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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. gstallons


    You qould be from "down under" !
  2. when you get tired of the noise just remove the ignition key.
  3. I have a buddy with a triple (750 I think) that needs a LOT of work for sale,if you are interested.......
  4. Mine makes all it's noise with the lever pulled in. It sounds like a release bearing 10 seconds before destruction.
  5. If yous is louder than mine I should be able to hear it from here.
  6. I am sorry for my ramblings this a.m. All ROLLER type lifters are flat with no taper. All lifters that are non-roller type are tapered. I stand corrected! Thank you Greg.
  7. 15 mm and 20 mm WOW! That is loose.
  8. One more thing. This has been hard for me to grasp but you cannot properly charge a dead battery by jump starting and running the engine. You have to slow charge overnight to properly fully charge a battery. After charging start and operate the bike for about 30 min. and then check charging voltage. And yes a DVOM is a digital volt ohm meter
  9. Camshaft preparayion,assembly, installation and break-in is the most critical portion of the lifetime of a camshaft. If new lifters are not installed with a new camshaft you are asking for trouble. Assembly lube should be used on the journals and lobes when installing a used or new cam.Cams are USUALLY bulletproof parts. I might question assembly procedures too. Also a hydraulic v solid camshaft has a different grind on the cam lobe. The solid lifter cam lobe is flat in that is perpendicular(sp) to the cam and a hydraulic lifter has a small taper to cause the lifter to spin in it's bore. The same goes for the lifter face (bottom) in that the solid cam is flat and the hdraulic has a convex face to it. p.s. any cam with a follower,rocker arm,etc. that runs on the cam is going to have lobes like the solid lifter cam.
  10. Do you have a DVOM to put on the battery to check charging voltage? At 2k you should see at least 13.0v. up to 14.5v. You need to be charging more than discharging. A fully charged (and stabilized) battery will read 12.65v.
  11. They are two COMPLETELY different motorcycles.............
  12. I know this is not any help to your situation. I was told by a buddy that lives in Tx. and worked for a company that tested bikes and accessories. He told me to install or replace OEM tires and sizes. These companies spend a LOT of time testing before installing a particular tire on any bike. I took a grinder to the sidewall of a tire to clear the swingarm of my 87 lemans. When the tire wore out I went back to the OEM size. People recommend a long needle type adapter for greasing the front u-joint available from Lincoln.
  13. Will the oem part # be the brass replacement adapter?
  14. Congratulations on your bike purchase and condolonces on the hard luck. NZ has the best inventors and fabricators on the planet. I'm sure your fellow countrymen will help if possible. When you get it lined out, WOW!!!!!!
  15. I am looking for a good tailpiece for my bike. If there is a CF tailpiece being marketed I haven't found it. So I am going to try covering a stock one.
  16. In my little time and experience I have with the V11 it and all pictures I have seen the fitting is just vented to the atmosphere. If anyone has a hose from the factory attached anywhere please chime in.. All fuel injection systems I am familiar with have used the fuel press regulator and vacuum diaghram portion is used to regulate fuel pressure with high manifold vacuum (closed throttle plates) and low man. vacuum (open and the act of opening throttle plates). The lower manifold vacuum uses higher fuel pressure and higher manifold vacuum uses lower fuel pressure. All of these pressure regulators utilize manifold vacuum to operate the regulation of fuel pressure.Since there is no fitting to check fuel pressure we must assume they are going to be OK In closing I must assume this system only concerns itself with baro or atmospheric pressure.
  17. The epiphany!! You mentioned "Christine" would not start at times w/out turning the front forks. WELL,maybe your intermittent is around the steering head. Please check it.
  18. Did (does) Wagner's have the AXEONE diagnostic tool for the MG bike? Also, have you looked at all connectors?I install shakeproof washers on ALL grounds!Grounds are ONE HALF of a complete circuit. Also,after playing with these bikes, install a fresh set of plugs. I don't care how new or how good they look you will be cooked to know you had a bad spark plug !!!!!!!!! And Powercommander has a dealer and tuning center in Danbury and Putnam, Ct. I don't know where you are located or if there is anyone located closer?
  19. That's me =free thinker,self taught,hedonist and "independent as a hog in ice". I never owned anything I didn't take apart to see how it worked, with some things remaining apart ! After 45 days THE Rubic's cube was fixed. It is hard living in a right handed world. you have to understand how they do it and flip it over to your logic...........
  20. You now own your own personal "Rubic's cube"! It's not a problem to figure out but a challenge to consume you. You will spend every waking moment taking things off, putting things on.......By the time you will spend( I'm prophesying) the cost of the bike on accessories no one else will notice the changes made to this 2 wheel paramour. I read someone stating "the only reason these things come assembled is to make sure you get all the parts". You will get envious compliments , turned up noses or someone making you aware that one day they want a HD I sometimes wonder if all Guzzis are bikes made for the left handed
  21. do you mean to tell me he did the Heli-arc work free hand?! This weld looks like the proverbial "stack of dimes"...I can stick weld pretty good and have seen some good looking welds of every kind but this is just about the best.
  22. I went to replace a bulb in the instrument cluster and had to stop. The 8mm nuts would loosen on onside only. The other side, the nuts are stuck on the studs and the nuts were both rotating then they would not tighten back. How do I remove this cover to change the bulb since i have started something that I HAVE to fix. I need your your help!
  23. MOST engines now with DIS do not utilize or need a TDC mark. I don't have to tell you that if it is not needed it is not going to be there. I do think the flywheel bolt pattern will allow 6 different positions of flywheel placement on the crankshaft. If the flywheel has been removed it might not be indexed properly. Rotate the engine SLOWLY to look for the mark.
  24. Get the Ducati unit. What yr is your bike? I have wiring diagrams to tell what terminal goes where.....
  25. Yes, they dooooo look that good. Were they that much? How or what did you do to strip down the license plate bracket? What other goodies are on there? Just by looking you are single and or a www.millionaire!!!!!!!
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