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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. And you could have fixed it with the 0-rings under the rocker arm pedestals . That is where mine were leaking . It looked like a head gasket leaking oil ?
  2. Do you have access to the / a wiring diagram ? Which fuse blows ? we can figure out what is wrong
  3. Rose bearings in the linkage ? explain
  4. The fuel pick up is on one side of the tank only . Make sure you have plenty of fuel . Take off the fuel cap and listen for it to prime and pick up . It will sound different .
  5. Peacemaker......Clarence.Clemons...WOW [edit/docc: this is the only link I could find to post. Beautiful, haunting, melodic, wondrous music!]
  6. Fastenal,Rockford,Lawson,etc......
  7. That's a good site . You could spend a month on it . We looked at it for about a week @ work last year.
  8. These Nord-Lock style washers are meant to be used where it is not going to be R&R frequently .
  9. $2600 from S / D .....Whew ! It's not the fool that asks , it's the fool that gives . and that is not a good maxim
  10. I second that . RC Cola & a Moon Pie or a small Coke with Lance peanuts .
  11. I had a fender & gauge carbon fiber . It was chalky and dull .and I had a buddy paint with clear coat.....WOW
  12. You can clear coat the carbon fiber and it will look beautiful . How long it will last on the exhaust I don't know ?
  13. Docc , use the Dry Film Graphite spray I sent you . Clean off everything til there is no oil on the surfaces and spray a coat on the splines and let dry . Repeat a few times and you're set .
  14. DryFilmGraphite
  15. Beautiful!!!!
  16. I would install them in all postions
  17. yuck!!!!!!!!!!
  18. gstallons

    Tenni #9

  19. Docc , I can't get this video to install . Can you paste Midnight Train to Memphis SNL Chris Stapleton & Sturgill Simpson . Warning . You can't play this too loud !
  20. SnapOn...TPMA25EM...25'..Metric.&.Standard..steel.tape.
  21. f my gauges were inop or fail soon , I know what is happening next .
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