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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. You do have the hoses on the pump correctly ? This leak does not occur until the ignition is turned "on" ?
  2. can you take a picture of where this leak is taking place ? Baby powder on the area will show the exact place . The hose might have a crack where it is clamped .Both pumps can't (unlikely) be bad and leak so I would look at the connections.
  3. One of my Top 10 reads of all time .
  4. You should have removed the bolt to see if the bolt shank is worn . If so , replace it .
  5. Make sure there is free travel in the hydraulics before you start .
  6. That triangle should be SOLID . Get you a dental mirror so you can see the fasteners behind it. Replace the fastener in the front part of the triangle . Maybe a 6mm x 12mm bolt & washer ?
  7. Get the rear wheel off the ground , put it in second gear , pull in the clutch lever and see how much drag is on the clutch . It should be free. If not see what bleeding does. I assume you know how to do this ? Also , check for free travel adjustments too.
  8. Everyone of us has a expiration date . It always comes too early for us . A quick death is easier on the victim than a long death from a terminal illness . The person that has died will go to the next step . The ones that remain will be speechless . Being a Southerner ( the rest of the world may do the same ) , I go the funeral home / funeral almost weekly to pay my respects and the more I go the more I dislike it . All of us must make preparation for life , death and eternity . Make the best decision(s) because (my beliefs) you can't come back . As Hank Williams said " I'll never get out of this world alive " .
  9. I place the worm gear part of the clamp against something where it will not turn CCW any .
  10. Can you post a pic of the fuel line fitting ?
  11. First , verify you have oil pressure with the engine running .Connect an ohmmeter to the switch after disconnecting the wire to the unit. If there is a change in continuity from KOEO to KOER your switch is good. If so proceed to the next step. With the key on is the light on ? Disconnect the wire at the oil pressure switch . If there is a change , touch the wire to a good known ground. If there is a change with this action you can decide if the switch is bad or not or if the light is inoperative .
  12. You had a dealership ?
  13. Do or do not , there is no try.
  14. Go with the Heli-Coil kit. Just do it properly and you will not have any troubles .
  15. I don't know if Timesert offers a thread repair for this drain plug. You will have to measure your drain plug thread pitch and see . Tmesert is the best thread repair kit available .
  16. The VIN decoding as I remember is .... 1st character is the Country of origin. 2nd & 3rd character is the Manufacturer's I.D. 4th -8th is Brand & misc.info w/the last character being the engine.9th is a verification code 10th character is the year . 11th character is the plant . 12th-17th is the Serial number.
  17. There was a company a few years ago ( Air Dog Diesel Fuel System ) that sold some high tech fuel pump / filtration device that aligned molecules , removed excess air molecules , ionized ( whatever needed ionizing )something or stratified something else . I think it was a It was about $1000 USD . JC Whitney or Ron Popeil wouldn't' try to pawn this junk off on anyone. The only thing these things do is remove $$$ from your checking account.
  18. The interpretation is difficult . Can you explain in detail what your problem(s) is you are having ? Is it the V11 bike or another ?
  19. Now you're talkin' right !
  20. Lucky Phil's ultrasonic cleaner is the only way to go .
  21. gstallons


    No kiddin"
  22. Uhhh , you will have to decide for yourself .....
  23. Do you think insurance companies watch YouTube ?
  24. Most vehicles ( I use this term loosely ) show a build / production date 00/00 or 00/0000 . The fist characters distinguish the mo .The remaining characters distinguish the year. This may or may not be the year model. It is at least a reference point. Most automobiles start producing the next model yr around Aug. or Sept. I am sure motorcycles use this same "rule" . This is a rule , not a law . Look at the VIN plate on your car or truck . It is the easiest to inspect and you will get familiar with this.
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