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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. Well , get a pair of hemostat clamps and pull the starter engagement wire off the stater and put your test light into the wire and have someone to "crank" the bike . If the light lights up , your problem IS the starter , If there is no light , you have a circuit problem .
  2. Uhhh . yeah .
  3. I hope this is your V 11 you are working on ?
  4. The # on the starting motor I removed is 26D0 0900**M The ** is where the clamp disfigured these 2 #s . The there is a D6R21 and it is above the UPC . I bought the MG-VAL3 . I could have disassembled mine ad installed a $80 starter drive but after 2 10 min sessions of continuous starter spin ., NO WAY . There are some things you don't buy looking at the lower right corner . I hope you don't buy parachutes at WalMart. This is one of those things . I put a fork in this starter for Whitney when I first met him . He thought it was the drive but it was ok. After 2 10 minute sessions of continuous starter , I am not taking chances . I may remove some things and spray Graphite lube on the flywheel teeth to quiet this thing down .
  5. I will tell you how to fix it . You call EuroMotoElectrics tomorrow and order a new starter . They sell two different quality starter motors. Buy the OEM Valeo motor and be done with it. You want to ride not push . Their # is 1-303-526-0901. IDK their hours of operation but you can Google their website, Mine ws around $220 w/shipping . I am keeping the old one just to dismantle and look at . Two sessions of ignition switch hanging on and staying engaged w/o me knowing it until it killed the battery made this starter a dull boy.
  6. When you say "tendon sawing" , did it cut in two pieces and the docs had to go hunting ?
  7. How much "pre-eBay" price ?
  8. GB500 .... I never thought of it as anything else . Whwt is the filter below the distraction ?
  9. And....what are you gonna do w/the cracked fender ?
  10. For the man who has everything !
  11. # 1 how much fo you know about troubleshooting and how much do you know about where things are on your bike , reading a wiring diagram ? This is going to be imperative for you to diagnose and repair your bike .
  12. I watched the 19 min video of Flight 401 this morning . Incredible. Coming up w/solutions and safety rules ex post facto is extremely costly. Not having 200 lbs of knowledge on board to at least diagnose issues in the air could have and would help with any small issues .
  13. My father's Ariens riding mower did similar to this , A pushrod would bend and start missing out. after two pushrods in one summer , the dealership told us to run premium fuel only . It has additives regular Jiffy Mart fuel doesn't . The valves will stick in the guides and this is the result . Bent pushrods and or bent valves . You can add Marvel Mystery Oil to your fuel along with premium fuel for safety's sake too.
  14. What bothered me the most was her looking at instruments and circling around the airport she just left w/o looking out to see anything...... and , no , I have never been in a cockpit .
  15. A very important video to watch . I have been watching this guy a long time . He is pretty sharp .
  16. What would these fasteners be equal to as in grade 2 , 5 or 8 ? In fractional standard fasteners.
  17. You can't even talk about Coke or Pepsi w/o it becoming a fistfight . I do know , I don't have the answers.
  18. When a black man or woman pick up a musical instrument or microphone they become one and they give it EVERYTHING they got .
  19. Something for you to consider . Lawn & industrial power equipment produce more emissions than do vehicles .
  20. I've never worked on a CARC rear end so IDK how difficult it is ?
  21. If these are sealed roller (ball) , you can remove the dust cover and pack the bearing cavity w/grease and reinstall the dust cover .
  22. Are you talking about greasing the u-joints and everything else with the axle shaft ?
  23. I have a hydraulic press and I can straighten it out .
  24. What are you going to do w/your old switch ?
  25. Sure , keep me posted ! Now , there is a plastic cover in the switch that is broken and occasionally hangs . Result ; not good .
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