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Velf 2003

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    v11 sport

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Guzzisti (2/5)



  1. No, not the bearings are the problem. The (lack of) greasing is!! Everyone should inspect their steering head bearing and grease them ass much as possible. The full volume of the steeringhead assembly should be full of grease. I know I did, and no water, rain or high pressure washing, did any harm to mine ( for the last 06.000 kms, taht is...) Winter is comming, a nice one to do if you bored... Good luck Velf2003
  2. !6-18 (37.6-42.3 US mpg) looks pretty good to me. I think those getting more are very easy on the throttle transitions and minimal shifting. "Temp sensor mod?" How so? http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14832&st=15 This is the thread that discusses sense AND nonsense about the temp sensor. I have made a contribution to the thread aswell. Maybey it`s interesting to read it?If so, please feel free to read it and if you have any questions about my mod, feel free to PM me. Guzzigreetings, Velf2003
  3. 16,5/l at an indicated speed of 170 to 180 km/h, obviously on the German highway, on the way back from the GMG last september.... And normally my fuel mileage varies between 16/18 km/l. Moslty trips longer then 30 km, mostly (not allways..) temperatures above 10 C, a full standard V11 naked 2002, except for the temp sensor mod..., and well setup... How you guys manage a high fuel mileage like that makes me wonder; Is it me... or is it you that makes the difference... Velf2003
  4. Both Kiwi Roy and you are right AND wrong. It is true that the spelling of the givven name can be misinterpretated for a piercing shop (didn`t see that one comming, hahaha) and yes, is it based on the Sioux name Wakan Tanka: Wakan Tanka is the Sioux name for the Great Spirit or Great Mystery. Wakan Tanka is thought of the creator of the world or universe; believed to be the All-Providing One. This Spirit is paid reverence as providing for the needs of everyone. This reverence is displayed when the people honor the four directions, the Sun, Mother Earth, and their fellow man because these are Wakan Tanka's creation; when honoring them, people honor the spirit of Wakan Tanka which resides within each of them. The American Native does not attempt to describe this Great Power that Created All because "it is a Mystery," they advise, "leave it alone; no one describe such a vast mystery." Since it is traditional for the American Indian people not to argue over religious concepts, considering such arguments foolish, they invite everyone, especially the rainbow people, to join them, each in their own way and expression, in the reverence of Wakan Tanka. BUT: Since I have my own unique way of doing things (most people do...) I named it nothing more, nothing less than Wakatanka. Greetings, Velf2003 keeper of Wakatanka. p.s. Does anyone ever seen the Wakan motorcycle? (http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2006/07/18/wakan-1640-new-french-v-twin-motorcycle/) Its name is also based on the same Sioux word I`ve used.
  5. What t.. F...!! I did an inspection today, as a part of the anual winter check and maintenance round. Removed the oil sump, suspecting to find a hint or solution as to why my oil light came on under 2500 revs, when warm. No clues to find there.... Ah well, just spanner-along. And then when (trying) to remove the old oil filter...... Something odd took place. Normally the old oil filter, once a bit loosened, can be further unscrewed by hand. Not this time though. So unscrewing it further with the apropriate tool, the filter came off and reveilled a somewhat desintegreted rubber ring on the mating surface of the filter. Could this be the cause of the funny light saying oil in the dash? Ok, change filter with a new one. Carefully tighten it to the specified torque. Put back on the oil sump, fill with oil. Start. Rev some more... No funny light saying oil anymore in the dash!! Now, I realise that this half an hour (on the standard in the garage...) dry driving isn`t representative for normal use. But the oil was surely hot, and the oil cooler was more than handwarm too. And since the outcome of Vuzzi`s quest is more or less the same I`m pretty sure that I had a somewhat same problem: a faulty rubber o-ring on the oil filter. To be continues when wheather conditions give a good reason to take Wakatanka out for a ride. Yes, I beginning to grasp a hold of what my V11 is to me. And is has gotten a name: Wakatanka. Google will be more than happy to inform you as to where my thoughts whent when givvin the bike its name. When in doubt why the bike is called this: don`t ask. Its the old adagium: when you have to ask, you havent understood it. Greeting from the old 2011, already peering at the new 2012: Velf2003, keeper of Wakatanka.
  6. Since maintenance (replacing oil + filter) is due, I`ll check if perhaps this is the matter with my beloved V11 aswell. And taking off the ofp after some 55000 km`s isn`t an interval one should be concernd about, hihihi. To be continued... Velf2003
  7. Hi Vuzzi, (and others), Is is any relief to you to know that my V11 has EXACTLY the same problem? It happened for the first time on the first day of my two days journey (2 to get there, and 2 to get home..) to Mandello last september. I stopped along the way, rested some two minutes and then... MY OIL LIGHT CAME ON!! Hell, I thougt, what`s happening to me Didn`t see that one coming! A quick check of my oil level reveiled that there was no problem there. A little releived (and not carying a spare pressuresensor or any oil at all with me) I decided to just drive and see what happened. Suprisingly when the revs went up (in my case 2200) the light shut up its nasty message. I even bougt a new sensor at Augustini`s in Mandello, but replaced it when I was home... A litte late perhaps, but I whas confidend nothing serious whas the case. During the rest of the trip I never handeld my machine any different than before the light went on, nor did I notice any diference in performing. Even better, I even felt it performing, better, stronger! And even a long 170 km/u haul for an hour din`t change that. And vuzzi likewise, the light only comes up when the engine has reached its normal operating temperature!! So changing the pressure at home sensor gave that: all was normal again. The light only was on when ignition was on, and directly after cranking is was off, and staid that way. But, to make this complex: Yesterday I took advantage of the (still!!) nice wheater and treated myself to an afternoon of driving in Muensterland, Germany. And you`ve probably guessed it: the ligt again came on during idlig, when hot. Personally I think nothing serious is the matter. Although I`ve dig deep in my thougts to find out what the cause can be. Didn`t quite made an aducated guess at the moment though. Since winter-recess is on its way, I`ll have to take a closer look at that moment. So in short: Vuzzi, whe have got the same issue (and not necceseraly a problem) with the oil-light, but I cannot help you with any information as to where to look to solve the mistery. And in my humble opinion, its just guzzi-caracter being overdisplayed in terms of an over-enthousiastic oil-light. Drive well. Velf2003
  8. My sensor (the one on the left side of the engine, that is...) after some 50k, has gone dripping aswell. I fixed it with some new 'gasket-out-of-the-tube. Worked wonders for me. But then again, all Guzzi`s have different characters... Good luck. Velf2003
  9. Hoi Jaap, My guess it that the tempsensor in the right cylinderhead needs the old if-guzzi-didnt-manufacture-it-right-i`ll-fix-it-myself fixing. I did wonders tot popping under light loads in hot whether-conditions for me! If you`re interested, please PM me. succes - good luck. Velf2003
  10. In my case, changing the valve lash to greater values (I adopted the 20-25 option) centainly helped. But the greatest improvement came from adjusting the temp sensor in the right cylinderhead. That did cure the Italian sneeze, made great improvement in not-running-hot-in-hot-wheater en improved heating up (meaning reaching optimumum oil temp quicker). Maybey All (forummember) has already also adjusted his tempsensor in the way I`ve advised him, and he is willing to share the changes? (All Roethisberger is his name, hopefully well spelled) Good luck with all these advices!! Velf2003
  11. velf shall we start our own registry Well Rossi, Damn good looking bikes we`ve got, he? Almost jealous of myself, haha. What about that registry, could you explain the benefits of such an registry? Guzzigreetings, Velf2003. And for Jaap, If I send you the most detailled photo, can you estimate the costs of producing the matching decall? (Maybey youre interested aswell rossi?)
  12. Hi rossi, It goes for you aswell: thanks for the effort. But again it`s not the decall I`m looking for (though your site has an hilarious t-shirt witch made me smile!!) Looking at your avatar, we have the same V11 naked, being silver gastank, and mattgrey and brownisch other plastic bits. So I`m curious. Does your V11 also have the v11sport written on the side panels written in black, with only the ``11`` bit in red? Guzzigreetings, Velf2003
  13. Is this what you're looking for?: http://www.v11lemans...showtopic=15544 You can take the attached file to a sign maker and have the logos made. Probably cheaper than ordering them from MG Hi Jaap, Thanks for taking the effort. Unfortunately the decalls on my bike are different. Different in the way that only the ``11`bit is in red, and the ``V`` and ``sport`` bits are in black. Plus that the ``sport`` bit is in an not written forward bent but just in a straight way. Is is not time to post a picture, just to convince everyone that Luigi had an spakling day and put, just for the fun of it, a different type of decall on my bike? (P.S. Jaap, since you come up with the decalls as such, can you make a copy of my desired decall if presented an example?) Enfin, winter hasn`t left the building, so time is on my side. Guzzi greetings, Velf2003
  14. Wintertime, stylingtime, Since use has had its effect on the painted items on the bike I`m plannig an repaint job. I know that colourcodes aren`t around, so the paintshop has tot do its best in reproducing the original colour. But I have come to the conclusion that original transfers for my 2003 (non-cat, grey-black plastic,crincle paint engine) originals transfers are not available. Even not at tlm, here in Holland. Does anyone know where they are available? Tanks in advance, Velf2003
  15. There are times when you have to make a turnover in life. This time its time to enter the era of my third V11!! I started on the original grey and red V11, then followed my V11 sport naked (First onwer, both) . A true improvemend in terms of handling and build quality. Now its time to make the final step to the V11 Cafe Sport. That is why I am selling my V11. Its bin on the road since 2005, now has done some 44.000 kms. And has visited the factory in Mandello in 2006 at the 85th anniversary!!!!!!!! Some specs: Gianelli carbon silencers, iridium plugs, original carbon mini fairing (of the Scura) and new tyres. The bike only had bin ridden on long distance and has all regular maintenance. If someone is interested, please pm me for further info and pictures.
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