first bike ride at 11 years old was a guzzi. i fell off ,hurt knee and hand ,owner of the bike laughed till he saw the broken clutch lever . i was hooked .36 years later i have one , always from about 15 years old kept 1 or 2 bikes or more ,never bought a guzzi because you just don't see them around ,not a lot of dealers around the places that i have lived . after buying the v11sport i did wonder what i have bought after the first ride ,the previous owner had only done 400 miles in 2 years . after riding a aprilia tuono the guzzi felt terrible , stiff and stood up off throttle .emmmm checked the tyre pressures ,the front had 15 pounds in it the back had 19 pounds .. pumped up and then got a huge grin again after taking for a spin . adjusted the bars and levers . now i am really pleased with it ,new set of tyres soon and it will feel better still .so to cut it short a very underrated machine.