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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. FWIW , remove the spark plug and inspect it . it is probably damaged from the crash. Also, check the spark plug cap . Remove the (unscrew) cap from the wire and check the resistance ( I think it should be 5k) , and look for a tear in the boot.
  2. Just throwin' it out there for you
  3. The best color you can paint it is : hydrographics ! You can have it dipped in a CF coating and it will look RIGHTEOUS !
  4. Nawww
  5. In 10,000,000 years his music will still be ahead of the times .
  6. MG Cycle has a socket (IDK if it is the correct socket or not) for sale on their site . $55ish .
  7. Mmmm. I understand .
  8. The only crummy experience I had was coming back from Anna, Il. at night and my l.h. valve cover gasket let go and had about 1 qt of oil on my left side soaking my BRAND new boots/brand new Levis by the time I got home . I didn't know that much oil could come out of a valve cover
  9. And they probably feel like pantyhose !
  10. I heard it was like Green Acres / Noah's Ark . I was moving stuff around and boxing up V11 , 1000 and V Strom stuff . When I was putting all the gaskets together I found stuff in these washing powder boxes torn apart and taped together to send my stuff to me. I couldn't bring myself to throw this stuff away. I could get rid of the contents first. When I first started dealing w/them , everything was sent w/a grocery store ticket showing the amount on the honor system .
  11. That is FUNNY
  12. Me too . When Joe & Ida Mae Eish stopped , I had to go somewhere else and MG seemed like the place to go .
  13. What pats are you searching for ?
  14. if there is NO metallic particles in the pan , you should be good to go . Leave the rods/rod bolts alone unless you install NEW bolts. I understand these capscrews are sensitive. When you go back together fill the filter w/oil just to CYA ! You are going to go back w/the Roper Plate addition ? I will have to check out the Valtec tensioner . Can you post a link to the timing chain tensioner ?
  15. 15.85mm= 5/8" . I am speaking as far as I can go on the subject w/o tearing something down . You will have to do this . IDK if there are casting #s on this anywhere or not ? This front braking system is expanding 8 pistons so I can see the need for a large bore to push more fluid .
  16. I would think MG Cycle would have/offer all these parts. I would patronize them (personal preference) first and see what they stock . The fr. brake master cyl is a 12mm bore and the rear brake is a 15mm bore. I THINK all the calipers are 32mm fr. & rr..
  17. On Harper's , go to brakes and the scroll down , they show front & rear kits but no caliper kits. Rear m/cyl. kit 17659350 for $39.44 and the front kit 17659352 is $29.95 .
  18. All these brake parts on these bikes are Brembo. You should be able to find a Brembo dealer/vendor that can hook you up w/all the rebuild kits you will need to do this. I would do everything so you will be finished and not have any worries. I am not sure about the hydraulic clutch master/slave parts. Also, Ducati (along w/most Italian brands) use Brembo on their bikes, maybe you can get some help there. This is the first day, so maybe someone will come through w/a good lead. When you go back together use Raybestos brake assy. lube and ALWAYS use new DOT4 fluid. Brake fluid is extremely hygroscopic so always use new fluid. Purchase small bottles so you can dump the rest in your car , truck or whatever donor you have .
  19. Which master cylinder are you referring to?
  20. Research is what you are doin' when you don't know what you are doin'

  21. I would like to find out before I decide anything. I got my assortment from Fastenal and I was not excited about the size of the washer.
  22. If you get these in Europe you might be happier w/them. The ones I purchased here are narrow and I don't like the looks of as much as what comes off the bike . Get plenty . 6 , 8 and 10mm sizes . You will find them coming in handy .
  23. What I have seen about Guzzi bikes . Everything on them AFA fasteners , cotter pins , anything is first class product. No flimsy junk like you find at parts stores.
  24. That is a Schnorr washer , you can get it through a local fastener store if you don't want to spend the $$ on UPS or FedEx charges.... what ever you want to do . I may have some in my stuff. Finding them will be a little chore
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