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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. How deep are the groove in the tensioner where is against the chain ?
  2. Yep... your Rubic's Cube w/two wheels !
  3. i promise !
  4. No...but sometimes you might work on a bomb squad . You want to get it right the first time.....
  5. I'll just shut up now ......... I'm joking....it was an analogy . not a profession or confession .
  6. Well....I don't see it as something that interests me . I am content with my gender just like it is .
  7. Be deliberate when you do this . You want to do this once and once only.
  8. Well..... people get sex changes too.....not my idea of a good idea .
  9. I am being sarcastic.....
  10. Ape hangers and lime green paint . My favorites !
  11. These are fuel injection hose clamps. The other clamps ( worm gear) leave serrations in the rubber when tightened
  12. A brand of clamp.... Hy-Gear I think is the proper spelling .
  13. Eureka ! Do you own an impact drver ? This will solve all your problems. Luhbo's advice got me thinking.....
  14. I second that motion !
  15. This bolt torques to about 55 ft lbs so you need to use a 3/8" or 1/2" in. drive tool on this. along w/a 3/8" drive socket. Any good name brand tool is good. SnapOn , Craftsman , etc...
  16. Thank you... Reminds me of the caption " if you stare at the photo long enough , you will see a motorcycle " .
  17. Yours is not an isolated incident. There are more hubris filled clowns out there than you need to know .
  18. You need to fix this so i can enlarge the photo !
  19. With that bent-all-to-h*ll kickstarter it reminds me of a Montesa or Bultaco ?
  20. I don't think you are going to have any problems w/the external pump if you keep the heat wrap on the pump. Unles you can slip up on another bike you can transfer all the parts from this will get pricey....
  21. I hope you meant 1/2'' drive instead of 1/4" drive ratchet ? A 3/8" Allen head is smaller than a 10mm Allen head ... too bad . A T55 Torx is too small to help also. Are you using a GOOD quality socket on this bolt ? If you have a heat gun , you can apply heat to this fastener head for about 15 min. & then use a breaker bar and proper length extension to get away from the exhaust pipe. Push in against the fastener while someone else holds the bike (so it will not fall over & leave you greatly disappointed) so you will not push it over. I assume you are turning this fastener CCW ?
  22. If you have something....post it !
  23. look in the members section of this site and send him a PM .
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