I think brake pads are similar to parachutes..... What is a good price to pay ?
Performance Friction is the best brake pad I have found for automotive brake pads . I am going to buy them to fit my bikes if they wear out before I do .
The more you look at these bikes , the more you know they transition instead of have a defintive year change...
It is a later model (at least an 03) because of the black face gauges and the different forks . You can tell by looking at the adjusters .
The ground cable should attach to the gearbox between the seat lock and transmission vent. You should use a shakeproof washer between the cable and gearbox .
That's why I said "similar to" not the "same as" a PCV valve. There is no manifold vacuum on this vent system. This ball valve "I think" allows vented crankcase gases to escape the engine and oil to gravity feed back past the ball back into the crankcase.
On all dry sump systems , some oil is in the bottom of the engine w/the remainder in the oil tank . For your satisfaction , some members on this site will advise you or you can contact G/B for the proper procedure .
It sits in the vent pipe that protrudes out of the engine case . It may "stick" in the vent hose or it may remain in the vent pipe . It performs a similar function as a PCV valve in automobiles .
You could use compressed ( 10 psi) to blow the oil out of the cooler . Disconnect both lines at the oil pan and hold one line into an oil bottle & blow air into the other line til it is clear .
Ohlins are the best fork on the planet. You need to replace the wipers , bushings and seals on these when you do this. Have a good clean work area and a service manual on hand. You might need a seal install tool to install the fork seals. Get them at MotionPro . Be sure to get a good quality fork oil and install the correct amount of oil .
They are available at any auto parts store. There is usually a gondola on the floor with electrical parts on it. If the counterman doesn't know what you're asking for , you need to leave.
Some people have removed the stock fuse/holder setup and go with a Maxi-fuse holder/holder . They are about 5 Xs larger than these fuses . Someone on here has done it and has a picture. If you can't find it , Google Maxi-fuse / holders to see.
What they should have used from the beginning.