In regards to the rear brake. make sure the push rod is adjusted properly before doing anything.This will insure the m/cyl. will release pressure after releasing the pedal.To verify caliper,hose or master cylinder place the bike on a center stand.#1 press the rear brake pedal a few times to pump up the rear brake.If the rear wheel will not turn,break the bleeder screw (w/out the dust cap) loose and retighten bleeder screw.#2 If the brake stil holds then the caliper is at fault. If the wheel turns freely the problem is the brake hose or m/cylinder. #3 To test them, pump the brkes again to lock rear wheel. Then loosen the banjo bolt holding the brake hose to the m/cylinder. If the rear brake is still tight, the hose is at fault. If it (the rear brakes) losens the m/cyl. is bad.