a problem,o yes what a pain we changed the one on your bike 3times in 7k until we finally got the right part that was last year so it will be ok,nice one ,,,so what about expoloding clutches or is it flywheels i asked read a few stories on v11.com seems like a potential time bomb,,,,eh ,,,what,,,,,? [the guy looks puzzled]i have heard of a number [not specific]]of cases but they were in the states,all i can say is ive never heard of a case in the uk,,,so what do i believe,,, if the number of cases was around the 30% mark i would be fairly concerned ,but i dont think its anywhere near that so i will carry on enjoyin the best bike ive owned and have faith in mr guzzi and the mechanic who knows more than i ever will,, cheers
  11. had your clutch gone,at what mileage
  12. im going to fit a pair of bolt on air filters and was wondering if anyone could give me the dimensions of the filters i need especially the internqal diameter of the neck,also is there a preferance of brand ,lastly is there any recommendations of where to buy them in the uk cheers,,
  13. well it finally happend i picked up my scura this morning wow,it was everything i expected and then some,from the moment i pressed the starter and it shook its head as it warmed up, it was love at first sight the pluses,comfy for tall riders bucket loads of real world torque small fairing suprisingly effective at motorway speeds [85ish mph] the MG TI CANS the sound,,,,,,,,,, awsome its looks,,,,,,,, turns heads where ever i go the gearbox since when has guzzi made a gearbox soooo slick clutch single plate,,,,,,, its light action and very precise i dont find it grabby at all ive not stalled it once even in very heavy traffic and guess what it had the gear selector spring and shaft changed last year for the correct spec no more breaks the only down side is the handling,very very twitchy fornt end feels like it s on 16in rims,and its soooo soft,going to spend some time tomorrow setting it up,,b4 i bought the guzz i looked at a ,tuono, falco,buell,suzi sv1000, am i glad i bought the guzzi feckin right
  14. thanks for the replies dont get me wrong im not anti guzzi or a grouch,im 38 been on the road 22 yrs and im pretty clued up on bikes even on the older guzzis ,but i know very little about the neweer ones,and if i wanted a nonda i would of bought one fact is ive just sold my yzf750r and r1 why cos once youve got used to there performance and superb handlin then theres nothing else left there great on a race track but how many times do you go on track ,there a pain around town ,commuting and anything further than a 30mile sprint ,i suppose what im trying to say is there great bikes but souless,thats why i got rid and went back to guzzi, but the point i tried to make was how can a bike like the scura with all its fancy clobber its unique"ness,its styling its sound its road pressence be plagued with things like a brocken spring cos some numpty cant tell the differance between 16.5 mm and 15mm,its a flawed diamond ,its like cameron diaz growing a beard ive not even got the bike and already in love with it its just a shame that its got its niggles,,,but i will know more tomorrow,when i pick it up and give it going over,cheers
  15. yes its got the marelli ? race ecu [think thats right ] under the seat,sounds really good, just a bit on a downer cos ive just registered and it seems bad news all the way i expected quality problems from my 23 yr old lario but not from a bike less than 5yrs old ....thought guzzi had got it sorted,cheers for the rely
  16. hi im new to the forum,and what a great place it is,im due to collect my new bike on saturday its a 2002 scura,so i thought i would read up on this model [i used to own a LARIO 2 YRS AGO] and to be honest i feel a bit depressed know as ive read about the clutch or is it flywheel that self distructs and gear selector spring anyhow i would like to try and trace the previous owner ,,i dont have the log book yet so cant contact him at this moment in time,the bike reistation is DU52 VBE i bought it from moto strada west yorkshire the bike has done 8000 miles and its one owner from new its fitted with MG titanium cans the only member i can find from west yorks is moscowphil ive tried to pm him but im not sure if iwas succesful,it would be nice to hear from the previous owner to see if its had a upgrade done to the fly /clutch plus ask him as he got the spare keys [lol] keep up the good work excellent informative forum cheers Ged 01
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