The bike is running ok now after tps adjustment and tuneup.
However, whenever I go up to or just over 100 mph the motor will stop dead, restart, stumble, cutout and barely run until I come to a stop. Then it usually returns to normal. It does this every single time.
I do not believe it is a fuel issue because the cutout is pronounced and dramatic as if it is being switched on and off. Lights are working during this problem and no idiot lights come on. It's a little hard to get all the details when your bike cuts out at 100 mph tho.
Bike has 3600 miles, power commander, M4 pipes and a K&N filter, Dan Prunuske relays, a new kill switch and a new tach.
Any ideas on how to test for the problem, what to look for or common electrical issues that could cause this?