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Fred C. Dobbs

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Everything posted by Fred C. Dobbs

  1. I've got a pair of Michelin Pilot Road 2 tires on my Ballabio. They have a dual rubber compound. Great tires, love 'em. Does anyone know how long a life I might expect out of them? I have 2,000 miles on them at the moment, and the rear has not begun to square off in the least. I am planning a long trip at the end of the summer and hope to not have to change tires enroute. Thanks,
  2. It is similar, down to the nearly unreadible text and numbers. But mine does not call out the relays by position. So as long as the relay position on the board did not change from 1999 to 2004. I'm all set. Should be easy to check and see. Thanks!
  3. I have an '04 Ballabio and would like to find out what each relay corresponds to electrically. I have a factory shop manual reproduction, and can see the relays on the electrical schematic, but the print is so small and fuzzy (stronger eyeglasses please!) that I can't make it out. No problems of any kind, just like to be prepared. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for all your suggestions. The starter itself is at fault. Talked to the always helpful folks at Moto International and it seems that V11 starters somtimes (very rarely) have a problem with drawing too much current on start-up. My bike has only 5,000 miles and has never been ridden in the rain, no kidding!...so it is likely that the starter was cracker-dog from the factory, rather than a victim of corrosion. Happily I'm still under warrenty.
  5. I am having an intermittant starting problem with my '04 V11. Occasionally on start up, after two or three roll-overs the starter will grind to a stop before the engine fires up. Typically this happens when the engine is cold--never with a hot engine/oil. Sounds and acts as if the battery is low, though if I wait a minute or two then hit the starter button again, the bike usually will start. I have a new Odyssey battery that takes and holds a full charge. I had a draw-down test done on it to confirm that the battery is 100%. Checked the bikes charging output and it is just shy of 15 volts--right where is should be according to the shop manual. All the connections to the battery and at the starter are tight and clean. At this point I am thinking that the starter (for unknown reasons) sometimes draws exccessive current, exceeding the battery's cranking capacity. Has anyone else had a similar problem, or have any ideas on how to proceed?????? Many Thanks
  6. I am considering replacing the stock exaust cannisters on my Billabio, with less restrictive aftermarket cans. Will I need a Power Commander (or similar device) to allow the fuel/air mixture to be changed to compensate for the exaust modifications? Thanks.
  7. Not really a Moto Guzzi specific question--although the bike I will be transporting is a Guzzi--but has anyone out there hauled a bike in an open pick-up bed with the bike under a close-fitting bike cover? I need to bring my bike up the coast from Southern California to Washington State and, along the way, will surely encounter snow, slop, and deicer in abudance--hence my desire to cover the bike. But I am afraid the bike cover might flap (no matter how tight fitting it is) in the wind excessivily, tearing itself apart or damaging the bike's finish. Anyone have experience with this sort of set up? Thanks
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