I am having an intermittant starting problem with my '04 V11. Occasionally on start up, after two or three roll-overs the starter will grind to a stop before the engine fires up. Typically this happens when the engine is cold--never with a hot engine/oil. Sounds and acts as if the battery is low, though if I wait a minute or two then hit the starter button again, the bike usually will start. I have a new Odyssey battery that takes and holds a full charge. I had a draw-down test done on it to confirm that the battery is 100%. Checked the bikes charging output and it is just shy of 15 volts--right where is should be according to the shop manual. All the connections to the battery and at the starter are tight and clean.
At this point I am thinking that the starter (for unknown reasons) sometimes draws exccessive current, exceeding the battery's cranking capacity. Has anyone else had a similar problem, or have any ideas on how to proceed??????
Many Thanks