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Everything posted by tmcafe

  1. Get the iphone and tell her to go Seriously, IMO it's a masterpiece of design (ok, cut & paste would make it perfect ). But I'd rather see banging on rocks and smoke signals being used in real life. The sight of people holding their phones, checking their screens and thumbing the keypad in any circumstance in public brings up in me visions of cruel punishment not to be mentioned on Christmas day. So, peace and joy to all who are celebrating today
  2. A while ago Italian police got some light blue Lamborghinis to catch bad guys w fast cars on l'autostrada
  3. Get the iPhone if you can. Writing on it as we speak. After a few hours, i'm totally hooked. So far coverage seems fine (home and work), reception same, web browsing same even on edge which is said to be slower. It's a masterpiece of design, totally intuitive and easy to use. Amazing. Hope it can be unlocked.
  4. Update: Got an iPhone from AT&T. I'm under a 30-day trial, haven't even transfered my Verizon number as I got a "dummy" number for now. My main concern is quality of reception, and whether it can be unlocked or not. Sure AT&T won't unlock it, but I'll look into doing it on the gray market. What sucks is that you have to get their data plan too, but I got a 15% discount for both phone and monthly plan through my employer, so it's not that bad. We'll see. I do like the phone and Apple stuff, but if the deal doesn't work I can return it.
  5. Thanks. I know they all have some int'l plan, worth looking into what they charge per minute when you're there. Even Verizon, my current carrier has some kind of deal. What I'd like is to see if I could get a local SIM card and so have a local number where the local folk could reach me (no dice if they have to call a US number). I wonder if a phone sold by AT&T under a plan agreement (=cheaper than with no plan) could be unlocked so that it wold take foreign SIM cards. Smb. said even Verizon BB Storm has a slot for SIM cards? (bun no Wi-Fi capability). Thanks for pointing out. My bad--fixed. Actually it's a word I never use, though you hear it everyday. And given that I work in a very PC environment, I should have known better (I remember one of my coworkers mentioned this term in an informal list of "how-can-they-say-that"-words.
  6. Good coverage seems to keep coming up as the no. 1 issue. Perhaps I'm taking it for granted. Who knows, maybe I've been spoiled with Verizon all these years as I haven't had the issues with coverage and connection quality that others complain about. Maybe I should test ATT and T-Mobile to see how they compare to Verizon at least in this area. As for phones, I'd like to have a few of the features iPhone has, including wi-fi and video play.
  7. Thanks, I knew I was going to get some good tips. I've got Verizon but I've been on a month-to-month for a while so I'm not stuck. Having used my phone on both coasts and in between, nobody's ever complained that I was breaking up during phone conversations. Instead I sometimes notice problems when I talk with folks who have other companies. But I'm sure it also depends where you use a certain network. Sprint: I heard many complain about its customer service. So I'm thinking if I switch, it'd be either T-Mobile or AT&T (the latter only for the I-Phone). But I might stay with Verizon and try to get the best deal on Blkb Storm I kind of like the idea to get the best phone from Verizon and a junk GSM phone for overseas. But Verizon's internet is $$, though it's supposed to be much faster than the other companies'. Yup, the only times when I felt the reception wasn't best was in my office, both here and back when I was in Mass. Go figure.
  8. That's me, the [edited] challenged I still haven't figured what new cell phone and service to pick. I've been doing my homework, and my head is spinning with all that lingo, but now my POS cell phone can barely be used for a few mins at a time, the display has quit long ago, so I'll have to act fast, 'cause in spite of my cell phone ignorance, that's all I have as a phone, except for the land line at work. I'd like to be able to use the phone overseas too, mostly in Europe, so I'm looking at all options. I know T-Mobile works with local (foreign) SIM cards. Verizon can't do that, although it prolly has the best coverage. All I'd like to have in addition to phone is being able to surf the web on Wi-Fi hotspots and possibly on a phone network wireless plan. The I-Phone would be cool, Safari and all--but I'm being told that porn is too slow So what's your experience fellas? (I doubt anybody would understand this subject less than I do)
  9. tmcafe


    Thanks, I appreciate it! As you can probably tell, I'm totally new as far as dealing with insurance companies, adjusters, et al. So I may take you up on the offer, thanks again.
  10. tmcafe


    Thanks DeBen! Makes sense. Forgot to mention, the claims guy also asked me today how much I think the bike would be worth (probably to see if it would be totaled given the expenses). I didn't tell him, other than we (he) could check the NADA guide. I did tell him that the MSRP on the bike was pretty high.
  11. tmcafe


    Update on the bike and insurance company: Bike was looked at by a claims adjuster (not a rider, worth noting). He said I could go ahead and have the bike inspected by the dealer. So I did this, for now on my own dime, assuming that they'll pay for the tow and estimate along with the parts and labor. The dealership came up with an estimate which seemed very high as it included stuff that I wouldn't make a claim for (minor scratches that the bike had when I bought it). At the same time, it didn't mention stuff that I know got damaged when the bike was hit: a little scratch on the left side of the tank, front part of tank being slightly yet visibly offset vs. the frame, the sidestand, and the right porkchop, which got scratched/dented by the brake pedal as it broke off. Even the claims adjuster saw these and took pics, but I guess I still need an estimate from the dealer. Maybe I should have told the mechanic and the job writer what to look for, but I felt it would have sounded like telling them how to do their job. But in retrospect, and having already spoken today with the service writer, I probably should have been more pushy. Don't know, I'm new to this...
  12. I tune with Cdr Ratch's post blending politics and Italian beauties (after all this is a site about Italian beauties ), here's the famous Cicciolina, member of the Italian Parliament, champion of peace and human rights, and ex-wife and "muse" of US artist Jeff Koons. We need somebody like her in Congress (perhaps she'd make a good Secy of State too .
  13. tmcafe


    Thanks again for the tips, I'll keep them in mind. Here's the update: in the meantime I got contacted by claims adjusters from my own insurance and from the driver's insurance. The guy from my company, who's a local, said he'd come and look at the bike. He also said that "as a courtesy" my insurance would be willing to have the bike taken to my local dealer and checked for damage and an estimate. They've worked with the dealer in the past on insurance claims. Although my insurance would be paying, it's not going to affect my premium or have it on the record as a claim. The driver's insurance also said they will send an appraiser, and offered to pay for a rental car if I need it. Told them for now I make do, but they said it's open if I still need it. I'd rather get a Guzzi loaner from the local dealer . Hope it all goes smooth.
  14. Hey charlie b, One thing I remember is that a few years/models have had recalls, so you may want to check if they got it.
  15. tmcafe


    Thanks folks, feels better you know what I mean--more so since you own one of these beauties. I'll take your advice and call my insurance as well to have them deal with the other company in case they're hard or slow to pay. In the meantime I've called the driver's insurance and spoke with a rep who just took the info from me for one of their claims adjusters, who should contact me on Monday (they work M-F ). Also I called Fred at Big Twin to have the bike towed and looked at on Monday. He said that the frame would be pretty hard to bend (sure hope so). But here's the kind of crap that annoys me: the way the rep from the ins. company was asking questions, as if the answers were later to be used against me, or in their defense. Like, "would this sound good as you final statement" kind of crap. Or "in the meantime please put a hold on any out-of-pocket expenses" blah. Also the driver's dad (who may actually be the policy holder for all the vehicles in their house) called and left a message saying how horribly his daughter felt for having damaged my bike, and gave me their insurance agent's and policy numbers. He was very polite and apologetic. Hope their insurance will be as nice as they seem to be.
  16. tmcafe


    It does make sense. Will call the insurance company asap. and perhaps tomorrow I could take the bike in to be inspected.
  17. tmcafe


    Thanks. I haven't called my own insurance. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I heard rumors that they keep track of things like this even if you don't submit any claims, and this may backfire sometime in the future. I did call the driver and left her a message, just to double check on her insurance claims' phone number. Haven't called her insurance yet. I hope the bike is still fixable, but won't be able to tell until they look at it. In the meantime I got a message from Jason at Moto I. saying that I could go ahead and take the bike to my local dealer. To do this, I'd have to check with the driver's insurance policy first.
  18. tmcafe


    I agree that this would be the most hassle-free thing to do, if it worked. But then what would I replace it with? Any new Cafe Sports around? Love this bike...
  19. tmcafe


    Thanks for the comments. You're right to say I'm lucky that she left a note with real numbers, but I'm still worried about dealing with her insurance company. I know they often try to avoid paying what should rightfully be due. Also besides parts availability I'm concerned that I still have almost a year of warranty, and the time that will be spent to get the bike checked/fixed will be eating out of the warranty. I'm totally new to this as I've never had to deal with any claims from my insurance or anybody else's, so any more suggestions, keep'em coming!
  20. This crap happened last night. I parked the bike after hours at the very end of the last parking space in a row of several on a fairly busy downtown street. I backed it straight against the curb, probably 6-8 ft behind a van. I remember I did have a vaguely uneasy feeling of "what if", perhaps only because it was already dark--but there was plenty of space and really no need for the vehicle to even back up to exit the parking space--those spaces are very large, probably designed for full-size trucks. Later I ran into a couple buddies at an event and since I hadn't seen one of them in a while, I wanted to show him my "new" bike. As we approached the bike, I saw the left mirror had been twisted counterclockwise toward the bike. WTF? But when we got closer, I noticed more scary things. The brake pedal had been broken off and sat on top of a handwritten note on the seat, along with a broken-off turn signal lens. The note said "I'm so sorry I didn't see your bike behind my car" and listed a couple phone numbers. I started looking at the bike to asses the damage. Obviously the van had backed into the bike with plenty of force, enough to make the bike fall over the sidestand. The bike--with a tankful of gas--had hit the ground on the left. The windshield fairing was scratched (later I found out it also cracked), the left turn signal was hanging loose, and of course the bike had also hit the ground on the left cylinder guard. The left muffler was also hit in front of the can and even more so at the end. Later I noticed that the handlebar/clamps had been badly bent. There are more minor scratches, most from where the bike touched the ground, perhaps from when they tried to lift it up. Anyway, I called police and convinced them to send somebody over since I suspected (and still do) the unseen damage could be worse (steering stem & steering head bearings, forks, perhaps even frame). Maybe I was lucky that the cop who came had actually been a motor cop and was cool. He filed the report and contacted the driver on the numbers she'd left--sure was lucky about her being a good citizen and leaving a note, and perhaps getting somebody to help lift the bike up. Later the cop called me to give me her name and insurance info. I still haven't called her or her insurance, but I took a lot of pics last night and this morning (when I also noticed that the front part of the tank is misaligned against the frame). In the meantime I called Moto Int'l to check to see how an estimate should be done. I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to the mechanics there (Micha's gone on vacation and Jason was out). My local dealer is good, but they're primarily a Beemer shop, and the other Euro brands they carry are just side dishes. Also a couple of their most experienced mechanics aren't there anymore. I don't want to call the driver's insurance before I know what is the best course of action as far as the estimate of repair goes. Worst case scenario, I could even have it shipped to Moto Intl. to have it checked there. My Italian beauty... Hope yours won't encounter this fate... Any tips on how I should deal with the other driver's insurance? Thanks.
  21. tmcafe


    Bienvenue! This is a great site for a great bike, glad you're joining.
  22. Yes, that's a little more offensive, thank you. However, I'm not sure about the intellectual thing re: Rosie. I can rather see her helping out on one of the Home Depot aisles (country muzak as sound background) And while we're at it (being incorrect and all), it's probably worth re-running a classic: Seriously, Italian TV is known to be one of the dumbest of the genre, and from what I've seen Romanian TV is competing for the same award.
  23. Why this is very incorrect Cdr. Ratchethack! (including calling them "hostesses"). BTW, although I find it very offensive, could you please post a larger pic of the Italian host? In the meantime, here's a TV show host from Romania:
  24. I did my homework here on the oil light issues, but couldn't find this question answered (my apologies if I missed it). So, sometimes when I start my bike (with the help of a bit of throttle), the oil light comes on for just a fraction of a second as the engine is starting. It's never more than that, and never comes on at any other time when the engine is running. I've noticed this happens if I grab a bit more throttle than usual. Starting faster may ease the load on the starter, but the oil light on even for a tiny fraction of a sec worries me. I'm thinking that maybe the engine revs faster than the oil pressure buildup for just that super brief moment. Love this bike and want to take good care of it Should I be easier on the extra gas when I'm starting the engine? PS I do keep the engine slightly "overfilled" per our experts' recommendation to avoid oil starvation.
  25. Super cool! Thanks for sharing. And the Stelvio looks great in black
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