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Everything posted by tmcafe

  1. Great story about the kids in Queens. I also like their observations about the fat and the homeless folks (though I doubt being fat should be blamed on being poor). I won't get into my doubts about ESL programs, which are perhaps better than "Bilingual Ed" (a code word for a whole trend I've resented from day one en esto pays). Press 1 for English... Fastest growing blah, blah... The other day in a leftist environment I couldn't stop saying something that they consider anathema: I'd vote to make English the official language tomorrow. It may sound so reactionary ("learn the language, speak the language or get the hell out of here"), but I don't see what's the problem. Keeping the traditions and values from the old country is great, and the society is enriched by that. But if you think learning the language and becoming functional in a country you chose to live in is too much, and then you blame the society for lack of opportunity, think again... As far as appreciating the freedom and opportunity here, here's what I find the most simple indicator of how clueless (and provincial) a native person is: "So what made you come to this country?" They should visit that school in Queens. Back to our regular programming of V11 content: just came back from a super nice ride in the mountains
  2. Being a fan of Cdr. Ratchethack's contributions to this great V11 site, if not of his political leanings, I just couldn't pass the opportunity to chime in on this special occasion. What I'm about to say may sound like it's all set up on purpose, but it really isn't. So here I am looking at this post about a US holiday as seen by a Romanian journalist, on a forum dedicated to our beloved Italian beauties. I have just ridden my own Cafe and am wearing my Combat Lite boots--designed by Sidi in Italy for Aerostich in the US, and crafted ("with pride" as they would say here) in Romania--just as I was some decades ago. Having been born and raised there inevitably gives me a different perspective on things, sometimes odd enough for me to even want to mention it. Let's just say that I couldn't possibly toe any party line, period. But here are some bits on the subject. I'm with Cdr. Ratchethack on the subject of freedom (and opportunity, and other things as well). I've seen the lack thereof, and know how it feels like, including the gradual tightening of the noose of government control. The year 1984 in Romania looked even worse than the one in the novel with the same title (and there were about five more years to go through). I've heard plenty of horror stories from folks who lived even worse times before I was born. And it scares me to see that freedom is in danger to be taken away or even given up very easily, here and elsewhere. I know all too well what the signs are as I've seen plenty of examples years ago. It also irritates me enough to keep my mouth shut for fear of saying something really offensive, when I see displays of communist icons as something "cool". Anyway, there's much more to it, enough to fill many pages. On the other hand, with all due respect to Cdr. Ratchethack and others, I suspect I have very different views on who the enemies of freedom are, and how to defend it against them (and even who the defenders are). Another thing, FWIW: Romanian media has been booming since around 1990, after decades of total government control. However, the lack of a free press gave way to a flood of tabloids, and it's hard to find a decent newspaper in Romania. "Evenimentul Zilei", the journal where the article was originally published, is hands down one of the worst, if not the worst, example. Same goes for the journalist. While the writers and many of the readers of such rags may be intelligent, the quality of the comments and information is about on a par with the National Enquirer. If this journalist would cover the weather, I'd rather stick my finger in the wind (well, not that finger, although it would be appropriate ) to test it than listen to his predictions. Same goes for any references to "God". Whether this means an "unvarnished, TRUTHFUL commentary" from such a source is to be taken seriously, that's up to the reader. I guess that's part of being free. So, getting back to our bikes and and the holiday: I hope everybody this side of the pond had a good Thanksgiving and is having a good time. And let's not forget the bikes: I did ride mine two-up in freezing cold and fog to the dinner I was invited to.
  3. There have been posts about which mirrors do better than stock on Ballabios, Cafes, Coppas, etc. Some say the round originals are ugly. Not me; they're okay in my book, about as old school as the round, locomotive headlight. They're also nicely finished and don't vibrate as bad as other mirrors. Problem is they're too small, shape isn't very helpful either, and they're not showing enough of what's going on behind your sorry motorcyclist ass. So I got the Aprilia mirrors from Moto I. Greg never had them on his bike, but said that folks who have like them. At about $24 a piece, WTF, they'd be worth a shot. So here's my experience. They're the ones on the Shiver and the other unfaired Prillers. IIRC, Stelvio comes with them too. Looks: good, more (post)modern than the round ones. Finish: matte, unlike the stock rounds, but not a problem with integration on the bike. They look as if they came stock, or better. Shape: wing-like, asymmetrical, extending more outboard and bottom than up and inboard. Position: a notch lower than stock, just about the same sight level as the cockpit. View: they show more of the sides, perhaps a bit more of the arms/shoulders. But the benefit is that even if you still get your arms in the pic, you see more of the stuff behind. If I lean a little to see better what's behind me, I still can see a lot of what's behind on the opposite side. Vibration: they seem to be more solid than the stock ones, even at revs/speeds that would have caused the stocks to get buzzy. Air stream issues: haven't noticed a change, probably not an issue. Bottom line: would definitely recommend them as an improvement on the stock mirrors, and probably the best for the money. With stock: PS: IIRC joe camarda, one of our fellas here, used to have the Aprilia mirrors on his Coppa.
  4. Twin spark also helps, it seems. The 2004+ Rotax engines are TS, and the gas mileage on those things (which is already super sweet, sometimes even in the 60s) is even better. The new Guzzis are twin spark too.Anyway, it sucks to have Hardly Ableson be better at anything (okay, we'll let them get the award for vibration and heat from the rear cyl )
  5. About 31 mpg yesterday between two fill-ups on the highway, average speed 80-90, pushed occasionally to 120-140--speeds were indicated (just taking advantage of empty straights, dry pavement and clear and sunny weather)
  6. Indeed, and that can't be changed. But it looks like not all oversquare twins have poor gas mileage. The BMWs 1150 engines all appear to have better gas mileage while being bigger and still oversquare (101 mm X 70.5 mm). Not to mention the new 1200s, both BMW and Guzzis do much better than the V11. There's a combination of factors beyond the undersquare/oversquare issue that make the V11 a gas guzzler among bikes. Probably combustion chamber is right up there. The only thing that I don't like about the V11 is the gas mileage, (the small alternator comes way down the list as the next single gripe), otherwise it's sooo cool.
  7. +1 Think of a Guzzi with a punchier engine, better gas mileage and a big 6 gal tank! Sounds like fun.
  8. +1, but like in Boston's north end, there's something cool about the folks you know they're Italian who speak with that local accent. De Niro here is like one of the mobsters in Goodfellas. Speaking of the other version of "real" Italian accent (kind of like the joke with "emma come first"), one of my friend's parents had come from Calabria as adults in the '40s. When my friend Vince was growing up, his mom worked at home and they had a parakeet, which eventually started speaking English with a Calabrese accent just like Vince's mom.
  9. Maltin, the movie guide guy, joked that sequels should be illegal.
  10. tmcafe

    Motorcycle boots

    Hey Tom M, these are the ones I have on as I'm typing. You should be fine with the Champions. They look cool and fairly low-key for everyday wearing. I just feel the synthetic, unlike leather, isn't breathing well especially during hot weather. For cold weather breathing shouldn't be much of a problem. Otherwise they became comfortable after a short break-in. Can't say the same about the Combat Lites, which already gave me blisters on both heels after a couple miles one day. I just hope patience and persistence will eventually pay off. Edit: Wouldn't worry about not fitting. Mine are true to the size (11), again unlike the CLs, which are 9.5
  11. Warning! Possibly not worksafe: Anybody knows what movie it's from? I'd love to see this with a Guzzi salesman ("What kind of bike you use to ride?" Yamaha? "Let's not forget..." )
  12. tmcafe

    Motorcycle boots

    The one I've had so far and have worn for the last few years: Sidi Champion: look good, fairly comfy, Lorica (=synthetic leather) sucks, wouldn't recommend Oxtar Matrix Gore-Tex: leather, well made, fairly good protection, easy on/off, breathing even in heat, okay waterproofing; don't like the way they're shaped, too pointy & narrow in the toe area; there's a new version probably called whatever Oxtar's name is now. Aero Combat Lites: I got these not long ago. IMO they're the best looking if you want boots that you can wear in almost any situation; extremely well made of thick leather; said to last forever; components can be replaced, including sole; supposedly not waterproof, though people say they've worn them in the rain after they were treated; a real pain in the a$$ to break-in--that's what I've been doing lately, so you gotta be patient. Also: sizes tend to run 1 to 1 1/2 larger. I usually wear 11 in all my footwear, but settled for 9.5 for the Comb Lites! You may check ebay or advrider for almost new ones that the original owners found to be too large.
  13. That's an amazing pic right there, DeBenGuzzi. Bike looks great among all those pallets.
  14. Done (finally figured out how to do it)!
  15. I remember Micha also mentioned this. When I make it to So Cal or Seattle on the bike I may go for it. It may be $$ but still like the idea.
  16. Raz, you're talking about setting the TPS, balancing & all? And, yes, it's been discussed here that packing the temp sensor can help as this would likely tell the ECU that the engine is warmer, so the mixture would get leaner. But the thing that's still annoying is that Harleys (pushrod) and Beems engines aren't probably any more modern that Guzzis, and their aerodynamics similar, and they still do better for gas mileage. Perhaps like somebody said, it's the design of the Guzzi head/combustion chamber?
  17. IIRC, Todd from Guzzitech was saying he got in the mid-upper 40s on his bike (Jackal but similar engine?), with the PC they sell and proper tuning . I'm considering it, even though the expense will most likely be more than any future $ savings in gas. Just the idea that larger bikes (you know which), not to mention cars, can do better than my beloved V11 pisses me off... Micha also said that poor mileage on short trips in town is normal for this bike, given the design of the fueling system (and the poor combustion). Can be improved a little with PC and expert tuning.
  18. Nice display! And with the exception of the RT, only red.
  19. Well, looks like your bike's is fairly close
  20. Yes, that Norton looks great, but hey, our bikes aren't bad looking either I still need the mirrors though
  21. The "Peterbilt smoke stacks" supposedly come from their Dakar bikes where they must have had some rationale, though not sure I can figure it. The "beak" makes no sense.OTOH, the new Duke looks very sexy IMO, at least from the pics.
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7697380.stm Mixed feelings about these "revivals". Triumph and MV Agusta are nice IMO, but then again, not the "real" thing. Hope Guzzi stays Guzzi.
  23. Thanks. In the meantime it looks like my card got a pending charge for Paypal that day, so it may have gotten thru after all. Will check again in a while, if not, I'll do it straight thru Paypal.
  24. tmcafe

    Guzzi gossip

    Re: Germany, maybe the folks over in v11sport.de would sign?
  25. Anybody mention Honda Rune? And (don't tell the F650 folks ), the "funduro": How about this one (well, maybe not, there's something cool/playful about it): Also IMO, any chopper-like cruiser with ape hangers (not to mention tassels).
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